

【作者】 李冬梅

【导师】 郭德俊; 郭春彦;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本研究在已有文献的基础上提出了心境的动态平衡模型。该模型的主要思想强调了个体在具有相对稳定心境主基调的基础上,其心境会由于内源性因素和外源性因素的影响,从而表现出一定的波动,由于机体调节适应机制和相对稳定人格特质的影响,在一定的时间里又使得心境从其偏离态返回到相对平衡态,甚至重新建立一个新的平衡。个体偏离心境平衡态的幅度、速率、以及频率会由于个体的稳定人格特质和生理机制的差异而不同。 在动态平衡模型的思想指导下,我们考察了青少年,主要是初中、高中、大学三个年龄段青少年的心境主基调(包括积极心境、消极心境)特征,以及与心境相关的感情强度、心理弹性、认知重评和表达抑制调节策略的使用特点及其发展特点。在了解青少年心境主基调的基础上,我们连续对青少年追踪28天,运用动态系统理论的频率分析方法考察了青少年的心境波动幅度、波动频率以及波动周期特点,同时也考察了青少年心境在一天内、一周内、一月内的心境波动规律及发展特点。在此基础上,也考察了人格特质与心境基调以及心境波动特点之间的关系。为了了解调节策略对青少年心境波动的影响,我们采用主观报告和生理记录相结合的方法,在实验室里利用自编情绪诱发软件对真实情境进行模拟,从而对认知重评和表达抑制调节策略对青少年心境及其波动进行了考察,同时用RSA或HF、LF/HF指标考察了副交感神经(迷走神经)、交感与副交感的平衡对心境的调控作用。 结果我们发现青少年的心境主基调是稍微偏向积极的状态,随年龄增长,这个主基调呈现下降趋势,同时感情强度、心理弹性呈下降趋势。在心境波动动态属性方面,初中同学的心境波动幅度高于大学生,女同学的心境波动频率高于男同学。研究发现青少年的心境波动周期为7天和28天,在一天内的心境波动中,积极心境在中午某个时段达到最高点,然后逐渐下降,而消极心境一天内的波动趋势则是从早上到晚上呈现递增趋势。从周一到周日,心境波动呈现出类似正弦波的趋势。初中同学明显的表现出“blue Monday”效应,而大学生则没有明确的显现出这个现象。 在情绪调节策略对心境的影响上,认知重评策略显著降低了消极心境体验,且HF值相对较高,而表达抑制策略没有降低消极心境体验,HF却较低。在LF/HF值上,表达抑制组同时显著低于认知重评组和不调节组。表达抑制策略和认知重评策略无论是在体验上还是在生理上都产生了不同的效果。在情绪调节策略的使用上,初中生和高中生显然对调节策略的理解和利用它来进行调节的能力相对大学生来说较差。 本研究也同时发现人格特质与心境体验、感情强度、心理弹性、心境波动频率、调节策略使用有关。

【Abstract】 This thesis proposes a dynamic equilibrium model of the mood on the basis of the existing research papers. This model emphasize that the individual mood is relatively stable, but departure from their equilibrium state because of the influence of endogenous elements and exogenous elements, and the individual mood will return to its stable state , even establish a new equilibrium state because of the influence of the body’s regulative and adaptive mechanism and its relatively stable personality traits. The amplitude、 velocity and frequency of the individual mood departure from equilibrium varies because of individual differences in stable personality traits and physiological parameters.Under the guidance of the dynamic equilibrium model, we studied the main tone of the mood (including both positive mood and negative mood) of the juveniles mainly in junior schools, high schools and colleges, and development characteristics of mood-related affect intensity, metal resilience, the usage in cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression regulation strategy. With the understanding of the main tone in mood of the juveniles, we tracked them for 28 consecutive days. Using the method of spectral analysis in dynamic system theory, we studied the characteristics of the amplitude, frequency and the period of the fluctuation of their mood. We also studied the fluctuating rules and development characteristics of their mood in a day, a week or a month. On the basis, we also studied the relation among the personality traits, the main tone of mood and the characteristics of the fluctuation of their mood. In order to learn the influence of regulating strategies on the fluctuation of their mood of the juveniles, we employed both subjective reports and physiological records, we simulated genuine situation with emotion induced software made by ourselves in the lab, studied the influence of cognitive reappraisal and strategy of expression suppression on mood of the juveniles, while studying the regulating influence of parasympathetic、 the equilibrium of sympathetic and parasympathetic with the index of RSA or HF、 LF/HF.As a result, we found that the main tone in mood of the juveniles tends to be more positive, while their affect intensity and metal resilience descends. In regard with the dynamic characteristic of the fluctuation of their mood, junior school students fluctuate more than graduates, while girls fluctuate more than boys. The study also reveals that the fluctuation cycle periods are 7days or 28days. During a day, positive mood intensity reaches the peak at some time at noon, and then it descends gradually, while negative mood intensity ascends during a day. From Monday to Friday, the fluctuation of their mood appears to be like the sine wave. The junior school students evidently have the ’blue Monday’ effect, while the graduates show no sign of such phenomenon.As to the influence of strategy of emotion regulation on the mood, cognitive reappraisal notably decreases the experience of negative mood, and the HF value is relatively high; although strategy of expression suppression does not decreases the experience of negative mood, the HF value is relatively low. As to the values of LF/HF expression suppression is notably lower than the non-regulation. The strategies of both and expression suppression and cogitation reappraisal have different effects on both experience and on physiology. As to the usage of the strategy of emotion regulation, junior school students and high school students cannot fully understand the strategy, and regulate themselves badly.This study also finds that personality traits has relation with the mood experience, affect intensity, metal resilience, the frequency of fluctuation of mood and the regulation strategy usage.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1210

