

Studies on Real Estate Contracts from Sippar in Old Babylon Period

【作者】 李海峰

【导师】 吴宇虹;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 由于原始材料的缺乏和古代语言文字的障碍,目前,国内学者对古巴比伦时期(前1894-1595)的不动产研究还十分薄弱。《汉穆腊比法典》一直是国内学者研究古巴比伦时期社会经济的重要史料,通过分析《汉穆腊比法典》中有关土地的几款规定,我们对土地这种不动产的买卖和租赁有了粗浅的认识。然而,对于不动产这样一个复杂的问题,仅仅依据《汉穆腊比法典》来研究,最多只能得到一鳞半爪的认识。土地买卖和租赁契约的模式,土地面积的大小、土地价格、土地租金、买卖双方、出租人和承租人的身份等问题,目前还不清楚。而对于房屋买卖和租赁问题的研究,则几乎是一片空白。有幸的是,1994-1997 年,比利时学者戴基雷(Luc Dekiere)连续出版了六卷著作《古巴比伦时期西帕尔不动产经济文献》,这为我们研究古巴比伦时期的不动产提供了丰富的原始材料。本文试图根据戴基雷六卷著作中的 660 多个用阿卡德语写成的不动产买卖和租赁契约,对古巴比伦时期不动产的买卖和租赁问题进行一些初步的研究,从而进一步地了解和认识古巴比伦时期的私人经济活动和商业活动、社会经济状况、生产关系、阶级关系以及古巴比伦时期的社会性质等问题。 除引言和结论外,本文共分六章。在引言中,简单的介绍了亚述学的发展状况、本文所采用的基本材料以及选题的缘由。 第一章:介绍了古城西帕尔的考古发掘情况,西帕尔城从远古时代到古巴比伦时期的历史发展概况 第二章:对土地的买卖和交换契约进行了研究。分析了城外农田契约和城内各种不同类型的土地契约。对于土地私有化的另一种表现形式――土地的自由交换,在本章中也进行了简单的分析。 第三章:对房屋买卖契约进行了分析研究。对房屋买卖契约的基本模式、房屋的面积、价格等问题进行了详细的分析。 第四章:简单分析了果园和水渠这两种不动产的买卖契约。 第五章:对土地租赁契约进行了分析研究。土地租赁在古巴比伦中后期得到了充分的发展,土地租赁契约也是各种契约中数量最多的。本章详细分析了土地租赁契约模式、租金的种类、租金的各种不同比率、合租等诸多问题。 第六章:对正房、阁楼、“厢房”、店铺和旅馆等各种不同房屋类型的租赁契约进行了分析研究。 在结论部分,笔者根据对大量不动产契约的分析研究,得出了一些关于古巴比伦时期不动产经济状况的普遍性、宏观性结论。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, owing to the lack of Owing to the lack of primal materials and the hindranceof ancient language, the research on the rent ratio of field-lease hasn’t got creationaryachievement. The code of Hammurabi is the important material for Chinese scholarsresearching the Old Babylonian social economy. According to the previsions of the code ofHammurabi, we get a little knowledge of the field sale and rent, but for the complex realestate matter, we can not get much only according to the code of Hammurabi. The field saleand rent’s formulary, the field size, the field price, the field rent, the seller and buyer, therenter and the lessee and so on, are not clarity. The research on the house sale and rent isalmost blank. Fortunately, Luc Dekiere has published “Old Babylonian Real Documents fromSippar in the British Museum, MHET Vol. II, part1-6 during 1994-1997. Luc Dekiere’s sixbooks give us abundant primal material for researching the real estate of Old Babylon period.This dissertation is intent on making primary research on the real estate according to the 660contracts in the Luc Dekiere six books in order that we can know more things about theprivate ecnomic and commercial activities, the economice state , the produce relations, theclass relations, the nature of Old Babylon society and so on. This dissertation contains six chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. Theintroduction involves the development state of Assyriology, and tells the basic material andthe season for this dissertation topic. Chapter 1 involves the excavation of ancient Sippar, and the history of Sippar fromancient time to Old Babylon. Chapter 2 involves the field sale contracts and field exchange contracts. Chapter 3 involves the house sale contracts. The chapter analyses detailedly theformulary of house sale contracts, the size of house and the price of house. Chapter 4 involves the orchard sale contracts and the ditch sale contracts. Chapter 5 involves the field lease contracts. The lease of field developed fully in themiddle and late period of Old Babylon. The field rent contracts are most in the real estatecontracts. The chapter analyses fully the formulary of field lease, the rent type, the rent ratioand partnership tenancy of field. Chapter 6 involves the some types of house rent contracts. In the conclusion part, the author makes some conclusions according to the analysis ofthe real estate contracts.

【关键词】 古巴比伦西帕尔不动产契约
【Key words】 Old BabylonSipparreal estatecontract

