

The Research of Operation and Management Mode of Real Estate Intermediary Organization of China

【作者】 岳昉

【导师】 张永岳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界经济, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 房地产中介组织运营管理模式研究是一个较新的研究领域,我国关于房地产中介组织还缺乏较为系统的研究,仅有的关于房地产中介组织的研究过多的注重对实践的描述,很难找到真正经济学的深刻分析。 房地产中介组织,是随着房地产业的发展而逐步发展起来的,规范化的房地产中介组织和成熟先进的运营管理模式,对于促进房地产业的健康发展和规范房地产经济运行有着极其重要的作用。我国改革开放20多年来,房地产中介行业的从业人员队伍迅速扩大,但是,由于我国的房地产中介业起步较晚,在执业标准、执业规则、专业人员素质、技术手段,特别是在运营管理模式方面还处于探索阶段,总体上仍然比较稚嫩,缺乏核心竞争力,与国际规则的要求和发达国家和地区成熟的房地产中介服务体系相比,还存在着不小的差距。随着房地产市场的迅猛发展,房地产中介业面临新的挑战和发展机遇。 本文在国内外现有研究的基础上,结合我国房地产中介组织的发展现状,借鉴发达成熟地区和国家房地产中介组织运营管理模式经验,从理论和实践方面对我国房地产中介组织运营管理模式进行了较全面的分析和阐述,提出了我国房地产中介组织运营管理模式发展路径与政策取向。 论文首先从房地产中介组织产生的必然性、中介及房地产中介、我国房地产中介组织的发展演变、我国房地产中介行业现存问题和对策、房地产中介组织经营模式、房地产中介组织管理模式和房地产中介组织经营行为和经营效率等几个方面对国内外已有的文献和研究成果做出综述,以此作为研究的基础和起点。 通过对中介组织的产生和演化理论、中介组织的运行和管理理论的深入研究分析,并从新制度经济学、信息经济学、组织行为学三个视角来研究房地产中介组织存在与发展的经济学理论基础。对房地产中介组织存在原因的理论分析表明,房地产中介组织存在的一个重要原因是因其可以减少房地产交易成本。从交易过程来看,房地产交易引起的交易成本主要包括三个方面,一是在签约之前搜寻有关交易的信息而发生的费用;二是签约过程中为谈判发生的费用;三是签约之后监督、保证和强制实施合同而发生的费用。与其它交易相比,由于房地产具有价值量大、变现能力差、产权关系复杂、非标准化、不可移动性以及房地产市场的多样性和专业性、不充分竞争性等特点,期间的不确定性因素更多、风险更大,因此,用于减少房地产交易中的不确定性、降低交易风险和促进交易顺利完成的交易费用也往往更高。这就更加需要通过房地产中介组织完成交易来降低交易成本。与交易成本密切相关的另一个概念是信息成本,信息不完全是导致交易费用发生的重要原因。信息成本更多地意味着交易双方信息不对称带来的逆向选择和道德风险问题对交易效率的损害。

【Abstract】 The study on operation and management mode of real estate brokerage organization is a new field for studying. There is still lack of systematic studies on real estate brokerage organization and the existing studies pay more attention to practical description, so it is difficult to find deep analysis of this field.The development of real estate brokerage organization is along with the growth of real estate industry. The standardized real estate brokerage organization and mature management mode will play an important role in the development of real estate industry and economy. Since China’s reform and opening up to outside world 20 years ago, the employment in real estate brokerage industry has been increasing in a fast rate. However, there are still in primary stage in such aspects as professional standard and regulation, professional training, especially management mode. Generally speaking, the brokerage organization in China is still a beginner and there is a long way to go comparing with the requirement of international regulation and matured real estate brokerage service in developed counties and regions. Therefore, real estate brokerage industry in China will face new challenge and opportunities for developing with the rapidly growth of real estate market.Based on the existing studies and combined with the analysis of China real estate brokerage organization status and management mode which operates successfully in developed countries and regions, this essay expatiated the management mode of real estate brokerage organization operation in China and put forward proposals of innovational path and policy for management mode.As the beginning, the essay summarized the existing literature and study achievements in real estate organization in the aspects of its inevitability and characteristics, the developing history and current problem and policies in China, the operation mode, management mode etc. based on the summary, the essay defined some concept involved such as real estate, brokerage, broker and brokerage organization.The essay described the economics theory of why the real estate brokerage can exist and develop from three aspects as the Information Economics, Neo-institutional Economics and Organization Behavior. By analyzing the theories of the reasons why brokerage organization can exist, it showed that the existing of organization can reduce transaction cost. From the transaction process aspect, the transaction cost in real estate arise from (1) searching the available information before contract (2) negotiation during the contract signing (3)Supervising and enforcement of contract. Comparing with other transactions, the risk in real estate exposure from transaction is larger because of the complexity and uncertainty of transaction which caused by the large size (in terms of capital required), long-term nature and variety and specialty of real market. Therefore the cost used to reduce the uncertainty, the risk and facilitate the completion of contract will increase more accordingly. Another important concept concerning with transaction cost is information cost. The asymmetric information among parties in market will also increase the transaction cost. In essence, the information cost means the losses of transaction efficiency which resulted fromadverse selection and moral hazard.To study on management mode of real estate brokerage organization in China, we should have the knowledge of the development status of real estate brokerage organization in China and the existing management modes in developed countries and regions. So the essay turned its attention to more specific aspects of the status of China’s real estate brokerage organization including its characteristics, history and importance and the management modes which operates in HK, Taiwan, US and Japan. It concluded that the chain store and net information are the best choice for operation mode and development trend. Concerning with the management mode, there are four main modes operated in the world.HK adopted the government administration mode, Taiwan

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3282

