

The Study on the Lisu’s Zhushu

【作者】 高慧宜

【导师】 王元鹿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 在云南省维西县一位名叫汪忍波的傈僳族人于二十世纪二十年代独自创制了傈僳族本民族的文字。由于这种文字是刻划在竹片上,所以被称为“竹书”。 本文以汪忍波编的《识字课本》为研究对象,通过田野调查,第一次对这种人类文字史上的特例作较为全面而系统的研究,以期对普通文字学、比较文字学、文字史及其他民族文字的文字学角度上的研究提供一定的参考。 本文共分为以下几个部分: 第一章为绪论。本章主要介绍竹书文字的创制概况和文字材料以及竹书文字研究的历史和现状,阐明研究这种文字的特殊意义并对相关的研究思路和处理方法作说明。 第二章为竹书文字的考释。本章以方国瑜《纳西象形文字谱》中东巴文的文字分类为分类标准,一共考释了243个竹书字形,尽可能全面地考释各字形的造字方式,并对考释中所运用的方法作了说明与研究。 第三章为竹书文字符号与傈僳语语言单位的对应关系。本章分析了傈僳语的语言特征,首次整理了《识字课本》中竹书字形所对应的傈僳语的音节,阐述了竹书可以完全记录傈僳语的所有音节,因此它是一种音节文字。 第四章为竹书自造字研究。竹书的自造字主要包括象形、指事和会意。文中分别对这几种造字方法作了分析。基本结论为:1、竹书的象形字的抽象化程度较高,其文字从创制之初就已基本达到了笔画线条化的程度。2、竹书的指事字字数较多,指事字的类型繁多,可以分为纯符号指事字和加符号指事字两类。纯符号指事字又可以细分为独体纯符号指事字和合体纯符号指事字两种。加符号指事字可根据字形的结构情况细分为两种:一种是象形字+抽象符号指事字,另一种是会意字+抽象符号指事字。3、竹书的会意字分为以下几种:象形+象形、象形+不定物、象形+指事字。4、竹书的造字过程是一个抽象化的飞跃过程,它没有经过象形符号→象形抽象符号→抽象符号的漫长过程,绝大多数字形在造字之初就直接采用了抽象符号来表意和表音。通过对竹书自造字的研究可知,竹书是一种具有表意功能的原始的音节文字。 第五章为竹书借源字研究。本章研究了竹书借源字的两大类型:借源复合字、

【Abstract】 Wang Renbo, who was one of Lisu in Yunnan Province, created ethical character only by himself in 1920s. The character was named Zhushu, for it was written on the bamboo at the very beginning.This dissertation focuses on Literacy Text-book written by Wang Renbo for the first time and shows the complete and systemic study on Zhushu which was a very special example in the written language history, based on the author’ s field research. The dissertation may offer definite reference to the General Written Languages, Written Linguistic Comparison, Written Language History and other nation’s writing systems.The dissertation is divided into:Chapter Ⅰ: Introduction. This part introduces the general situation of formation, the materials, research history and actuality about Zhushu. It elucidates the research thought and methods as well as the special significance.Chapter Ⅱ: The Origin of Zhushu. The detailed research and analysis on 243 Zhushu characters has been made, following the classification standard in the book of The Dictionary of Naxi Pictograph written by Fang Guoyu. It explains the word-formations and methods used in the analysis.Chapter Ⅲ: Corresponding Relations between Zhushu Characters and Lisu Language Units. The characteristics of Lisu language are analyzed in this chapter. Zhushu is one kind of proper syllable systems because it can note all Lisu language syllables.Chapter Ⅳ: Study on the Self-made Zhushu Characters. Pictograph, self-explanatory and associative compounds are three kinds of word-formation in the self-made Zhushu characters. The main conclusions are : 1、 The pictographs are quite nonobjective and the strokes of them tend to be straight lines even from the very beginning of character formation. 2、 There are 114 self-explanatory characters and it is almost 45.5% in Zhushu. There are various kinds of self-explanatory characters and they may be divided into two sorts: pure self-explanatory and self-explanatory with denotation. Pure self-explanatory includes single and combined ones. Also, self-explanatory with denotation may be divided into two sorts according to the character origin: one is pictograph + self-explanatory with denotation, the other is associative compound + self-explanatory with denotation. 3 、 Associative compounds are consisted of pictograph + pictograph, pictograph + an indefinite sign and pictograph + self-explanatory. 4、 The process of Zhushu word-formation was not from pictograph to pictographic signs and abstract signs but nearly an abstract leap. Most characters stand for both meanings and syllables originally so that Zhushu is a primordial syllable character with some pictograph function.Chapter Ⅴ: Study on the Derived Characters. There are two kinds of derived characters: derived compound characters and derived characters. Pure derived compound character and derived character with sign are the same farther subdivisionsas pure derived and changed derived ones in the derived characters. The dissertation elucidates that Zhushu is the imitation of Geba that notes every syllable with one character only, following the shape of Chinese characters. Zhushu is one kind of self-made minority characters with some derived Chinese and Geba characters.Chapter VI: Study on the Variant. Homophones are the variants in Zhushu. The essential difference of variants between Chinese and Zhushu is that variants in Zhushu are the original creation with times, area and multi-culture characteristics on the background of Naxi and Chinese culture. It is quite different from Chinese variant which is the result of different times, areas and writing materials. The essential cause of Zhushu variant is the feedback of multiform objects. The variants in Zhushu can be the mirror of Lisu culture. Zhushu is one kind of immature syllable characters due to its variants.The characters of Zhushu are summed up in the conclusion chapter.There is an appendix of Zhushu characters to Lisu language corresponding syllables at the end of the dissertation.

【关键词】 傈僳族竹书自造字借源字异体字
【Key words】 Lisu peopleZhushuSelf-made charactersDerived charactersVariants
  • 【分类号】H256
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】381

