

【作者】 徐维祥

【导师】 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放25年以来,中国的工业化进程和社会经济的发展取得了令人注目的成绩,而城镇化发展进程则相对滞后。更重要的是,当前中国社会经济发展中的诸多矛盾和问题如城乡二元结构与“三农”(农村、农业与农民问题)问题、产业结构调整问题、城市规划与基础设施建设问题、土地资源合理利用和生态环境保护问题等等,无例外的与我国城镇化发展相对滞后有密切的联系。为此,中国政府把“实施城镇化战略,促进城乡共同进步”作为国民经济和社会发展“十五”计划的重要内容之一。国内外具有区域特色的产业集群成功发展及其在促进区域人口的集中、二、三产业的增长、综合竞争力的提高和资源、基础设施的共建共享所产生的良好集聚效应更为世人注目。我国区域特色产业集群经济的发展不仅极大地推动了农村工业化进程,又为面广量大的中小企业构筑了一种有效的空间集群地域组织模式,并为区域城镇化要素的空间集聚提供了前提保障和基础条件,而城镇化的推进又反过来为区域产业结构进一步升级创造了更为有利的基础依托。因此,从新的视角审视中国城镇化发展道路,构建全球经济一体化背景下具有中国特色的“产业集群与城镇化互动发展机制及运作模式”具有重要的理论价值和现实指导意义。 本研究共分六章,各章的主要内容如下: 第一章导论。主要介绍了立题背景、研究意义,若干概念的涵义及其理解,研究内容、基本思路和技术方法,以及研究的创新点与局限性。 第二章文献综述部分。对国内外有关产业集群、城镇化发展机制、产业结构演进与城镇化关系,以及产业集群与城镇化互动发展关系研究的最新文献进行述评。 第三章主要分析了产业集群与城镇化耦合发展的关系。从产业集群在国内外的普遍性,产业集群的竞争力,产业集群成长与城市群(都市区)形成与发展的关系,基于产业集群的开发区建设与城市发展空间演进的关系,以及产业集群成长与城镇化进程若干指标的关联来分析两者的关系。 第四章运用系统动力学方法,构建了产业集群与城镇化互动发展的动力学机制。并以浙江省义乌市为例,建立了义乌市产业集群与城镇化互动发展的动力学模型流图,通过系统仿真,揭示了义乌市产业集群与城镇化互动发展的系统动力学关系。 第五章实证研究和总结了基于专业市场的产业集群与城镇化互动发展模式、基于民本块状经济(产业集群)成长的“葡萄串”式组合城市发展模式和基于外商直接投浙江大学博士学位论文产业集群与城镇化互动发展机制及运作模式研究................资的产业集群与城镇化互动运作模式; 第六章是研究结论和政策启示。 通过对项目的研究,得到如下结论: (1)产业集群的普遍性 随着全球经济一体化的发展,世界范围内产业的地理空间集聚趋势日益明显,无论是在西方的发达国家,还是亚洲的发展中国家和地区,以及我国的东南沿海地区,产业集群的现象极为普遍。 中国产业集群成长表现出如下特点: ①产业集群源于自发形成,在中国东南沿海呈集中分布趋势; ②我国产业集群基本上是由非公有制企业组成的,且主要是中小企业: ③衍生、裂变、创新与效仿是我国产业集群形成的主要方式; ④适应工业现代化发展趋势,逐步实现产业集群与工业现代化对接融合: ⑤适应城镇化发展趋势,逐步实现产业集群与城镇化对接。 (2)产业簇群化与城镇化祸合联动是驱动强县发展的引擎 由于大量的集群存在,在世界版图上形成了块状明显的“经济马赛克”。产业集群已成为当今世界经济发展中颇具特色的产业经济组织形式,产业集群不仅发挥了规模经济和范围经济的效益,同时亦因此而产生了强大的溢出效应,带动某一地区乃至整个国家经济的发展。 研究引用国家统计局农调总队2003年全国综合百强县评估结果,浙江、江苏、山东、广东、福建、上海等中国东南沿海省、市占据的80个强县,其社会经济的健康快速发展很大程度上得益于产业集群成长和城镇化引擎的驱动。在江、浙地区,一方面,开始从“农村工业化+专业市场+小城镇”,向“特色工业园区+现代物流业+城镇化”的模式转变。另一方面,依托城市的发展及其城市特有的聚集规模经济效益、城郊外部效益和市场引力等,吸引了大量资金、技术、劳动力和信息等生产要素集中,进而促进工业产业集中。 (3)地方产业集群与城镇化具有互动发展关系 我国的产业集群现象与正在实施的城镇化进程具有互为交融、互促共进的强关联性。产业集群的成长和发展,不仅极大地推动了农村工业化进程,又为面广量大的中小企业构筑了一种有效的空间集群地域组织模式,进而促进区域人口的集中、二、三产业的增长、综合竞争力的提高和资源、基础设施的共建共享,并产生的良好集聚效

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening-up over the past 25 years, the industrialization process and socio- economic development in China have made remarkable achievement, however, the urbanization development lags behind relatively. Additionally, a great deal of contradictions and problems in current China’s socio-economic development, such as, the problems caused by duality structures in urban and rural areas, three main problems in rural area (problems in agriculture, in rural areas and with farmers), problems in industrial structure adjustment, urban planning and infrastructure construction, rational utilization of land resource and ecological environmental protection etc, unexceptionally have close connections to relative lag of urbanization. Therefore, Chinese Government made principle of "implement urbanization strategy; promote urban and rural areas development semoutanously" as one of the most important items in Tenth Five-Year Plan of the national socio-economic development.The domestic and international industrial clusters with regional characteristics successfully grow, which promote the population migration in urban and growth of the secondary and the tertiary industries, improvement of comprehensive competitiveness, resource sharing and infrastructure joint construction, and generate the remarkable cluster effect. The industrial clusters with regional characteristics in China not only greatly promote the rural industrialization and provide an effective regionally organizational mode of space clusters for small and medium-sized enterprises which are great in number and scattered in location, but also offer the prerequisite and basic condition as key elements for the regional urbanization, meanwhile, the urbanization has upgraded and created more favorable foundation for the further regional industrial structure. Thereby, it has great value and realistic significance to examine China’s urbanization development path closely from the new visual angle, structure the theory with importance of "developing the interaction mechanism and operational mode with urbanization and the industrial agglomeration" with Chinese characteristics under the global economic integration background.This research is divided into 6 chapters, and the main content of each chapter is as follows:Chapter one: Introduction. The main introduction sets up the background of the problems, research meaning, definitions and understandings of several concepts, research contents, basic thoughts and technological methodologies, and innovative points and limitations;Chapter two: Literature Review. This paper outlines comments of urbanization development mechanism, gradual industrial structure progress and urbanization relation to domestic and international relevant industries, and latest documents about interactionrelations between industrial clusters and urbanization;Chapter three analyses mainly relations of the industrial clusters and the urbanization’s coupling development. This chapter analyses by collecting universality of industrial clusters at home and abroad, it also analyses the competitive ability of the industrial clusters, the relationship between town group developing and the industrial cluster forming, the relationship between the growth of industrial cluster development zone and the space gradual progress of town development, and the relationship between the growth of industrial clusters and several indexes of urbanization process.Chapter four applies systematic dynamics, to structure the dynamic mechanism of development for industrial clusters and urbanization. It takes Yiwu of Zhejiang Province as an example, and sets up flow chart and pursue of development model for Yiwu city industrial cluster interacting with urbanization. By systematic simulation, it announces systematic dynamic development relation of Yiwu city industrial cluster interacting with urbanization.Chapter five studies and summarizes interacting development model based on specific markets of industrial clusters and urbanization, and "grape bunch " grown up a private regional eco

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 04期

