

【作者】 李江玲

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 旅游业发展研究,是近年来学术研究中的一个新兴领域,经济学、管理学、地理学、生态学、政治学、心理学、规划学、法学等多种学科都涉猎了这方面的研究工作,并涌现出一批可喜的成果。作为旅游业发展的基本要素,旅游资源的重要地位不言而喻,就如何开发利用好旅游资源,促进旅游业快速发展方面的课题也受到越来越多的关注。但是,由于我国旅游业发展的时间较短,很多方面的工作环节有待进一步完善,对于旅游资源的保护,相关方面的研究还处于起步阶段,所见成果多属概述和介绍性质。民族地区的旅游资源,既具有旅游资源的基本特征,又因为植根于民族地区而具有其自身独有的魅力和特色。在我国这样一个统一多民族的国家里,各民族经济的共同发展既是提高国民经济整体发展水平的必要途径,也是缩小地区差距、维护民族团结、保障国家长治久安的重要条件。民族地区旅游资源优势突出、禀赋较高,有效利用发挥好这一资源优势,能够促进民族地区经济快速增长。在开发利用的同时,如何加强对旅游资源的保护,以促进民族地区旅游业可持续发展是当前亟待解决的问题,而专门从法律保障的角度进行深入细致的探讨目前尚不多见。因此,对于民族地区旅游资源法律保障的研究在理论和实践方面均具有重要意义:在理论上,对于加强民族地区旅游资源的立法保护工作,探索构建社会主义法治条件下民族地区旅游业的可持续发展道路,具有一定的理论研究价值;在实践中,对于明晰民族地区旅游资源的法律保护现状、分析当前立法工作得失、展望今后立法趋势以及解决具体工作中所涉及到的各种问题,都具有重要的现实意义。 本文以民族地区旅游资源的法律保障作为研究对象,其中,“民族地区”的范围界定为内蒙古、新疆、宁夏、广西、西藏等5个民族自治区和云南、贵州、四川、青海、甘肃等5个少数民族分布较多的省份;“旅游资源”大致以自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源划分。在写作中,综合运用了民族经济学、旅游资源学、法理学等多学科理论,以文献资料与理论分析相融合,通过对多种法律法规及实践案例的分析总结·,结合民族地区工作实践,努力实现跨学科、多角度的研究。论文的主要贡献在于,由于目前学术界尚未就民族地区旅游资源的法律保护问题展开专门研究,因此这一工作可以为正在蓬勃兴起的民族地区旅游业的可持续发展提供有益的参考。同时,论文详细梳理和分析了旅游资源的国际法和国内法保护现状,并就如何对民族地区旅游资源保护工作做进一步的改进和完善,从理论和实践环节提出了具体明确的意见。虽然研究尚显粗浅,但它展示了一个崭新的视角,可为今后开展工作提供借鉴。在论文正式写作之前,笔者就论文中的相关内容,如中国旅游法制建设、旅游资源开发中的法律问题、旅游资源开发中对民族传统文化的保护等问题都做过专门研究,并发表了学术论文,同时在参考大量文献资料和进行实践调查工作的基础上完成了论文的写作。 全文除绪论外,共由五章组成,主要从以下几个方面进行写作:绪论部分主要阐明了本文写作的研究背景、理论方法、实践意义、相关思路和研究动态,并介绍了木文研究的特色以及为此研究所做的社会调查及资料搜集工作。 第一章主要在分析总结民族地区旅游资源基本内涵和整体优势的基础上,提出加强民族地区旅游资源法律保障工作的必要性。 第二章主要通过对国际及国内旅游资源法律保护工作的回顾和总结,分析当前民族地区旅游资源立法保护工作现状。 第三章主要通过对国内外部分国家和地区旅游资源保护工作实践的分析,总结这些实践对民族地区旅游资源保护工作的启示。 第四章分别从四个不同的角度,阐明了在加强民族地区旅游资源法律保障工作的过程中,首先必须构建的相关理论框架。 第五章论述了在建立健全民族地区旅游资源法律保障体系的过程中,必须从横向、纵向法律建设,发挥少数民族习惯法的作用,营造良好社会环境诸方面着手,使该项工作落到实处。 在旅游业蓬勃发展的今天,作为旅游业发展基础和前提条件的旅游资源保护状况如何,直接影响到当地旅游业发展的未来走向。民族地区旅游资源丰富,但如果不加以有效保护,就容易使这一资源优势逐步丧失。因此,以严格有效的法律保障形式加强对旅游资源的保护,是保障民族地区旅游业可持续发展的关键所在。关键词:民族地区,旅游资源,法律保障,理论,实践

【Abstract】 The study of the tourism development is a new area in the academic research in recent years, many kinds of subjects, such as economics, administration, geography, ecology, politics, psychology, law are involved in this research work, and there are great achievements on this. As the key element of tourism development, the role of tourism resources is quite obvious and important, and the subject of how to utilize tourism resources and improve the development of tourism, is paid more and more attention. As tourism development in China is just started in recent years, lots of work such as protection for tourism resources need improve, the research of related aspects is just initiated, and there are only some achievements which are general and introductory.The tourism resources in minority regions, have both basic characteristics, and also some specific ones due to its national features. In a multi-nationality country like China, co-development of different nations is the essential way to improve the national economy, it is also important prerequisite to minimize the disparity of different regions, to maintain national unity and to keep long term stability in China. The tourism resources in minority regions have its outstanding advantage, to utilize that effectively could accelerate the development of these regions. Meanwhile, it is still to be solved of how to strengthen the protection for tourism resources, and to improve sustainable tourism development in minority regions, but the research work on this deeply from the point of legal guarantee is still rare in China. Therefore it is important to study the legislation protection for tourism resources of minority regions both in theory and in practice: in theory, to strengthen the legislation protection and to explore the sustainable way of tourism in minority regions, has its leading function; on the other hand, it is important to see explicit legalguarantee work, analyse the lessons learnt of legislation for the present, the trend of legislation in future and solve the problems met in practice.The research object of this dissertation is the legal guarantee for tourism resources in minority regions. Minority regions refers to Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,Ningxia,Guangxi,Tibet,Yunnan,Guizhou,Sichuan,Gan su,and Qinghai .Tourism resources including natural resources and cultural resources. It tries to achieve the analysis among different subjects and dimensions, using economics, jurisprudence ,law etc synthetically, with the studies the legal guarantee of tourism resources in minority regions, integration theory analysis and documentations, arrangement of different sorts of laws, combination with the practice of it. The contribution of the article is that, the research work of tourism resources protection can be referenced by the sustainability of prosperous tourism in minority regions because there is no specific research work in academia at present; and this article works up and analyzes the derivation of international and domestic laws, provides its suggestions on how to improve the protection for tourism resources in minority regions both in theory and in practice. The research shows a new dimension and can be a referenced to later work although it is a little plain and simple. The author specially studies related contents in the article before its formation, such as legal construction for tourism in our country, legal problems about tourism development, the protection to traditional culture in tourism development, and also published some articles. finished the dissertation based on referencing quantities of documentation and doing lots of investigations.The dissertation includes 5 chapters besides of preference: In preference, it clarifies the background, methodology, significance in practice, related thoughts, the trends of related research, it also introduces the special features of the study work and the collection ofdocumentation with investigation.In Chapter 1 with the analysis and summarization of the basic contents and integral advantage in minority regions, the

  • 【分类号】F592.3;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1744
  • 攻读期成果

