

Urban Forest and Its Ecological Restoration

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 陆健健;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 大罗山位于温州市区东南部,总面积约114km~2,紧靠温州市中心,西距市中心仅12.5km,东与温州港、机场近在咫尺,与城市有稳定交流,受自然环境和社会环境双重影响。在温州市2003年~2020年的城市总体规划中,特别强调将大罗山森林及与之相连的三垟湿地,建设为未来温州大都市区的“绿心”,在这个框架里大罗山森林是绿色都市生态网架的核心,整个都市将环大罗山发展。作为典型市森林,大罗山森林对城市环境产生重要影响。 作为与城市发展密切相关、受干扰最频繁的森林类型,大罗山森林大量朝生物多样性极低的人工经济植被发展,自然植被破坏严重,尤其近二十多年来,森林退化非常明显。照此退化趋势,大罗山森林对改善市区的大气污染、水污染、噪声污染状况及调节城市小气候环境等作用将日渐衰弱,而物种单一性和低覆盖等带来的病虫害、水土流失等问题也会大大增高森林的维护费用,大罗山森林将无法发展成为温州大都市区的“绿心”。因此,无论从改善城市生态环境、增强城市竞争力,还是从保护我国的森林资源方面来讲,对大罗山植被及其生态恢复的研究都具有十分重要的意义。 有关大罗山植被的资料很少,可获得的有关大罗山森林最近的一次植物与植被调查仅来自王景琨等人1986年做的为期6天的旅游调查报告,由于当时调查时间短,调查涉及范围较窄,所获得植物与植被方面的数据都很少,且至今十多年过去,大罗山植物与植被情况已有较大改变。 本论文的研究区域即为大罗山森林,研究方法为数据收集、野外调查与室内分析相结合,研究内容主要包括大罗山植物与植被、生态系统服务功能及其价值评估和生态恢复研究三部分。研究结果概述如下: 现场记录大罗山有维管束植物163科,578属,1021种(包括常见栽培种),其中种子植物138科,546属,976种(包括引栽种),蕨类植物25科,32属,45种。在物种总数上明显低于邻近地区的浙江天童国家森林公园和乌岩岭自然保护区。 对种子植物科的等级统计分析得出,代表亚热带常绿阔叶林的地带性优势科明显较少。同时,代表亚热带和热带植物成分科表现出一定优势,表征出其处于中亚热带南北亚地带过渡区的位置优势;对属的等级统计分析得出,以单种属和小型属为主;对属的分布区类型分析得出,热带性属略多于温度性属,可见大罗山种子植物区系总体处于中国—日本森林植物亚区从暖温带向亚热带过渡的范围内,并具有中亚热带南北亚过渡的特征。泛热带成分、北温带成分、东亚成分和热带亚洲成分是组成大罗山野生种子植物区系的主要成分。

【Abstract】 Forest in Mountain Daluo of Wenzhou covers about 114 square kilometers, has an old history, and is a typical urban forest. Basing on the urban master plan of Wenzhou from 2003 to 2020, the goal of Mountain Daluo is the "green heart" of the town, and the new metropolis will develop circumfusing Mountain Daluo.Frequent human activities resulted in the substitution from natural vegetation to artificial vegetation and economic fruit trees. If according to the visible trend of forest degradation during the last 20 years, Mountain Daluo will never be the "green heart", and couldn’t improve the environment of Wenzhou city. Researches on conservation and restoration are necessary and exigent to forest in Mountain Daluo.Forest in Mountain Daluo was the study field of the thesis; Study methods included data-collecting, field investigation, and inside analysis; Analysis of the status in quo of vascular plants and vegetation, ecosystem services and their valuation, and study on restoration were the three contents of the thesis.Detailed contents and results are as follows:(1) 163 families, 578 genera, and 1021 vascular plants species were identified in Mountain Daluo. There are 25 families, 32 genera, and 45 Pteridohyta species, and Spermatophyta is 138 families 546 genera 976 species.(2) From the statistics of families of seed plants, representative families of subtropical typical evergreen broad-leaved forest are correspondingly less. From the statistics of genera, a great number of genera have 1 species or a few species. Seed plants genera have 15 areal-types, and tropic-areal types appreciably exceed temperate-areal types. Pantropic, North Temperate, East Asia, and Trop. Asia (Indo-Malaysia) are the four more main areal-types.(3) The biodiversity of Pteridohyta species in Mountain Daluo is lower. From the statistics of families, most families have lesser genera and species. From the statistics of areal-types, Cosmopolitan and Pantropic are the two primary areal-types of families; the main areal-types of genera is tropic-areal types; East Asia(especially China-Japan element) is the primary areal-types ofspecies.(4) From the statistics of life forms, there are 153 trees, 207 shrubs, 50 vines, and 566 herbs. Herbaceous plants exceed woody plants in Mountain Daluo, especially, the species of trees are seldom, and there are only 25 species wild evergreen trees.(5) Current vegetation of this area was divided into 7 vegetation types. evergreenneedle-leaved forest(Sparse Pinus massoniana forest is primary) is the main vegetation type, the following type is artificial economic fruit trees forest. evergreen broad-leaved forest, mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest, and mixed evergreen broad-leaved evergreen needle-leaved forest, occupy 2.80% of total area in all. Under frequent disturbance of human behaviors, the degradation of natural vegetation is serious, evergreen broad-leaved forest has not the main vegetation of Mountain Daluo.(6) According as top-drawer ecosystem services, theoretical value and exist value which are the three new concepts put forward in our study, we educed C fixation, O2 release, and air quality purifying are the three top-drawer ecosystem services. Valuation results showed, respectively, the theoretical value of C fixation, O2 release, SO2 purifying, and dust adsorption is 1594.17 RMB yuan ? hm-2 ? a-1, 6631.68 RMB yuan ? hm-2 ? a-1, 42.55 RMB yuan ? hm-2 ? a-1 and l374.96 RMB yuan? hm-2 ? a-1; the exist value of these four services is 493.94 RMB yuan ? hm-2 ? a-1, 2054.77 RMB yuan ? hm-2 ? a-1, 18.89 RMB yuan? hm-2 ? a-1, and 1049.86 RMB yuan? hm-2 ? a-1. The exist value of top-drawer ecosystem service is lower than the theoretical value dramatically. Especially, after deducting the maintenance expenses of economic fruit trees, the exist value of three top-drawer ecosystem service is only —13.60 million RMB yuan? a-1.Basing on the comparative analysis with plants and vegetation of adjacent region, an

  • 【分类号】S731.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】976

