

Poetic Comparison of the Three Great Poets in the Period of Qianlong

【作者】 李然

【导师】 刘永翔;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 袁枚、蒋士铨和赵翼是清代中期三位著名的诗人,他们以其显著的诗学成就被时人及后世并称为“乾隆三大家”。三家生于乾隆盛世,上承康雍时期醇雅空灵的诗风,下启近代诗界革命的思潮,论诗主张不依附古人,独抒真情。他们的诗学观集中反映了清代中叶许多诗人要求摒弃唐音宋调的束缚、自创清诗的共同倾向,在清代诗歌发展史上具有积极的意义。三家的诗学思想和创作影响了乾嘉时期一大批诗人,在清中叶诗坛蔚为大观。本文从诗学思想、创作论、鉴赏论和诗歌的审美价值论方面对三家诗学进行比较研究,以期发现三家诗学同中见异的特点,进而揭示乾隆诗坛之真实概貌。 论文的前两部分是对三家的学术思想和诗学思想的概述。清代的学术思想非常发达,三大家的诗学思想也不同程度地受到了学术思想的影响。袁枚反对理学,也不提倡汉学,所以他的诗学体现出反传统和反对以学问为诗的倾向。赵翼既是诗人,同时又是史学家,他的诗学中最突出的就是发展的诗史观和创新观念。与袁、赵二人相比,蒋士铨是一个非常传统的诗人,他严格遵循儒学思想,把高尚的人格修养作为优秀诗人的首要条件,体现在其诗学思想上就是对传统诗教的张扬和发展。 论文的第三、四、五章分别从三大家的诗歌创作论、鉴赏论和诗的审美及社会功能三个方面对三家诗学进行具体的比较阐述。在创作论上,三家从诗人的性情、诗才及诗歌本身的通变性和独创性等要求方面表达了各自的观点。在鉴赏方面,三家都对古今诗人采取了“爱古而不薄今”的原则,尤其表现出对当代诗歌的重视。而在关于人品与诗格的关系、当时诗坛以考据学问为诗的现象等问题上,三家表达了各自不同的见解。关于诗的审美与社会价值,袁枚注重的是诗的审美特征,蒋士铨注重的是诗的道德教化功能,赵翼持论则在二家之间。 最后一部分是对三大家之间的交游过程的考辨。三家并称于当时,他们以诗相交,相互之间有很大的影响,最终在诗学思想上表现出了“和而不同”。

【Abstract】 Yuan Mei , Jiang Shiquan and Zhao Yi were famous poets in the Qing dynasty, who were called " the three great poets in the period of Qianlong". Their notable poetic achievement affected parnassus deeply at that time. This paper compares their poetics from their poetic ideas, inditement, appreciation and value of poems.The first and the second chapter trace the three great poets’ thought about learning and poetics. In the Qing Dynasty, the learning thought was prosperous and affected the poetic ideas. Yuan Mei opposed the study of Song as well as he was against the study of Han. His poetics tended to argue against tradition and knowledge. As a poet and a historian, Zhao Yi advocated evolutive and innovative poetics. Compared with Yuan and Zhao, Jiang Shiquan was a traditional poet and followed the Confucian idea strictly. He considered that it was important to have a noble mind for an excellent poet. In his opinion, his poetics was the embodiment and the development of the traditional poem.Chapter 3 to chapter 5, the three people’s views of inditement, appreciation, aesthetics and the value of poems were discussed respectively. Their different views were expressed as four points: feelings, poesy, originality and individuality. For the archaic poets and the contemporary ones, the three poets respected them with equitable rule. However, they had their own opinions and have different opinions on the poet’ character and knowledge in poems. Yuan Yei thought much of aesthetic value of poem. Jiang Shiquan regarded poems as moralization. Zhao yi’s view is between Yuan and Jiang.The last chapter studied their intercourse. As three famous poets at the same time, they affiliated with each other frequently. Their intimate association lied on their poetics. Therefore, their poetics not only affected each other deeply but characterized own style.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】603

