

A Study of the Nine Frontier Fortification System of the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 赵现海

【导师】 赵轶峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 张廷玉本《明史》呈现两种九边说法并存的局面。其中《地理志》九边说法继承王鸿绪本《明史稿》而来,而后者又继承万斯同本《明史·地理志》而来,而万斯同本《明史·地理志》继承明代许论《九边图论》九边说法演变脉络。张廷玉本《明史·兵志》九边说法为《明史》各版本所独有,实直接继承明代魏焕《皇明九边考》九边说法演变脉络。《九边图论》与《皇明九边考》两种九边说法,分别遵循地理意义与军事制度意义而书写,成为明代两种影响最大的九边说法,两种说法的共同局限是缺乏对于军镇建置标志的探讨。但此外,明清时期尚流传其他八种九边说法。北边大将镇守制度下,将领镇守一方、自主行动、便宜行事、军法从事,并且综治军民,实际上便具有节制都司卫所的权力,形成军政合一的镇守模式,从而为九边总兵镇守制度开创了制度渊源。塞王守边制度在继承大将镇守制度的基础上,不仅发展了地理格局,从而在北边形成九处核心重地的格局,为九边总兵镇守制度奠定了地理格局。而且大将镇守制度因缘于塞王守边制度的到来,逐渐发生转变,开始偏重以中级将领镇守较小区域,基本已演为九边总兵镇守制度形式。二者从而构成了九边总兵镇守制度的制度渊源与地理基础。 总兵镇守制度在元代已有萌芽,大将镇守制度在一定程度上即是此种形式,但至洪武晚期,开始明确以总兵官作为将领职任,固定镇守一地,从而逐渐形成九边总兵镇守制度。总兵镇守制度节制都司卫所,镇守一方、自主行动、便宜行事、军法从事,并且在军事行动方面具有控制布、按二司的权力,此外,总兵官尚可督理钱粮,从而在一定程度上实行军政合一模式。九边诸镇自东而西依次为辽东镇、蓟州镇、宣府镇、大同镇、山西镇、延绥镇、陕西镇、宁夏镇与固原镇。若以建置时间排序,分别为甘肃镇、宁夏镇、宣府镇、大同镇、辽东镇、蓟州镇、延绥镇、陕西镇与山西镇。其中蓟州镇于嘉靖时期分出昌平镇、保定镇,陕西镇于万历时期分出临洮镇,但并未对九边格局形成大的影响,故而仍然延续九边旧称。总兵使职体系逐渐呈现地方化、制度化的趋势,相应逐渐渗透、虚化都司卫所制度,两种制度遂呈现逐渐合一的趋势,但终明一代,仍然维持两种制度并存的格局。明前期,明朝主要通过宦官镇守制度制约总兵镇守制度,从而形成内外相制格局。 洪熙时期,明朝开始于军镇建立参赞制度。宣德以后,鉴于屯田制度逐渐废坏,总兵职任体系与宦官职任体系多有不法,遂逐渐于九边设置巡抚,管理粮饷、监察官员、听理词讼,故而,宣德后期至嘉靖初期,九边遂呈现三节帅格局。巡抚的设置,在增重九边权力的同时,分割了总兵官管理粮饷、听理词讼之权,从而在军镇内部形成军政分离模式,但军镇整体仍为军政合一模式,而且军镇对于腹里文官体制的控制增强。嘉靖中期以后,九边军镇体制进入以文统武格局。总督实为加强各镇联系、统合一镇之权所设,故而节制多镇,节制巡抚与总兵官,从而一方面集合了分散的军镇权力,另一方面却无法具体管理诸镇,军镇具体事务仍基本由巡抚与总兵官负责,仍然维持军镇内部制约机制,从而成为九边不至坐大的因素之一。故而,九边是明朝自洪武至嘉靖年间,为防御蒙古、防卫京师,并随着边防内地化进程的发展而最终完成的,以总兵镇守制度为标志,由巡抚制度、总督制度进一步完善的九处军事重镇。

【Abstract】 The History of the Ming Dynasty compiled by Zhang Tingyu presented the coexist aspectabout two theories of the Nine Frontier. Among which one theory about the Nine Frontierin Annals of Geography inhened Wang Hongxu’s The Manuscript of Ming History ,the otherinhened Wan Sitong’s The Annals of Geography of the History of the Ming Dynasty. WanSitong’s The Annals of Geography of the History of the Ming Dynasty inhened developmentthread of thought in Xu Lun’s The Nine Frontier Tulun.. The theory of the Nine Frontier inZhang Tingyu’s The Annals of Military in the History of the Ming Dynasty was the uniquetheory in every edition of The History of the Ming Dynasty . It inhened the Nine Frontier’sdevelopment thread of thought in Wei Huan’s The Examination of Huangming’s the NineFrontier. The two theoties of the Nine Frontier about The Nine Frontier Tulun and TheExamination of Huangming’s the Nine Frontier followed geography and military systemseparately, and came to be two most famous theories of the Nine Frontier. The commonlimit of the two theories was being short of the inquire of fortifications’. On the other hand,the eight other theories about the Nine Frontier still spreaded in Mingqing Theriod. Under the General-Guarding system, Generals defensed theirs areas, controlling guardsand citizens, and therefore hat the power to contain Dusi Weisuo. Thus, the defense systemwhich combined the military and administration had been conformed. And this came to be thesystem origin of the Nine Frontier Zongbing defense system. Under the foundation ofGeneral-Guarding system, Saiwang defense system developed geography pattern, andaccomplished the pattern of nine important bases in the north., and laid a geography patternfor the Nine Frontier Zongbing defense system.. Because of the appearance of Saiwangdefense system, General-Guarding system gradually changed into the Nine FrontierZongbing defense system, and began to let the middle-level general-guards to defense smallareas. Both composed the system origin and the geography foundation of the Nine FrontierZongbing defense system. Zongbing system appeared in Yuan Dynasty. General-Guarding system was the rudimentof Zongbing system. However, in late period of Hongwu, Zongbing system began to regardthe Zongbing affacials as genenals to defense bases. Thus the Nine Frontier Zongbingdefense system formed gradually. Defensing one base freely, Zongbing system hat the powerof Dusi Weisuo and had the power to control Buzheng and Ancha department. In addition,Zongbing affacials can charge money and food.,thus formed the pattern which combined themilitary and administration. From the east to the west, the fortifications in the NineFrontier was the following: Liaodong Town, Jizhou Town, Xuanfu Town, Datong Town,shanxi Town, Yansui Town, Shanxi Town, Ningxia Town and Guyuan Town. The establishingorder was the following: Gansu Town, Ningxia Town, Xuanfu Town, Datong Town, LiaodongTown, Jizhou Town, Yansui Town, Shanxi Town and shanxi Town.. In Jiajing, Jizhou Townseparated into Changping Town, Baoding Town and Shanxi Town. In Wanli, Jizhou Townseparated into Lintao Town, but these inflused the Nine Frontier pattern not greatly. theNine Frontier continued its old names. Zongbing system assumed a trend of locality andsystem,and avianized Dusi Weisuo system gradually. The two system combined into onesystem gradually, but throughout Ming Dynasty the two system existed side by side. In earlyMing, Ming Dynasty restricted Zongbing defense system by court-eunuch defense system,formed the pattern of the inside restricting the outside. In Hongxi, Ming Dynasty began to form Canzan system at fortifications. After Xuande,as Tuntian system ceased to be binding, Zongbing system and court-eunuch system began tobreak the law. Thus Ming Dynasty set up Xunfu in the Nine Frontier, charging food , money,officials and lawsuits. From late Xuande to early Jiajing, the Nine Frontier presented thepattern of three-grade afficials. The setting up of the Xuanfu, separated Zongbing’s power ofmoney, food and laws

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