

【作者】 金妧淳

【导师】 杨荣馨;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 商标纠纷的解决机制问题,是一个重要的、全新的、理论与实践密切结合的问题。确立商标纠纷的解决机制,且从比较法的角度对中韩两国的解决机制进行比较,对于中韩二国的实践与理论的发展,都会产生积极的影响,尤其是对制度的构建与发展具有重大的指导价值。但是目前,很少能够看到这方面的文章与论著,本文将尝试做这方面的努力。全文共分六章。 一、文章的思路与安排 第一章“商标和商标权”。商标权作为一种私权,其权利的存在即是纠纷产生的前提。本章将对商标的概念、构成要素、特征及其功能等做出梳理,对商标权的内涵与范围作出简要的说明。 第二章“商标行政纠纷”。在中国与韩国两个国家,商标均实行注册保护制度,而注册则相当于对商标权人之商标权取得的确认。本文所指的纠纷并非单纯地指商标侵权之民事纠纷,而且还包括从商标申请注册的过程中产生的申请人与行政机关之间的纠纷,此纠纷的产生源于对商标的可注册性的理解、与他人在先权利、与他人商标的近似性、判断标准等问题的存在。本章简要说明中韩两国因商标注册的申请产生的纠纷种类,及这些纠纷按照现行的法律规定将由何部门来解决以及解决的程序。 第三章“商标司法审查机制比较”。本章紧接着前一章所讨论的纠纷,对中韩两国对于商标行政纠纷的解决机制进行比较。而韩国对于这类纠纷,同中国一样,仍然是通过行政诉讼的程序来解决,而中国目前对于这类纠纷分别由同一法院内不同性质的审判庭来负责审理,对于这种机制,本文将进行评述,并且在对这种商标纠纷的实质属性、解决机制的优劣、不同性质的诉讼程序对于当事人权益的保护程度等角度进行分析的基础上,借鉴其它国家与地区对于这类纠纷的解决方式与机制,进而提出自己的建议。 第四章“商标侵权纠纷”。本章与前二章相对应,前二章分析的是商标行政纠纷的产生与救济方式,而本章与下一章针对的则是民事主体之间因商标权的行使而产生的纠纷与救济方式。本章重点放在对商标侵权行为的分析(包括商标侵权的构成

【Abstract】 Trademark dispute settlement system in China is an important and brand-new process involving both theory and practice. There are positive academic and practical development in both China and Korea, especially the great instructive value for building and developing the system, by establishing the settlement system on trademark and analysing the settlement between China and Korea. So far, however, we can see very few articles and works in this field. That is the reason why this paper tries to do research into this subject area. This paper is divided into six chapters:Ⅰ、 Thought and ArrangementChapter One "trademark and trademark right" Trademark right, as a private right, is the premise upon which disputes arise. In this chapter, the concept, elements, characteristics and function of trademark will be examined; on the other hand, the connotation and scope of trademark will be explained in brief.Chapter Two "administrative dispute on trademark" Both China and Korea adopt the register protective system which provides registration as an affirmation to acquire the trademark right. The dispute referred in this essay is not only the civil dispute on trademark infringement but the one arising from the application to register between the applicant and the administration. This dispute derives from some necessary questions existed, such as the understanding of trademark registrability, the prior right, the similarity to others and judging standards. This chapter chiefly shows that the variety of disputes from application to resister between China and Korea and these disputes will be dealt by which department and settlement procedure.Chapter Three "The comparison of judicial review system on trademark" This chapter compare the two settlement systems of administrative dispute on trademark. One is in Korea, the same as China, which still settle the dispute by administrative proceeding. At present, China adopts the system in which the different trial forums in one court havedifferent responsibility to judge this two disputes. This paper will continue to comment on this system. And depending on the analysis of the essential attribute on this trademark dispute, advantage and disadvantage of the settlement and the protective degrees of the parties’ rights in different procedures , this chapter brings forward its own opinion using reference on the settlement method and system of other countries and regions.Chapter Four "Dispute from trademark infringement" In accordance with the two chapters above which analysis the arising and the remedial method , this chapter and the one below tell us the dispute and the remedial method arise from trademark right performance among civil parties. The emphasis consists in the analysis on actions of trademark infringement, and further explicates essential attribute of dispute on trademark infringement. With the premise of analysis on the theoretical basis of trademark infringement, the author brings out her own viewpoint about the methods and judging standards on trademark infringement.Chapter Five "The comparison of settlement system on civil action of trademark infringement " In furtherance to the previous chapter, this chapter analyses the proceeding settlement system with the question above. For the settlement of civil action on infringement, there are two mechanisms: litigation and non-litigation. The former is our research there into. Because infringement belongs to the category of civil action, this chapter pays more attention to the sorts of civil remedy systems and the deficiencies existing in China and Korea. For the sake of perfecting these deficiencies, this part provides the thought and approach by comparison and reference. Moreover, this chapter does further research about the system concerned about Famous Trademark, points out the insufficiency about the protection of Famous Trademark in China and Korea and finally gives the suggestion to improve them.Chapter Six "Non-litigation settlement system" The private attribute of trademark right decides that it can be solved by non-litigation me

【关键词】 商标纠纷解决机制
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1085

