

【作者】 黄翊

【导师】 曹志耘;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 澳門是中西文化交流的一個樞紐,語言狀況十分複雜。隨著澳門回歸祖國,近年來澳門的語言狀況又發生了很大的變化。本文全面考察澳門的語言狀況和語言生活,描寫澳門通用口語和書面語的使用特點,中英葡三語和粵普二言勢力的消長情況,並對土生葡人的中文姓名和澳門街道的中文名稱進行專題調查研究。最後討論澳門的語言政策和語言規劃問題.全文共分六章。 第一章是澳門的概況,提供全文的背景資料。在450年的歷史中,澳門從被外族逐步佔領到回歸祖國,語言狀況經歷了深刻的變化。澳門人口的主體是中國人,土著以說粵方言為主,外來人口中有中國内地各方言區的人和東南亞的華人華僑,還有來自葡萄牙、英國、泰國、菲律賓等說葡萄牙語、英語等語言的人。漢語(包括方言)、葡語、英語等組成澳門豐富多彩、紛繁複雜的語言社會,澳門是社會語言學研究的理想園地. 論文的主體部分包括“語言狀況”和“語言規劃”兩方面的内容。第二、三、四、五章討論“語言狀況”,第六章討論“語言規劃”。 第二章論述澳門早期的語言狀況。論文根據澳門的1509份清代中文檔案和《澳門記略》一書,整理出了十六至十九世紀澳門漢語的一些特點。 第三章論述澳門的語言生活.論文對澳門當前通用的各種語言、方言進行了梳理,重點考察了澳門土生葡人的語言。土生葡人有三種語言能力:葡語、粵語和土生葡語。土生葡語又稱土語,是一種以葡語為基礎的克里奧爾語。 第四章討論在澳門最通用的口語和書面語的使用情況。口語方面,澳門社會主要使用粵方言。本土居民說的粵方言跟廣州、香港粵方言有細微差別,外來居民說的粤方言往往帶有母語或母方言的特徵,論文對此作了比較細緻的描寫。書面語方面,澳門社會主要使用語體文,但澳門的語體文存在普粵並用、文白並用、中英並用等現象。在行政公務中,普遍存在著“葡式中文”和其他不規範現象,嚴重影響了書面語的使用水準。 第五章選擇“土生的中文姓名”和“街道的中文名稱”兩個專題進行調查研究,以觀察中葡兩種語言文化相互接觸和影響的狀況。研究發現,土生取中文姓名受到政治局勢和社會發展的影響澳門的中文街道名稱則留下了葡萄牙人統治澳門的歷史烙印和葡語對漢語的深刻影響。 第六章討論語言政策和語言規劃問題。論文介绍了澳門回歸前後的語言政策。接著,首先分析了中、英、葡三種語言勢力的消長情況:中文逐步取得官方語言的地位,葡語逐步退出一語獨尊的地位,英語順應世界潮流,地位逐步提升。然後從共同語與方言的角度,分析普、粵二言势力的消長情況。最後針對澳門語言的現狀,提出了澳門語言規劃中應當著力解決的三個問題,即加強語言規劃理論研究,建立語言規劃的學術機構和行政機構,在語言規划中注意与各种因素的配合。

【Abstract】 Macau holds a key position as a gateway between China and the West; therefore, the language scene here is extremely complex. In recent years, language use in Macau has had further changes because of its return to China. This paper first provides a comprehensive inspection of Macau’s linguistic state and linguistic life. It then describes the characteristics of commonly-used spoken languages and written languages in Macau. It then traces the growth and development of Chinese, English, and Portuguese as well as Putonghua and Cantonese dialects. Next, two focus-studies on Macau-born Portuguese person’s Chinese name and Chinese street name in Macau will be reported. Lastly, this paper discusses Macau’s language policy and language planning.The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is an overview of Macau and provides the background material for the rest of the paper. In the past 450 years, as Macau experiences Portugal’s occupation and the return of its sovereignty to China, the state of languages in Macau experienced profound changes. The majority of Macau’s population is Chinese. Natives in Macau mostly speak Canton dialect. Many immigrants come from different dialectical regions in China; many others are of Chinese ancestry and come from Southeast Asia. Still others come from Portugal, Britain, Thailand, and the Philippines and speak languages such as English and Portuguese, etc. Thus, Chinese (including dialects), Portuguese, English and other languages form a rich, complex and colorful linguistic society in Macau, making Macau an ideal locale for socio-linguistic research.The body of the paper has two parts. The first part, which consists of chapters two to five, is on the state of languages. The second part, which is chapter six, discusses language planning. Chapter two discusses the state of languages in Macau in earlier history, from 17th to 19th century. The author used the Macau Chinese File from 1509 in Qing dysnasty and the book Aomen Jilue to analyze some unique characteristics of Chinese in Macau during that period.Chapter three traces the linguistic life in Macau. The paper provides a systematic organization of the many languages and dialects currently in use in Macau, especially focusing on native Macanese Portuguese’s language. Native Macanese Portuguese generally speak three languages: Portuguese, English, and Patua. This Patua is a Creole language based on Portuguese.Chapter four discusses the usage of Macau’s most commonly-used spoken language and written language. With respect to spoken languague, Macau mainly uses Cantonese dialect. Indigenous inhabitants’ Cantonese dialect differs subtly from thatspoken in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and immigrants’ Cantonese dialect often retains some characteristics from their first language or first dialect-this paper has detailed descriptions of these spoken languages. With respect to written language, Macau mainly uses prose writing in the vernacular. However, Putonghua and Cantonese dialects are both used, modern and old Chinese may both be found, and English coexist with Chinese in Macau’s prose writing in the vernacular. In business and administrative uses, "Portuguese-style Chinese" and other non-standard uses are common, and these uses seriously affectthe standard of written language.Chapter five reports two focused research studies on Macanese Portuguese’s Chinese names and Chinese names of streets. The purpose of these studies is to examine the consequences and extent of contact and mutual influence between Portuguese and Chinese. My research shows that, political climate and social development has influence over whether or not Macanese Portuguese take up Chinese names, and Chinese names of Macau’s streets record a history of Portuguese’s ruling over Macau and Portuguese’s profound influence on Chinese.Chapter six discusses language policy and~planning. The article introduces Macau’s language policy before and after Macau’s handover to China. It then analyzes the development of China, English and Portuguese: Chinese has been gradually gaining gro

  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1011

