

Study on Chen Jing-han (陈景韩) and His Novels

【作者】 李志梅

【导师】 陈大康;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着新闻事业的发展,报刊成为近代小说的重要在载体,并出现了一个特殊的作家群体——报人小说家,陈景韩是其中优秀的一位。本文即是围绕陈景韩和他的小说展开研究和论述的。全文可以分为以下几个部分: 第一章讲述的是陈景韩的生平和他的报人生涯。陈景韩(1878-1865),又名陈冷,笔名冷、冷血等,江苏松江人,出生于一个塾师家庭。他的一生可以分为四个阶段:第一阶段,1878-1896年,在松江生活时期,他接受中国传统文化教育,打下了深厚的文学根基,同时又结识了好友雷奋、钮永建等,为他走出松江做好了准备。第二阶段,1897-1902,是陈景韩人生的转折期。陈景韩抛开科举西上,进入武昌武备学堂学习;之后因加入革命会党,被清政府通缉,潜往日本留学,在那里接触了大量的西方文学。第三阶段,1902-1929,是陈景韩服务于报界,一生中最辉煌的时期。这期间,他曾先后任《大陆》、《时报》、《申报》等刊物的主笔、总主笔,将后两种报纸推向各自历史的最高峰,为新闻界留下了宝贵的经验和财富。第四阶段,1930-1965,是他晚年生活时期。他辞去《申报》总主笔的职务后,到中兴煤矿任董事,后被挂名为《申报》发行人。解放后,他曾任上海市政协特邀委员,直至1965年逝世。 第二章叙述的是陈景韩的小说活动。受时代和梁启超小说救国论的影响,陈景韩在编辑报刊的余暇,开始从事小说写作。他主张小说“有味”、“有益”兼顾,体察社会现实,关注社会问题,为开通社会风气服务。从光绪二十九年(1903)在《江苏》发表第一篇翻译小说《明日之战争》开始,陆陆续续发表了百余种小说,有翻译又创作,是当时高产的作家之一。他的小说活动可分为可以分为三块,一是《新新小说》和《月月小说》,一是《小说时报》,一时《时报》。其中《时报》上的小说最多,有46种;持续时间最长,从光绪三十年(1904)至民国元年(1912)近九年间,皆有作品发表;是陈景韩小说作品中最重要的一部分。 第三章是陈景韩小说的类型研究。陈景韩的小说类型丰富多样,当时存在过的类型几乎都能在他身上找到对应得作品。文中只对陈景韩最具代表性的三类作品进行论述。第一类,虚无党小说,讲述的是俄国无政府主义者的革命行为和暗

【Abstract】 In the late Qing Dynasty, Chen Jing-han not only was a famous journalist, but also was a well-known novelist, in the article his novels will be discussed. There are four parts:The first part introduces the life of Chen Jing-han. It is divided into four stages, the younger life in Shongjiang, the study life in Japan, the Journalist life in newspapers circle and his later years. The time when he worked the press is the most important. He became an outstanding reporter in Shanghai.The second part stresses on his activity of novels. His first novel The War of Tomorrow (明日之战争 ) was published in 1903, and then he write novels for Xin Xin Novels ( 新新小说 ) , the All-story Monthly (月月小说 ) , Novel Times (小说时报 ) and Eastern Times ( 时报 ), brought about 118 books, was one of the high-yield novelists in modern times.The third part discuss on the three types of his novels, one is the stories about anarchist in Russian ( 虚无党小说 ) , one is the chivalrous novels ( 侠客小说 ) , the another is his own short-stories. All these keep concerns with the Chinese society.The last part desecrated his characteristic of his stories. He translates many European novels, much more than his original works, and the substance and style of newspapers had effect on his novels deeply.

【关键词】 报人小说家报刊翻译自著
【Key words】 JournalistNewspapers and periodicalsTranslationOriginal
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】702

