

Local Technology, Economy and Society

【作者】 周邦君

【导师】 张芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 农业是古代社会具有决定性的部门,是人类一切生产活动的起点,直接关系到人类生存、社会安定和政治稳固。农业技术作为生产力的首要因素,与经济、社会融合在一起,成为支撑人类文明的有力杠杆。四川农业在整个长江流域发达较早,而清代对于该区乡土技术、经济与社会具有重要意义。 “三农”一体,不可分割。中国“三农”问题极其复杂而独具魅力,是中国革命和建设的根本问题。欲熟悉中国文化,反思民族文化的独特性,从而认识中国国情,应首先了解“三农”问题。“三农”问题涉及面广,需要打破学科畛域,充分借鉴、综合运用相关的研究方法,如科技史、经济史、环境史、社会史、经济学、社会学、历史学、人类学、历史人类学等方法,走交叉融合之路。 四川自然环境比较优越,幅员广大,土地资源丰富,气候复杂多样,生物资源繁盛,赋予农民从事技术-经济-社会活动的良好前提。自先秦以降,四川农业经历了漫长曲折的道路,在总体上比较稳定。这种自然资源禀赋、农业历史传统,为清代四川乡土技术、经济与社会的以及整个“三农”问题的研究提供了必要的背景。 人口是综合性很强的关键因素之一。在明末清初的社会变乱中,四川人口大量损耗,残存人口约75万。清政府制定并实施一系列政策,奖励官吏增加辖区人口,招集流亡,鼓励、优惠移民实川,并实行相应的人口管理与控制。“湖广填四川”的移民浪潮,前后进行了将近200年。20来个省籍的移民、流民,主要从东、南、北不同路线进入四川,对该省人口带来前所未有的巨大影响。由于人口迅速增长,人口密度加大,人均耕地减少,人地关系逐步紧张,出现了人口往周边省区逆向迁移的现象,甚至酿成新的社会动乱。 土地是最为紧要的技术、经济和社会基础,是“三农”问题的枢纽站。与人口政策相适应,清政府在四川的土地政策亦涉及到多个方面,如奖励地方官员招垦荒地,实行屯垦,发给开荒生产、生活资料,放宽起科年限,零星地土免于升科,保障地权,限制占垦田地数量,复增地方建制,将川边藏区改土归屯等。当清初战乱平息后,遗民归业,移民垦殖,努力于乡土重建事业。由于田地隐匿现象严重,首报不实,土地垦殖数量在官方统计上仅为扭曲表现。雍正时期,在田制甚乱的情况下,有关人员克服困难,完成了四川土地清丈工作,产生了较大影响。早期移民与土著占地甚广,稍后即开始土地的自由买卖与租佃。农民采用梯田、冬水田技术,改土造田,在土地利用上由粗放转向集约,但一些山地的利用仍较粗放;玉米、甘薯、马铃薯的引种,促进了边际土地的开发利用。农民与酷烈虎患斗争,大力垦殖,在水土保持方面亦有所建树,但由于开发过度,森林植被破坏比较严重,水土流失呈加剧之势,造成了较大危害。 清代四川乡土经济结构的主要特点是因地制宜,多种经营。这种主导性的技术-经济思

【Abstract】 As a decisive department in ancient times, and a starting-point of human productive activities all, agriculture is directly related to human existence, social stability and political firmness. Fused with economy and society, agricultural technology is a powerful lever to support human civilization. Agriculture in Sichuan province developed quite early within the whole Yangtse valley, and the Qing dynasty made a considerable difference to Sichuan’s local technology, economy and society.The "three-nong problems,"①as an entirety, are inseparable. Being extremely complicated and uniquely fascinating, the "three-nong problems" are essential in the Chinese revolution and constrution. In order to have a good knowledge of, and to re-examine the uniqueness of, the Chinese culture, thereby, to see the Chinese situations clearly, the "three-nong" conditions ought to be understood first of all. Because the "three-nong problems" are extensive, it is necessary to break the disciplinary obstacles, to take advantage of inter-related studying methods (such as history of science and technology, history of economy, history of environments, history of society, economics, sociology, history, anthropology, hispology, etc.) abundantly and comprehensively by means of crossing and fusing.Boasting comparatively advantageous natural environments, vast territory, rich land resources, complicated and various climate, thriving resources of living beings, Sichuan gave farsants good preconditions to conduct technological, economical and social activities. From the pre-Qin times on, Sichuan agriculture had been going through a long and tortuous way, and on the whole, it was relatively stable. The endowments of natural resources, along with the inheritance of agricultural history, provided the necessary background for the local technology, economy and society, and for the study on all the "three-nong problems "in Sichuan during the Qing dynasty.Population was a very comprehensive and crucial factor. In the social upheavals from the end of Ming dynasty to the beginning of the Qing dynasty, Sichuan population decreased sharply, the remained people about 750 000. The Qing authorities formulated and implemented a series ofpolicies, such as rewarding the officials who had increased a certain number of population in the region, soliciting refugees, encouraging and giving preferential conditions to the migrates who entered Sichuan, and correspondingly, managing and controlling the population. The wave of migrates "Huguang people fill Sichuan" lasted for nearly 200 years. The migrates and refugees from about 20 provinces entering Sichuan mainly via the east, south and north roads, influenced the province’s population unprecedentedly. Owing to the population increase, its density enlarged, and per capita land decreased. The intensification of populaion-land relations forced some people move to some neighboring provinces, even led to new upheavals in society.Land, as the most critical base of technology, economy and society, is a hub of the "three-nong problems." To suit to the population policies, the Qing government’s policies of land dealt with such aspects as 1) rewarding the local officials who had made a certain quantity of land reclaimed, 2) having some troops and other subjects open up wasteland and grow food grain, 3) offering some materials for the production and living of wasteland reclamation, 4) extending the taxation time, 5) exempting taxes of odd land, 6) guaranteeing the land ownership, 7) limiting the quantity of land occupying and reclaiming, 8) restoring and increasing local organizational systems, and 9) changing the Tibetan regions in Chuanbian from the system of Tusi into that of having some troops and other subjects cultivate, etc. After the putting-down of wars at the beginning of the Qing dynasty, some remained people returned, many migrates entered to reclaim, trying to reconstruct the local society. Owing to serious concealment, and false report, of land, the official statistics of reclaimed land was simply warped. During Yongzheng r

  • 【分类号】K249;F329
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1061
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