

【作者】 段伟

【导师】 阎守诚;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 中国自古地域广袤,自然环境多样,为自然灾害的爆发提供了有利条件。秦汉时期,自然灾害就曾多次爆发。据笔者统计,这一时期共有水灾114次,旱灾113次,地震117次,蝗螟灾68次,疫灾42次,风灾40次,雹灾37次,寒灾40次,火灾85次,饥灾73次。如果按灾害爆发频率统计,秦汉时期441年共发生729次灾害,则灾害爆发频率为1.653次/年,是先秦至唐时期自然灾害的比较高发时期,给当时人们带来了严酷的灾难。大量田地、房屋被毁,人民流离失所,甚至爆发人吃人的惨剧。 为了消除、减轻自然灾害的影响,秦汉政府通过长时间的摸索,逐渐形成一套防灾减灾制度。 一、禳灾制度。禳灾制度是在先秦敬仰天帝鬼神的基础上发展而来,是人们通过对某些超自然力量的祈求或控制,围绕预防或消除自然灾害的目的而形成的制度。秦汉禳灾制度可分为文化禳灾(包括帝王自责制度、祈祷制度、厌胜制度)和政治禳灾(包括改元制度、因灾异免三公制度、选举贤良制度、大赦制度、录囚制度)两种。秦汉人对禳灾制度非常重视,把禳灾看作是根除灾害的重要手段,灾害爆发后,一般是先进行禳灾,后进行减灾。虽然禳灾能安稳民心,但更多的是延缓了政府组织灾民抗灾、救灾。 二、减灾制度。减灾制度指为消减灾害的影响而形成的一系列制度规则。秦汉政府注重禳灾,也很重视组织社会开展减灾工作。 减灾制度可分为: 1、灾害预防制度: 天文学的发展,反映了国家对预防灾害的重视。抓紧农时体现了秦汉农学家规避灾害,获得最大收益的思想。仓库储蓄制度的发展展现了政府对储蓄的认识。水利工程的修建是与天地争斗的伟大成果。农业生产制度的调整和技术进步说明秦汉政府认识到如何降低灾害影响的方法。 2、灾害控制制度: 主要包括抢救灾民、治水、捕蝗、救火等制度。 3、资源配置消减灾害制度: 缩减政府开支,并鼓励灾民节约。政府在灾后有时节约开支,用于救济灾民。通过颁布水权、有条件地开放国有土地,鼓励市场经济,实现资源配置合理化。实行蠲免和借贷,扶持灾民再生产。利用当地或外地的物资保障灾民衣食。安置流民,使其安心生产。鼓励民间力量救济灾民。为了使救灾制度得以顺利实施,政府还加强监督机制。 减灾制度的实行,有利于节约社会成本,有利于新技术的使用与推广,促进经济恢复发展,其形成后,能够指导后世的灾害防治,减少了后世灾害防治不力的机会。 总起来看,秦汉时期的禳灾制度和减灾制度都已初步建立,并取得了效果。秦汉时期是我国大一统帝国的建立时期,其制度创建影响了后世历代帝国,直至

【Abstract】 China has had a wide length and breadth of land as well as a variety of natural environment from ancient times, which provides advantages for the eruption of natural disaster. During Qin and Han dynasty, natural disasters have broken out for a great number of times. According to the statistics of the author, there have been floods 114 times, droughts 113 times, earthquake 117 times, grass hopper and locus infestations 68 times, epidemic diseases 42 times, wind disasters 40 times, hail disasters 37 time, frost disasters 40 times, fires 85 times, and famine disasters 73 times altogether during that time. As there have been altogether 729 times of disasters happening in this time, the disaster eruption frequency of Qin and Han dynasty is 1.653 times per year, which is a higher figure than that of Pre-Qin and Tang dynasty and has brought calamity for people. A large quantity of farmlands and houses were destroyed, people became destitute and homeless and even the tragic of human being eating each other took place.In order to mitigate and eliminate the effects of natural disasters, the governments of Qin and Han Dynasty have established a set of institutions for preventing and reducing disasters after many years of experience. The institutions are the following:1. The institution of dispelling disasters through sacrifice. Developing from the customs of revering ghosts and gods from the time of Pre-Qin, this institution is implemented through people invoking or controlling some supra natural power to preventing or eliminating natural disasters. The approaches of dispelling disasters could be divided into cultural approaches which included emperor self-accusation, prayer and Yansheng, and political approaches which included changing the title of an emperor’s reign, removing prime minister in feudal China from office, electing a worthy person, general pardon and retrying prisoners. People in Qin Dynasty attached high importance to this institution and regarded it as a significant way of eliminating disasters. After the eruption of a disaster, people normally dispelled disaster through sacrifice first, then began to reducing the influence of the disaster. Although sacrificing can make people peaceful, it delayed the government to organize victims of a natural disaster to rescue the disasters.2. The institution of reducing disasters. This institution refers to those developed from decreasing the influence of disasters. The governments of Qin and Han dynasty took much account of organize the society to reduce disasters as well. The institution could be again divided into three sub-institutions.First. The institution of preventing natural disasters. The development of astronomy reflects the recognition of preventing disasters by the government. Grasping the farm time reflects the idea of evading disasters and obtaining the greatest benefit of agriculturist of Qin and Han dynasty. The institutional development of warehouse storage reflects the government’s understanding of storage. The construction of the project of irrigation works is the fruit of people combating with nature. The revision and improvement of agricultural production institution shows the government’s recognition of the approach to decreasing the effects of the disasters.Second. The institution of controlling disasters. This mainly includes saving the victims, water-control, catching locster and fire fighting.Third. The institution of reducing disasters through allocating resources. This includes:a. curtailing expenses of the government and encouraging the economy of the victims.b. by issuing the law of water right and conditional opening the state-owned lands to promote market economy and realize rationalization of resources allocation, c. exempting tax and carrying on loan to help the victims to renew production, d. taking advantage of the local or out-of-town resources to guarantee the victim’s life. e. settling down the civilians to ensure them to produce at ease. f. encouraging the country gentlemen and the landed aristocracy to relieve the victims of the disa

  • 【分类号】K233
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1075

