

Anomie and Restructuring

【作者】 李巨澜

【导师】 忻平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要运用社会控制理论,在“国家—社会”关系的宏观历史框架下对1927—1937年间苏北地方政权为治理社会失范现象、恢复统治秩序之过程进行全景式描绘,并在此基础上将其作为20世纪中国现代国家建设的一个有机组成部分,予以一种历史性的解释,借此说明苏北地方新秩序体制重构的时代意义和社会历史后果。 论文由两大部分组成,除“导言”和“结语”外,主体为四章,分别从社会失范与秩序体制重构两个角度来研究苏北地方政权秩序化问题。 第一部分为苏北地方社会衰败与失范现象之表述与分析,由一、二两章组成。通过对苏北地方社会衰败过程的历史性回顾与阐述,指出自晚清开始的苏北地方社会衰败是失范的社会前提;而社会失范则是社会统治秩序丧失之结果,表明传统的地方政权控制模式已经无法适应变化之时代要求,亟须加以重构。 第一章,苏北地方社会的衰败。本章主要围绕着苏北地理环境的历史变迁、频发的自然灾害、漕运、河工与盐务三政中心枢纽地位的丧失、区域政治地位的改变等四个方面来探讨苏北社会衰败的原因,并且将其放置于近代以来中国传统乡村社会结构之失衡的宏观历史背景下进行分析归纳。认为二者交相作用之结果即为苏北地方社会的全面衰败。 第二章,苏北地方社会的失范。本章主要结合苏北民性对匪化、劣化和秘密会社勃兴等三种苏北地方社会最典型的失范现象进行分析和论述。匪化现象是指当时苏北乡村匪患严重,土匪行为往往成为一种被认可的生活方式;劣化则是指传统的乡绅和豪民阶层相结合,向土豪劣绅发展的趋势;秘密会社勃兴既包括城市中的青帮,亦有乡村的刀会,这些组织的迅速扩展反映了当时苏北地方社会的动荡和混乱。通过对三种失范现象形成原因的分析,指出其社会危害,从而说明社会失范现象与社会失序混乱为政治共生态。三种失范现象集中于苏北一地,不仅严重影响着苏北地方社会的发展,还直接威胁着国民党政权在苏北地方的统治秩序。 第二部分为苏北地方新秩序体制重构及其社会后果之研究与评述,由三、四两章组成。从政权的社会控制角度入手,对苏北地方政权为治理社会失范现象、重构新秩序体制之过程,以及路径特点进行研究,并在此基础上对其时代意义和社会后果予以全面总结和评价。 第三章,新秩序体制的重构。本章主要通过对1927年后国民党苏北地方新秩序体制建构过程之分析,结合其为治理社会失范现象所采取的不同路径特点进行考察和评价。国民党地方新秩序体制主要由县政府、县党部和区公所三个机构所组成,分别被赋予不同的职能,共同治理社会失范,重构统治秩序。其中,县政府:为县长负责下的科

【Abstract】 This dissertation, mainly employing the social control theory, gives a panoramic depiction, under the macro-historical framework of "state-society" relations, of how the local political powers in northern Jiangsu province managed to reduce the social anomie and resume the ruling order during 1927 to 1937, and based on the depiction, takes it as an organic component of the modern national construction in 20th century China. A historic interpretation is rendered to reveal the significance and social-historical consequences of restructuring a new order system in northern Jiangsu province.The dissertation consists of two parts. Besides the "introduction" and the "conclusion", the body is divided into four chapters, dealing with the local political order in northern Jiangsu province from the perspectives of social anomie and restructuring the order system.The first part, including chapter one and chapter two, describes and analyzes the phenomena of social decadence and anomie in northern Jiangsu province. Through a historic review and discription of the process of social decadence in northern Jiangsu province, the dissertation points out that the social decadence in northern Jiangsu province since the late Qing dynasty is the social prerequisites for anomie, while social anomie is the consequence of the loss of social order. It indicates that the traditional mode of local political control cannot satisfy the requirements of the changing times and demands prompt restructuring.Chapter one, Social Decadence in Norther Jiangsu Province, mainly explores the reasons for social decadence in northern Jiangsu province in terms of the historical changes of geographical environment in northern Jiangsu province, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, the loss of key position in water transportation, river conservancy works, and salt industry, and the changes of regional political status, and analyzes them under the macro-historical background of the imbalance of China’s traditional social structure in the countryside since 1840. The chapter concludes that the interaction of the above results in the overall social decadence in northern Jiangsu province.Chapter two, Social Anomie in Northern Jiangsu Province, gives an analysis and discussion of the three most typical phenomena of anomie in northern Jiangsu province, i.e. banditry, degradation, and flourishing secret societies. Banditry was popular in the countryside in northern Jiangsu province, and regarded as an acceptable way of life. Degradation refers to the evolution trend of integrated traditional country gentry and township elite classes to local tyrants and evil gentry. The flourishing secret societies include Qingbang in the cities and Daohui in the country. The rapid growth of these secret societies reflects the turmoil and chaos in northern Jiangsu province. Through an analysis of the reasons for these three phenomena of anomie, and revealing the great harms done to the society, the chapterconcludes that social anomie and social chaos form a symbiosis. These anomie phenomena in northern Jiangsu province, not only imposed a severe influence on the local social development, but also a direct threat to the ruling order of local Kuomintang government in that region.The second part, including chapter three and chapter four, studies and reviews the restructuring of a new order system in northern Jiangsu province and its social consequences. From the perspective of the social control of political power, a study is made of how the local political powers in northern Jiangsu province managed to reduce the social anomie and restructure a new order system, and of the characteristics of the ways. Then, a summary and review is given concerning the epoch-making significance and the social consequences.Chapter three, Restructuring a New Order System, studies and reviews, through an analysis of the process of restructuring a new order system, the characteristics of various ways taken by the local Kuomintang government in northern Jiangsu province after 1927 to reduce social anomie. The new Kuomintang’s order system in the locality is made up of three institutions (county government, county Party committee, and district public office) granted with different functions and powers in a joint effort to reduce social anomie and restructure the ruling order. The county government, a bureaucratic organization under the responsibility system of the mayor, with major changes in internal structure and functions, is the core of the new local order system. The county Party committee is the authoritative theoretical creator and the symbol of the "rule by Party" system, and undertakes the functions of social enlightenment. The district public office, as a pivot in the country under the new order system, is the preliminary expression of the delegation of national power and fulfils fully the functions, granted by the state, of controlling the countryside and exploiting resources. To solve the problem of anomie, the local political powers in northern Jiangsu province took such measures as reforming the social ruling in the country and arming the local political powers to eliminate banditry, degradation and the flooding secret societies. These measures include cracking down the local tyrants and evil gentry, fostering new country gentry, and changing the social authorities in the country to get rid of degradation; strengthening police departments and reorganizing the security regiments to eliminate banditry; replacing the traditional lulin system the baojia system to control firmly the society and fighting secret societies. The local political powers in northern Jiangsu province also made great efforts to conduct the construction of local public facilities such as large water conservancy projects, hoping to eliminate completely the social anomie on the basis of solving the problems of depressed economy brought by floods, and droughts, and social decadence. The chapter attempts to display in a three-dimensional way the local political powers in northern Jiangsu province during the 1920s to 1930s, thus giving a deeper understanding of the evolution and operation of the Kuomintang’s new order system.Chapter four, Epoch-making Significance and Social Consequences of Order Restructuring, reviews the order restructuring in northern Jiangsu province from the perspective of positive consequences and negative consequences. The positive consequences include restructured order system, the government’s stronger resource exploitation, strengthened social integration, and expanded governmental functions, which provided certain

  • 【分类号】K263
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1122

