

On the Internal Development of the Circle of Chinese Civilization

【作者】 翟意安

【导师】 盛邦和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 本文从当今日本学术界的相关研究出发,致力于探讨以今日之东亚、东南亚为范围的中华文明圈的相对封闭的、自成体系的发展规律。 在绪论部分,作者回顾了亚洲研究中的西方中心史观以及学术界(尤其日本学术界)的反思,指陈立足于亚洲自身历史来论证其发展历程的必要性,以及从日本学界的相关研究出发探讨中华文明圈的内发性发展的原因;作者对何为“中华文明圈”以及“内发性发展”进行了阐释,指出日本学者的“亚洲”整体性研究中的“亚洲”多指中华文明圈,而本文之“内发性发展”则是指在西方到来之前的、中华文明圈业已存在的推动社会前进的因素,以及这种因素在近代的作用和地位,这种因素虽然不可能将中华文明圈社会导向英国式的工业化发展道路,但它却是促其走向现代社会的主要因素;如果没有这些因素,仅仅是依靠“西方的冲击”,中华文明圈不可能走上现代化的道路;这些因素包括中华文明圈传统的生产方式、贸易方式和贸易体系、人力、物力、技术交流、中华文化对经济的影响等因素。 第一章中,作者回顾了日本人亚洲观的演变历程。指出日本人亚洲观的演变可以分为古代、中世纪、近世、近代以来几个阶段,而当今日本学术界对中华文明圈研究的关注就是日本人亚洲观发展的延续。 在第二章,作者对日本学者中村哲、宫岛博史的东亚小农社会理论进行评论,指出中华文明圈的精耕细作型农业是一种独特的、不同于西方的农业模式,它立足于东方独特的气候和历史文化,有其历史合理性和现实合理性。该地区的农业发展必须立足于传统,结合现代科学技术,使得农业走上科学合理的发展道路。而中华文明圈农业社会的形成和发展对其近代工业化的影响也是该地区近代化一个不能忽视的重要因素,其耕织结合、多种经营、兼业型的农业发展模式,使得农民对资本主义发展具有极强的适应性。 在第三章,作者对滨下武志的朝贡贸易体系理论进行评论,指出中华文明圈的贸易渠道在该地区各国开港之前就是畅通的,并且形成了跨国境的、自成体系的贸易网络,将中华文明圈在经济上紧密的结合起来,使其在近代形成了统一的市场。对于滨下强调的朝贡贸易体系对近代亚洲发展具有重大影响的观点,笔者指出其对西方的沖击有所忽视,但其强调华人华侨在近代中华文明圈贸易中的作用,以及从长时段理论和整体史的角度考量中华文明圈的近代发展则是恰当的。 在第四章,作者从中华文明圈的人员流动的角度来审视中华文明圈的内在发展,指出华人华侨在该地区的活动,将整个区域的经济有效地联系起来。华人华侨在中华文明圈的活动历史悠久,在明清时期形成华商贸易网络,而以近代(尤

【Abstract】 Based on current Japanese scholars’ studying on the Circle of Chinese Civilization, a circle includes East Asia and South-east Asia in total, the dissertation tries to make it clear what the unique law of development of this self-existent circle.The dissertation consists of three major parts of exordium, the main text and the conclusion.The exordium looks back on Europe-centric viewpoints and the self-questionings among the scholars who commit themselves to Asian studies, especially those from Japan, points out that it is necessary to expatiate the developing course of Asia according to its own history, and explains why the dissertation tends to probe into the issue about the "internal development" of Asia mainly based on current Japanese scholars’ studying. As to what the "Circle of Chinese Civilization" means, the author explains that whereas there are many Japanese scholars who tend to study Asia as a whole, the word "Asia", in most cases, means a combo of East Asia and South-east Asia. And the author call it as "Circle of Chinese Civilization". As to the proper noun of "internal development", the author explains that the time before western people came into Asia in modern times, there had been some factors which had driven and were driving Asia forward. These factors includes the circle’s traditional mode of production and trade, commercial system, intercommunion of people, material and technique, and the effect of Chinese culture to the circle, etc. These factor would not lead the circle into a industrial society, just like what had happened in Britain in the industry revolution, but had it not for them, the circle would not come to be a modern society.Chapter one looks back on Japanese people’s view of Asia. The author think that the Japanese people’s view to Asia can be summed up as four types according to the time, that is, ancient time(200AD~1192AD), media age(1193AD~1603AD), Edo era(1603AD~1868AD) and modern time(1868~). And the current Japanese scholars’ paying attention to the Circle of Chinese Civilization drops a hint that Japanese people’s view of Asia has much to do with their history.Chapter two comments on the theory of East Asian society of small-scale peasant economy put forward by Hiroshi Miyajima and Tetushi Nakamura, reckons that the agriculture mode of intensive cultivation in the Circle of Chinese Culture, which came into being in the eastern climate and was affected by the eastern culture, is something unique, something quite different from the western mode. This mode had proved to be fit for the Circle of Chinese Culture in old time, and today it still has something fit for the modernization of agriculture. The Circle’s agriculture developing should base on its tradition while making use of modern technology, so as to go ahead in a rational way. The author remind us that the agriculture society of the Circle of ChineseCulture’s coming into being and its developing, where the peasants cultivating and weaving, engaging in mixed farming, and taking part-time jobs in slack season, affect the circle’s industrialization, because peasants in this society obviously adapted very well to the change from a feudal society to a capitalist society. And this, is a important factor that shouldn’t be ignored when discussing the circle’s modernization.Chapter three comments Takeshi Hamashita’s theory of tribute trade system. Long before 1840’s, there been a commercial network which united most of the countries and areas in the Circle of Chinese Civilization into one system and gave birth to a united market of the Circle in 19th century. Though Hamashita’s theory pay little attention to the west impact to the east, its discussing the economic developing of the Circle of Chinese Civilization is appropriate.Chapter four discussing the internal development of the Circle from the doings of the oversea Chinese. Chinese people engaged in marine trade long before 1840’s. From Ming Dynasty(1368AD~1640AD) to Qing Dynasty(1641AD~1911AD), oversea Chinese set up their commercial network in the Circle. When the west merchan

  • 【分类号】K092
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】791

