

【作者】 邵士庆

【导师】 王伟光;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 集体主义,与个人主义相对,是人类一种具有普适性的价值追求,具有客观的社会和心理基础。它的形成和发展,与一定的文化和制度条件相适应,在不同文化和社会制度的诱导和引致下,形成层次不同的集体主义类型。集体主义坚持集体本位的价值取向。利他是集体主义的本质特征,它强调“人人为我,我为人人”的互利主义交往理性,强调个体对集体利益、集体地位、集体权威、集体生存的奉献、持重和尊崇。集体主义不仅仅是一种道德原则,事实上,它涉及人类生活的经济、政治和道德诸领域,在不同的领域外显为不同的叙述风格和话语系统,形成特定社会的经济制度、政治原则和道德原则。 不同领域的集体主义,有着无形的“边界”和价值属性。作为经济制度的集体主义,遵循着“市场规则”,它的核心价值是“互助合作”;作为政治原则的集体主义,有着“政治规约”,它的核心内容是“公共价值”;作为道德原则的集体主义,遵循“道德法则”,它的核心价值是“无私奉献”。“真实的集体主义”的构建,必须保证个人与集体的双赢。因此,必须确立一种“宪政”的理念,即确立双方各自不可侵犯的“圣域”,倡导个人与集体的圣域性博弈与圣域性共生。 不同领域的集体主义,亦无“边界”。作为经济制度的集体主义、作为政治原则的集体主义和作为道德原则的集体主义的“边界”,并非不可逾越,而是密切联系,相互通约的。集体主义的这种存在架构,在其内部的运作和生成机理上,有着一种经济自发、政治自觉、道德自由的逻辑上升演进趋势,以达致其终极价值目标:同舟共济、互构共生、和谐进步、合作共赢。 在社会主义市场经济背景下,作为经济制度、政治原则和道德原则的集体主义,有着时代特质和新的文化表征。市场经济被公认为是“现代性”的基本要素之一,成为推动现代文明生成的基础性力量。它的进取禀性使它对人们形而下的经济、政治以及文化的生活结构和人们形而上的意义世界不断地进行着消解和重塑。它全方位地影响着现代人的生活方式、交往方式和思维方式,影响着人们个体性和集体性的生存样态。在社会结构层面,它使人们从自然的地域性关联中“脱域”出来后生活在一种新的动态的理性化社会运行机制和运行规则之中,在与传统社会发生继承性关联的同时,又型构出与过去迥然不同的私人生活空间(私域)和公共生活空间(公域),形成了人类社会结构性存在的新景观;在精神层面,它使人的主体性生存由自发走向自觉,使人们从宗教神权、封建特权以及其它各种阶级特权的“绝对价值”和“最高价值”的巫魅中解放出来,在世俗的层面上实现了个人的真正“自治”,实现了“从身份到契约”的人身解放。个人的这种主体理性和主体价值,必然辐射到外在的制度设计之中,并在新的价值逻辑基础上重建现代和当代个人的公共生活。在市场经济条件下,人们意义世界的变化和生活世界的改观,必将对人们的行为选择和价值取向发生深刻的影响。它们既是人们价值观的生成性结果,又是人们价值观的构成性因素。市场经济是一种双刃剑性质的分化力量。在它内部,既有个人主义的滋生因子,又有集体主义的优良基因,它们构成了影响人们价值选择的两类不同性质的内生变量,从而使外在的制度规约成为必需。它的集体主义的优良基因,成为外在的“引致性”制度建设的依据;它的个人主义滋生因子,成为外在的“克制性”制度设计的内在依据。集体主义作为人类的一种价值取向,必然有其特定的经济基础,服务于人类的经济生活。说到底,无论是作为政治原则的集体主义,还是作为道德原则的集体主义,都肇端于人类对经济利益处理的价值取舍中。“建立共产主义实质上具有经济的性质”①社会主义经济制度,作为人类一种更为先进的经济制度,它的设计,必然在其内部的价值取向上做出集体主义的内在规定。社会主义与市场经济的当代结合,必然使经济制度视域中的集体主义,具有新的特质、新的属性、新的内涵和新的表征。作为政治原则的集体主义,或者集体主义的政治原则属性,是把集体主义的价值原则上升到政治原则的高度,赋予其政治强制性和政治统摄性。一方面,作为构成性价值,在社会上形成一整套蕴含集体主义生成机制的政治制度;另一方面,作为基础性价值,它又通过政治制度的价值辐射功能被贯彻到社会生活的方方面面。由此,集体主义的生成,不仅具有自主性,而且还带有强制性;不仅是心性修养的内部自觉,而且成为一种外部的制度性操作;不仅是“私域”的个人自觉,而且是“公域”的社会价值诉求。以市场经济为基础性动力的中国社会的当代转型,推动了党和政府的执政思维和治国理念的现代性生成,人们政治地位 ①《马克思恩格斯选集》第 1 卷,人民出版社,1995 年版,第 122 页。

【Abstract】 Unlike individualism, collectivism is the value pursuance which is widely applicable to humankind. It holds the objective social and psychological base. Its formalization and development are based on the certain cultures and systems. Led by various cultures and social systems, collectivism can shape different types in different arrangement. Holding group as the primary, collectivism is characterized as altruism. It emphasizes the mutualistic communicative logos which is defined as “the man sacrifices himself for the good of others while others for the man”. It requires self-sacrifice and the subordination of one’s interests to collective interests, collective position, collective authority and collective subsistence. Setting foot in the existence world of mankind omnipresently, collectivism represents itself as various narrative styles and words systems. It forms economic systems, political principles and moral principles in specific societies. Collectivism in different fields has imperceptible “borderline ” and different value property. As economic systems, collectivism follows “market rules” and considers “cooperation and co-win” as its core. As political principles, collectivism keeps to “political stipulations” and considers “public value” as its core. As moral principles, collectivism follows“ moral rules” and considers “unselfish dedication” as its core. The establishment of“true collectivism”must guarantee the co-win of the individual and the group. Therefore, the idea of “constitutional government” must be built up to establish firmly the “sacred fields” where two parts cannot invade each other and to advocate the competition and symbiosis in sacred fields between the individual and the group. On the other hand, collectivism in different fields has no “borderline”. This borderline which exists among economic systems, political principles and moral principles can be overstepped and related with each other. Concerning its inner manipulation and forming mechanism, the existence construction of collectivism has the trend of logical evolution of economic spontaneity, political consciousness and moral liberty. It aims to achieve its ultimate goal as people in the same condition help each other, mutual construction and existence , cooperation and co-win in the process of harmony and advancement. This dissertation sets market economy as its background. Trying to find the new era characters and cultural tokens, that is to say, the new form and renascence of collectivism in the view of present market economy, this dissertation analyzes and arranges detailedly and tentatively the collectivism of new era from the aspects of economic systems, political principles and moral principles in China. As it is recognized as one of the basic elements of “modernity”, market economy has become the basic impetus of forming modern civilization. Its enterprising character disintegrates and reforms the inferiororganic existence structure of economy, politics and morality and superorganic sense world of mankind. It affects omnipresently the ways of mankind existence, communication and thinking and the existence patterns of the individual and the group. Concerning its social structure, market economy makes mankind exist in the new dynamic rationalized runnable social mechanism and rules, after extricating mankind from the natural association of geography. It maintains the succeed association with the traditional society while constructs the private and public existence space which is widely different from the past. It forms the new prospect of social existence of mankind. Concerning its spirit, it promotes the subjective existence towards from the spontaneity to the consciousness and extricates mankind from the “absolute value” and “super value” propagandized by religious theocracy, feudal privilege and other class privileges. It really achieves individual “autonomy” and personal liberation “from the identity to the indenture” in the level of mundaneness. The individual subjective sense and value must r

  • 【分类号】D648.2
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