

Releasing Variation and Effects on Human Health of Volatile Organic Compounds from Landscape Trees in Beijing

【作者】 高岩

【导师】 金幼菊; 陈华君; 沈应柏;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 城市绿地是城市生态系统中重要的组成部分,在美化景观、净化空气、改善环境质量、保护城市生态平衡以及促进居住者身心健康等方面起着十分重要的作用。为了摸清北京市主要绿化树木所释放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)的主要成分及其释放动态变化,探讨其可能的净化空气、抑制空气微生物生长以及对人体健康等方面的作用及其可能的机制,从化学生态学角度为城市园林规划设计中的树种选择提供科学数据。本研究应用植物化学生态学、植物生理生态学、微生物学、动物行为学和人体生理学等多学科交叉的研究方法,采用动态顶空吸附法和热脱附-气质联用(TCT/GC/MS)分析技术,对北京市几种主要绿化树木释放的VOCs成分和含量及其季节释放动态变化、绿地空气中VOCs成分和含量及其季节和时空动态变化进行了测定;同时根据生物测定数据初步建立了树木VOCs的组成、浓度与空气微生物、动物行为和人体生理反应之间的相互关系及其影响因子,得到如下主要结论: 1.以北京市主要绿化树种油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)、白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc.)、桧柏(Sabina chinensis Antoine.)、国槐(Sophora japonica L.)、金银木(Lonicera maackii Rupr. Maxim.)、紫叶李(Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. f. atropurpurea Jacq. Rehd.)为试材,分析近自然状态下单株树木释放VOCs的成分、含量和季节动态变化。绿化树木释放VOCs是由多种微量挥发性有机性物质以不同浓度和比例组成的混合物,其释放速率的动态性和可变性与树木的生长季节和环境条件有密切关系。在生长季中,6、7月份释放速率高,春秋两季释放速率低;针叶树主要释放萜烯类VOCs,包括柠檬烯、β-蒎烯、α-蒎烯、莰烯、γ-松油烯、对-孟-1,4(8)二烯、罗勒烯等,占总VOCs的80~90%;阔叶树主要释放的异戊二烯、乙酸-3-己烯酯和单萜类化合物等约占VOCs总量的60~80%。 2.对油松、白皮松、桧柏、雪松、红皮云杉绿地和马路边空气中VOCs组成、含量进行了分析比较。数据表明,在油松、白皮松、桧柏、雪松和红皮云杉的绿地空气中,萜烯类化合物占VOCs总量的60~80%,烷烃类化合物占5~20%,而苯类化合物只占3.4%左右;而在马路边的空气中,苯类化合物占VOCs总量的53.6%,萜烯类化合物只占0.9%,表明由于这些针叶树木的存在,空气中萜烯类化合物大量增加,而苯类化合物明显降低,说明树木释放的VOCs具有净化、改善都市环境空气质量的作用。 3.采用自然沉降法,调查5种针叶树林地中空气微生物(细菌、真菌和放线菌)的含量,发现油松、白皮松、桧柏、红皮云杉和雪松林地空气中微生物含量明显低于林外空旷地;用5种针叶树提取液和单体进一步对空气微生物进行抑菌实验的数据表

【Abstract】 Urban green space is an important component of the ecosystem in a city, as it plays a vital role in beautifying landscape, cleaning atmosphere, improving environmental quality, maintaining ecological equilibrium of a city, and promoting physical and sentimental health of city residents. Aiming to elaborate the role of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of landscape trees in cleaning atmosphere, inhibiting the growth of airborne microorganisms, and caring health, experimental data were provided to landscape design of city in this paper with respect to city chemoecology. With multidisplinary methods, phyto-chemoecological, plant physio-ecological, microbiological, animal ethological and human physiological, combined with Thermal-desorption Cold Trap/Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (TCT/GC/MS), we determined the composition, concentration, as well as seasonal variation of the VOCs released from several important landscape trees and in the air over these plants. Meanwhile interrelationship was established, based on bioassays, among the constituents and content of VOCs, airborne microorganisms and animal behavior, and human physiological response. The relationship between the constituents and content of VOCs and them and its affecting factors was investigated.1. The constituents, concentration, and seasonal variation of the VOCs from the major landscape trees in Beijing, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana, Sabina chinensis, Sophora japonica, Lonicera maackii Rupr. Maxim, and Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. f. atropurpurea Jacq. Rehd., were analyzed. The VOCs are a mixture of a number of micro-quantity VOCs in various concentrations and proportions. Their release and variability depend heavily on growth season of their releasers, as well as the environmental conditions. That is, trees release more VOCs in June and July than in winter and spring. The major VOCs of conifer species are monoterpenes, including D-limonene, p-pinene, a-pinene, camphene, y-terpinene, p-mentha-l,4(8)-diene, ocimene, which accounts for 80% of the total; while those of broadleaf species are Isoprene, 3-Hexen-1-ol, Acetate, Hexen-3-ol and a few monoterpenes, which accounts for 60-80% of the total.2. In the VOCs of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana, Sabina chinensis, Cedrus deodara and Picea koraiensis sampled in the air over the trees, 60-80% are monoterpenes, 5-20% are alkane compounds, and 3.4% are benzene compounds. In the air sampled from roadside, the VOCs contained 53.6% of benzene compounds and 0.9% of monoterpenes only. It is implied that the VOCs released by plants could increase the concentration of terpenoid compounds and decrease that of benzene compounds, thus purifying air environment.3. Counting airborne microorganisms over five conifer species using the method of natural sedimentation, it is found that the number of airborne microorganisms over the trees is significantly smaller than that in open land. According to microbe-inhibiting experiment, the extracts of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana, Sabina chinensis, Cedrus deodara and Picea koraiensis could inhibit the growth of bacteria and actinomycetes in the air but stimulate the growth of fungi when in low concentrations. Monomers of D-limonene, P-Pinene, nonaldehyde, decanal and benzaldehyde could inhibit the growth of airborne microorganisms, suggesting that the terpenoid compounds released by conifer species could inhibit growth of airborne microorganisms.4. Physiological parameters of human after smelling VOCs were tested using Powerlab ADInstruments. The VOCs released by the branches of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana, Sabina chinensis could lower human cardio velocity, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, and relax human body, implying that the monoterpenoid compounds released by conifer species could protect human health avoid from high-strain.5. The effect of the flowers of Sorbaria kirilowii (regel) Maxim and Syringa reticulate Hara var. mandshurica (Maxin) Hara on the behavior, learning and memorial ability of rat is studied using open field


