

【作者】 随新民

【导师】 曲星;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 中印关系的社会认知研究没有超越国家利益,但国家利益不是先验固有的,而是两国在认知和行为互动中建构的,并在中印两国认知具体事件、外交政策和相关行动中得以体现。抽象的国家利益概念也因此而变得具体化、可操作化。这样,中印两国的认知(自我认知和客体认知)就同中印关系(结构与进程)形成因果关系,后者是前者的函数,即两国的相互认知构成自变量,而中印关系则是因变量。 社会认知不同于元认知心理学上纯粹的心理分析,在社会认知视野下,认知主体的价值信仰(含历史传承)、学习过程、环境因素就成了影响中印两国认知的核心因素。这些因素作为社会认知变量的子变量实际上构成了中印关系的远因。中印关系的曲折历程就是两国认知与相关行为互动的逻辑结果。 中印两国的相互知觉决定两国的政策选择与行为模式,进而形成双边关系结构。基于社会认知的本质——主体感知客体,中印两国的认知过程和结构出现错误知觉在所难免,再加上认知相符、诱发定势、认知固化、愿望思维、认知失调等属性,两国之间一旦出现错误知觉或知觉错位,就极易进入一种恶性的互动螺旋状态。中印关系中的边界问题、西藏问题、安全问题都不同程度地反映出这些特性。中印边界问题长期悬而未决,两国在西藏问题上龃龉不断,在传统安全领域互信程度很低。中印双边关系除了20世纪50年代中期短暂的“印地—秦尼—巴伊巴伊”(印中两国人民是兄弟)外,大部分时间处于敌对或冷漠状态。 同中印两国彼此的总体认知路径——从非敌非友到善意友好、到敌人威胁、再回归到非敌非友——相对应,两国关系也经历了摩擦合作、友好合作、边境冲突与战争、敌对冷漠、竞争合作的轨迹。 认知相符、认知固化、认知失调机制等属性并不排斥社会知觉的可变性。认知主体的信仰(结构和内涵)在持续外压下的转向、学习过程的功效、国际环境

【Abstract】 Sino-Indian relations in the perspective of social cognition cannot go beyond the national interests that are not inherent preferences or priori elements, but constructed with the interactions of perceptions and behaviors between China and India. Both China’s and India’s national interests are converted into specific forms from abstract concept by actor’s perceiving exact issues, choices of foreign policy, and the actions relative to perceptions on concrete issues. There is, therefore, a cause-effect relation between the perceptions that consist of both the self-perceptions and object-perceptions, and Sino-Indian relations. And the latter is the function of the former, that is, the process and structure of cognition is the independent variable, and the bilateral relation the dependent one.Different from the analysis of cognitive psychology, the perspective of social cognition studies the agent’s beliefs, learning process, and internal and external environments as the core factors to impact China’s and India’s perceptions, which shape the remote causes of bilateral relations as the sub-variables of social cognition. Sino-Indian relations are the logical results of their mutual-perceptions and interactions.Now that mutual-perceptions between China and India define the choice of foreign policy and the model of behavior, consequently they shape the structure of Sino-Indian Relations with interactions. In view of the essence of social cognition that cognitive subject perceives the objects, it is unavoidable that there exists misperceptions or mismatch of perceptions within both China’s and India’s process of cognition and structure of perceptions. In addition to such attributes of social cognition as cognitive consistency, evoked set, cognitive rigidity, wishful thinking, and cognitive dissonance, once misperceptions or mismatch take place, subsequently there are a malignant spiral of perceptions and actions among agents. Those features of social cognition are exemplified, to different extent, by boundary disputes and border war, Tibet issue, and security issue within bilateral relations. As a result of interactions of perceptions in which there are some misperceptions and behaviorsbetween China and India, the boundary dispute has been kept unsettled, Tibet issue an obstacle to improve bilateral relations, and security mutual-confidence lower level. Within most of more than 50 years China-India relations are also kept in an antagonistic or indifferent status except the transient and brotherly friendships in the midterm of 1950s.The overall way of mutual-perceptions between China and India goes as follows: from non-enemy and non-friend to benevolence and friend, to enemy and threat, and back to the very beginning state-— non-enemy and non-friend. In correspondence with the way of perceptions in more than 50 years, the Sino-Indian relations has shaped respectively such patterns as cooperation in clash, friendly cooperation, border conflicts and war, hostility and indifference, and competitive cooperation.Such attributes of social cognition as cognitive consistency, evoked set, cognitive rigidity and dissonance, do not preclude the flexibility of social perceptions. The deviation of original beliefs under the external pressure, learning process, and changes of international environment, are the dynamic factors to the asymptotical adjustment of both China’s and India’s cognitive process and structure of perceptions. In accordance with logics of social cognition, adjusted perceptions help both China and India improve their foreign policy decision-making, adjust their orientation and structure of behavior, reconstruct bilateral relations. The improvement of Sino-Indian relations since 1990s has verified the logics of social cognition. Communications, learning from firsthand and indirect experiences and from international institutions, and reflection on the past can increase the perceptions to correspond with objective facts, then decrease or avoid misperceptions. It is this logics of social cognition that help both China a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 04期
  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1694

