

Studies on the Research of Buddhism History in Modern China (1900-1949)

【作者】 周霞

【导师】 邬国义;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 中国有着悠久的佛教史学传统。但真正具有近代意义上的佛教史研究产生于20世纪上半叶。当时的一流学者,如梁启超、胡适、汤用彤、陈寅恪、陈垣等,无不参与到佛教史的研究中来;加上吕澂、蒋维乔、黄忏华、李翊灼、妙舟、法尊等佛教界的僧俗学者,阵容更为庞大。他们把欧美的实证主义理论、语言学与文献学为主的历史学方法,和清代考据学传统结合起来,在佛教史研究的多个领域取得了重大的突破,基本上厘清了佛教初入华土至民国初年的流传概况,总结了其兴衰衍变的规律,揭示了佛教与中国社会、政治、文化之间的关系,对中国佛教史上的许多疑难问题进行了考辨,对历来暗昧不明的禅宗史和藏传佛教史作了较为深入的研究。近代佛教史学从一个侧面反映了中国史学和佛学走向现代化的途径与特点,是研究中国近代史学史和学术史的一个较好的切入点。但是,对于这一专题,尚无人从整体上进行梳理、总结和评价。 本文试图以1900—1949年间的佛教史学作为研究对象,从史学史、学术史的角度,探索这一时期佛教史学兴起的背景和发展的进程,通过个案分析与综合归纳,考察有代表性的佛教史家的学术和思想,了解其文化观对其佛教史研究乃至整个现代学术所产生的影响,客观地评价他们在佛教史研究中的成就,从整体上呈现中国近代佛教史学在通史、断代史、专题史、宗派史和区域史等各方面的业绩,探索中国近代佛教史学的主要特点,为人们提供一个较为完整、清晰的学科发展全貌。在篇章结构上,本文按照佛教史学的研究领域来划分,每章叙述该研究领域的代表人物及其论著,以学者为中心来展开论述。除了绪论和结语外,全文共分为八章。 绪论部分,首先对佛教史学进行概念的界定,并对近代佛教史学的概况作一交代,接着叙述研究这一课题的目的和意义,然后对国内外的相关研究作了回顾和分析,最后介绍本文的研究方法、基本思路和篇章结构。 第一章论述中国近代佛教史学兴起的社会文化背景。它是近代佛教复兴思潮推动的结果,也是中国近代尤其是五四以来文化论争的产物,同时日本的佛学研究对学人们的研究产生了一定的促进作用。 第二章阐述梁启超对佛教通史的探索。梁启超是近代佛教史学的奠基人物。1920年代初,他以进化论为指导,运用近代学术方法,先后撰写了一系列论文,标志着中国学者从事的具有近代性质的佛教史研究开始起步。他虽然没有完成一部系统的佛教史论著,但他构建了中国佛教史的基本轮廓,对佛教史上的某些重要问题进行了考证,着重研究了佛教与中国文化的关系,为后人的研究开拓了道路,具有筚路蓝缕之功。

【Abstract】 China has a long history of study of Buddhism history. However, contemporarily most influential research in this regard did not begin until the first half of the twentieth century. The first-class scholars at that time, including Liang Qichao, Hu Shi, Tang Yongtong, Chen Yingque, Cheng Yuan etc. all participated in research work of Buddhism history; and with more experts and monks such as Lu Cheng, Jiang Weiqiao, Huang Chanhua, Li Yizhuo, Miao Zhou, Fa Zun followed up, the whole picture stretched out in a constant panorama with more professional theories and more inter-disciplinary methods added in. For instance, western theories of Positivism, linguistics, bibliographical methods were then combined1 together with the methods of textual research of the Qing Dynasty and significant breakthroughs were made in many specific areas. Thus a clearer picture could be presented before us, with streamlined history beginning from the embarking of Buddhism in China’s mainland till the early Republic-of-China-reign. In the mean time, the experts examined the rise and fall of the development of Buddhism in China, looked deep into the inner relationship between Buddhism and the society, politics and culture at that time, made efforts to decipher many cryptic predicaments in the Buddhism history, and probed into the always ambiguous history of both Zen and Tibet Buddhism. Modern historical science of Buddhism sheds light from sideways on the approaches and characteristics of the modernization of historical science ana Buddhist learning in China. It is also a good start-point to view the Chinese modern historiography as well as the academic history. However, it is still a gap on the map of history. No forerunner has explored it yet.The thesis mainly targets the 1900-1949 period historical Science of Buddhism, working into the background of the revitalizing and development of study of Buddhism from the perspectives of both historiography and academic history, specifying academic minds of symbolic Buddhism historians through analyzing and integrating different cases so as to help us know better the influence of their values over research of Buddhism history and even the entire modern academic field, meanwhile, valuing objectively their contributions to the research work concerned. Hence, we could see from an integrated perspective how Chinese modern historicalScience of Buddhism has mattered in general history, dynastic history, special subject history, sectarian history, regional history of Buddhism; t and we could also see the main features of modern historical Science of Buddhism in China; and a fuller and clearer picture of it. By centering around the scholars, this essay illustrates the topic in several sections of different research groups, each, of which specifies the representative authors and their avant-garde theories. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the essay consists of eight chapters in all.In the introduction, firstly, the author tries to define the Buddhism historical Science and give a brief outline of it. Secondly, she gives an account of the ultimate purpose and value of this topic. Then, reviews and analyzes the related researches both home and abroad. The last part is devoted to the brief illustration of the approach, the basic logic and the structure of the essay.The first chapter goes to the social and cultural background of the revitalizing of modern Buddhism historical Science in China. It was stimulated by the emerging Buddhism ideology as well as by the cultural dispute stirred up since "the May Four Movement" . In the meanwhile, Japanese scholars’ efforts of studying Buddhism also benefit the study of its Chinese counterpart.The second chapter illustrates the contribution of Liang Qichao to the general history of Buddhism. Liang is the founder of modern Buddhism historical Science in China. In the early 1920s, he applied modern academic tools to his work and finished with a series of essays that signaled the first step Chinese scholars had made in this regard. He, outlined the Buddhism history of China,

【关键词】 佛教史学近代研究
【Key words】 HistoricalStudy of BuddhismModernStudy
  • 【分类号】K092.6
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】4983

