

Dynamic and Static Interaction Theory Research of Super High-rise Tube-in-Tube Structure

【作者】 张琪玮

【导师】 ?裉?;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 地基、基础与上部结构共同工作是国内外广为开展的一项研究课题,但对共同工作引起的内力变化更为敏感的超高层筒中筒结构却研究不多。论文采用理论分析、数值模拟和工程实测相结合的方法,围绕超高层筒中筒结构静、动力共同工作问题开展了较为系统深入的研究。主要内容包括: (1) 以研究超高层建筑的共同工作机理为目的,对陕西省电信公司网管中心大楼进行了地基、基础与上部结构动静力共同工作的全面现场测试。对建筑物的地基沉降、桩顶反力、筏板内钢筋应力、桩土荷载分担比以及建筑物的自振特性等进行了实时监测。通过对测试结果的分析,研究了超高层筒中筒结构考虑地基、基础与上部结构共同工作的内力变化规律。 (2) 基于子结构法提出了竖向荷载作用下考虑地基、基础与上部结构共同工作的内力计算方法。建立了能够考虑厚板中剪应力引起的横向变形及筏板配筋对筏板整体刚度影响的筏板基础分层厚筏模型;基于Drucker—Prager屈服准则建立了地基的弹塑性计算模型;提出了一种能在子结构法中考虑桩土共同工作的“二次迭代法”,将桩土界面接触的非线性迭代与共同工作体系的整体内力分析分开进行,既可以考虑竖向荷载作用下桩与桩间土之间的非线性接触状态,又不会增加整个体系的自由度数量。 (3) 对网管中心大楼进行了竖向荷载作用下结构内力的数值模拟计算,将建筑物整体沉降、桩顶反力、筏板内力以及桩土荷载分担比的计算结果与实测结果进行了对比分析,验证了所建立计算方法的合理性。同时,通过对桩顶反力计算结果的分析,对筒中筒结构桩基础的布置提出了建议。 (4) 提出了多遇地震作用下共同工作体系弹性动力反应的有限元/边界元耦合分析方法。将共同工作体系分成近场区域和远场区域,以分域特解边界元模拟半无限的远场地基;对于近场区域,建立了桩-土体系的简化计算模型以及基础和上部结构构件的有限元刚度矩阵、质量矩阵和阻尼矩阵。对远场区域的等效

【Abstract】 The interaction between basement and superstructure is a popular research subject in civil engineering. But there is few people considering the tube-in-tube structure which is more sensitive to internal force change caused by soil-structure interaction. By means of theoretical analysis、 numerical simulation and field measurement, the theory of dynamic and static interaction of super high-rise tube-in-tube structure is systemic studied.(1) In order to study the interaction mechanism of super high-rise building, a comprehensive in-site measurement on the post-telecom building in Shaanxi province is carried out. The measurement include basement settlement, pile’s pile-top resistant, resistant of soil among piles, internal force of raft, the carrying load rate between piles and raft, and the free vibration frequency of the structure. According to measurement results, the internal force distribution laws of tube-in-tube structure and raft basement participated soil-structure interaction are developed.(2) Based on substructure method, an internal force calculating method of basement, foundation and superstructure subjected to vertical load is developed. The layered thick raft model which can consider both the transverse deformation induced by shear stress and effect of the raft reinforce stiffness are developed. An elastic-plastic model based on Drucker—Prager yield criterion are developed for basement. The twi-iteration method suited for soil-pile interaction is developed. The method calculate the nonlinear soil-pile contact and whole structure respectively, so it can not only well consider the contact nonlinear relationship between soil and pile, but also reduce the DOF number of the model(3) A numerical simulation of post-telecom building subject to vertical load is carried. Comparing with results of numerical calculation and field measurement, the validity of calculating model is proved. According to analysis of calculation results of pile’s pile-top resistant, some suggestions on distribution of piles are presented.(4) A FEM/BEM coupled method for dynamic elastic reaction of interaction system subjected to frequent earthquake is also developed. The whole structure is divided into near region modeled by FEM and far region modeled by sub-region particular solution BEM. A simplified model of soil-pile system is developed. The stiffness matrix, mass matrix and damping matrix of foundation and superstructure are also developed. The equivalent stiffness matrix and mass matrix of far region are symmetrized and coupled with near regions’, as a result, the calculating equations of whole interaction system is built.(5) A numerical calculation on dynamic characteristics of post-telecom building is carried out. Through the comparison between the results of numerical calculation and field measurement, the validity of dynamic interaction calculation method has been proved. Simultaneously, by means of calculating the seismic reaction of the post-telecom building, the mechanism of basement, foundation and superstructure seismic interaction of tube-in-tube structure subjected to earthquake is studied.


