

The Research on the Democratic Progressive Party’s (D.P.P) Campaign Tactical for Taiwan’s "President" During the Political Party Transformation in Taiwan at Twenty First Century

【作者】 高宏久

【导师】 周敏凯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 一、研究缘起 2000年的台湾“总统”大选,民进党籍候选人陈水扁,在1546万张选票中,以39.3%的得票率,在近五百万票的相对多数情况下获胜,成为台湾的新领导人。国民党这个台湾政坛上的庞然大物,一夜之间分崩离析,五十余年的执政历史,至此告一个段落。民进党人入主“总统府”,实现了台湾政党的轮换,台湾五十年的政治生态,瞬间解体重构。 2004年的台湾“总统”大选,3月20日晚在连宋抗议声中,执政业绩不佳的陈吕配,以6,471,970票对6,442,452票,不到三万票的微小差距,击败国亲联盟的连宋配,获得继续执政的机会。 民进党一次以相对多数取得了政权,一次以有争议的微弱优势获得连任,这只是一种巧合吗? 近年来,我在担任上海海峡交流公司董事长一职上有机会与台湾各界人士接触,使我萌生了研究民进党竞选策略的念头。 90年代以来全球“民主化”的浪潮对台湾政治生活产生了深刻的影响,台湾“政治民主化”的标志始于1996年的“总统大选”,这是台湾地区第一次以“直选”的方式选出最高领导人。台湾“民主化”不但改变了台湾地区人民的政治生活,同时也影响着两岸关系的发展与东亚地区的安全。伴随台湾“民主化”而形成的“台湾自主意识”与“国家认同”问题,严重冲撞着两岸关系,隐含着两岸发生军事冲突的危险。 民进党自2000年执政以来,惯常利用选举动员的方式捞取政治资源。所有的政治作为,是以选举为核心,“胜选”成了民进党政治活动最大的诱因与动力。台湾的政党体系呈现极端庸俗化的现象,“政治市场”概念取代传统的政治理念;“市场区隔”取代了“政党区隔”(political cleavage);“意识形态”取代”经济”因素成为社会分歧的源头。以政党政治的发展来看,因为理想性的丧失,

【Abstract】 一、IntroductionThe winner of Taiwan’s 2000 " Presidential " election was Chen, Shui-Ben, A Democratic Progress Party (Refer to DPP) candidate , got 39.3% of total 15,460,000 votes to won and finished the half century rule by Kuominton Party( Refer to KMT) in this Island. KMP collapsed suddenly. The DPP became the host of "President Office" from 2000, the Ruling Party turned over.In 2004 "Presidential " election, although the performance of the past 4 years was awful, Chen and Lu still won the election in a very slight difference about 30,000 votes to defeat the candidate from KMT and People’s first Party (Refer to PFP), Lien and Sung, again.Is this a coincidence that DPP won the election by related majority in 2000 and won another election by very slight difference and ambiguous chaos in the process?I was the Chairman of the Shanghai Cross-Strait Communication Company during the past few years, I had the chance to meet all kinds of peoples from Taiwan and which inspire me to start this study at the field of Election Strategy of DPP in Taiwan.Indeed, the wave of "Democratilization" from early 90s deeply impacted the areas of social and political life in Taiwan. In 1996, the first direct election of the "Presidency" was the symbol of Taiwan’s "Democratilization". The "Democratilization" of Taiwan is not only the change of social and political life of the Taiwan’s people but also a influential factor of the stability of the Cross-Strait situation. Accompanied with the expanding of the "democracy" idea, the " Taiwan Subjectivism" and "National Identity" tasks became the hot potato between the cross strait, and might caused some potential military conflict in the future.From year 2000 the DPP became the ruling parry. To "win" all kinds of elections in Taiwan is obviously a major political purpose regardless any moral perspectives. Thus, "winning " an election is the biggest driven force to make the DPP move forward. Hence, the tendency of the political system in Taiwan is so called the process of the " secularization", which means the political rational purpose or moral are substituted by political "market"; the traditional social or political "cleavage" aresubstituted by " market" value and the difference of "ideology" is the major factor of social conflict instead of "economy". This is a " Broker Party" system existed in Taiwan.In order to meet the "preference" of the voters, the " Broker Party" will try to create the voting incentive for the voters, shaping the social image of the political party to grasp every possible vote for the public. The "Broker Party" will promote themselves through the channel of Mass Media and create the special political terminology to raise public attention.This research is mainly focus on the political party competition between year 2000 to 2004 in Taiwan. It analyses the Political Market and try to find out the campaign strategy of DPP and other parties in Taiwan, besides, this research will try to provide certain predictions toward the future direction of the political party system in Taiwan.二、 Main Theoretical means and Methodology The methodology of this research is base on three theoretical means:1. "Party Politics and competition"---"political market" theory2. "political marketing" theory3. theory of "Advantage of Dominant Party" .Our research subject is the :Party Competition" in Taiwan, basically focus on DPP, time frame is from 2000 to 2004, at the " Presidential " election and Political marketing in that period.First, we have to clarify the concepts of "Party competition" and "political Market" and some relatedIn a democratic system, the broker party is in a very tactic manner to manipulate the party position at the "political spectrum" in the "Market" . When the effective party numbers are very few or just two, the political parties will move forward along with the spectrum to meet the position of medium voter, thus, it is so called " political Market" behaviors.The basis of the supporting theory is come form "spatial Model" of economist Antony Downs in 1957


