

Natural Gas Reservoir and Pathway System within Sulige Gas Field of Ordos Basin

【作者】 刘成林

【导师】 朱筱敏;

【作者基本信息】 石油大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 苏里格气田是中国迄今发现的最大气田,属于克拉通盆地的岩性气藏。本文通过相似地质背景下典型天然气藏和非天然气藏储层和输导体系的对比研究,结合盆地模拟结果和流体-岩石相互作用物理与数值模拟实验,建立起不同富集度的天然气藏孔隙演化模型,明确了优质输导层和输导格架的时空演化以及输导机制等科学问题。采用类比分析的研究方法,对储层成岩相进行了划分,明确了天然气储层原始的沉积物及后期成岩演化。气层主要发育在粗粒岩屑石英砂岩溶孔相和含泥粗粒岩屑石英砂岩溶孔相中,非气层则主要发育在含泥(中)细粒岩屑石英砂岩致密压实相和含泥(中)粗粒岩屑石英砂岩残余粒间孔相中。气层的原始物质是中粗粒沉积物,粒径粗,填隙物少,抗压实强,在有机酸进入前,有较大空间待酸进入,发生较强的溶蚀作用,为天然气的注入提供了较大的储集空间。非气层的原始物质大多是细粒沉积物,粒径细,填隙物多,压实程度强,原生孔隙消失殆尽,次生孔隙少,总孔隙度很小。通过天然气成藏过程中的流体-岩石相互作用物理与数值模拟实验,证实在晚成岩A 阶段,大量有机酸的排出,溶蚀凝灰质和长石等易溶组分,形成了有利的储集相带。采用高分辨层序地层学和沉积微相分析方法,建立了苏里格气田现今输导体系地质模型。输导体系主要类型为砂体型,也有少量断裂型、砂体-断裂型。砂体型又可进一步分为厚层带状砂体、薄层带状砂体与透镜状砂体等类型。输导性能受构造运动、沉积相和成岩作用的影响,结合盆地模拟技术,确立了输导体系时空演化地质模型,进而采用岩石薄片鉴定、电镜分析等储层分析技术,通过成岩作用研究,分析了不同类型油气输导体系输导能力以及演化,晚侏罗世-早白垩世为苏里格气田的油气成藏关键时刻,输导体系为砂体、断裂与裂缝,输导效率高。

【Abstract】 Sulige gas field is the biggest one in China so far, which is lithological gas reservoir in Craton Basin having tense sandstone reservoir, lower formation pressure, lower and variable resource richness. Through the contrast between reservoirs and conduit systems of typical natural gas reservoirs and non natural gas reservoirs, porosity evolution model of natural gas reservoir is built up, space time evolution and mechanism of conduit system are studied and “sweet point”is found among tense sandstone reservoir. The study not only accelerates the progress of exploration and development of Sulige gas field, but also brings about some experiences how to find similar natural gas fields in China. Based on the contrast between lithological features, diagenism, reservoir characteristics of gas-bearing beds and non gas-bearing ones, the difference of their diagenic facies is found: gas-bearing ones are popular in soluble void diagenic facies of coarse-detritus-quartz-sandstone, whereas non gas-bearing ones popular in tense compaction diagenic facies of mud-bearing medium-fine detritus-quartz-sandstone and residual intergranular pore diagenic facies of mud-bearing medium-coarse detritus-quartz-sandstone. Through burial history and temperature evolution history of upper palaeozoic by PRA Basin Modeling system, fluid inclusion analyses and other geochemistry indexes, the diagenetic stage of reservoirs is estimated: most are on the stage of late diagenesis A while some late diagenesis B. Medium-coarse sediments experience different diagenetic evolution pathway from fine ones because of different energy of their water body and their diagenism. With more secondary porosity and residual primary porosity, medium-coarse sediments form gas-bearing beds easily. However, with less residual primary porosity and secondary porosity, fine sediments form non gas-bearing formations. The quality of reservoirs is affected by structural setting, sedimentary facies, and diagenism. Mechanism of secondary porosity formation is studied through fluid-rock interaction simulation: during late diagenesis A, a lot of secondary porosity is formed because filler in reservoirs, such as tuff, feldspar, etc. are solved by organic acid from source rocks. Using high resolution sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies analyses, the geological model of conduit systems is built up in Sulige gas field. Types of conduit systems of Sulige gas field includes sandstone bodies, faults, sandstone bodies-faults. Moreover, sandstone bodies are divided into thick-banded,

【关键词】 鄂尔多斯苏里格储层孔隙演化输导体系
【Key words】 OrdosSuligeReservoirPorosity EvolutionConduit System

