

The Mechanism of Nutrients Availability for Storage Early, Long-Grain, Non-glutinous Rice in Swine Diets

【作者】 李俊波

【导师】 李德发; 朴香淑;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本研究系统探讨了猪对陈化早籼糙米的养分利用机理。(1)以当年收获及贮存三年的早籼稻谷脱壳后所获早籼糙米为材料,采用单螺杆挤压膨化机处理陈化糙米。设水解温度37℃,pH值7.0,水解4 h,研究不同外源α-淀粉酶和糖化酶对早籼糙米淀粉的体外水解效果。结果表明:综合考虑添加成本和水解效果,针对早籼糙米的外源酶组合为α-淀粉酶2500 U/Kg,糖化酶20000 U/Kg日粮。(2) 考察螺杆转速、套筒温度、喂料速度、原料水分以及添加外源酶对陈化早籼糙米挤压膨化效果的影响。结果表明:提高螺杆转速或喂料速度降低陈化早籼糙米的淀粉糊化度和挤压膨胀度;而提高套筒温度、保持适当原料水分和加入足量高温淀粉酶可提高挤压膨化效果。(3)研究不同贮存期及膨化早籼糙米添加外源酶对断奶仔猪小肠粘膜二糖酶、血液生化指标及生产性能影响。两个试验均采用2×2因子设计,分别以不同贮存期(当年收获、贮存三年)和添加外源酶(添加、不添加)(试验三)和膨化(膨化、不膨化)及添加外源酶(添加、不添加)(试验六)为考察因子。各选取26±2日龄断奶的杜洛克×长白×大白断奶仔猪96头(公母各半),在第2、4周末每个处理各选取6头健康去势公猪,屠宰并收集十二指肠、空肠(前、中、后段)和同肠各段粘膜并检测二糖酶、淀粉酶和糖化酶活性,分析血清尿素氮和葡萄糖含量,考察猪只各阶段生产性能。结果表明:当年收早籼糙米显著提高十二指肠和空肠麦芽糖酶、海藻糖酶、异麦芽糖酶和蔗糖酶的活性(P<0.05);膨化显著提高十二指肠粘膜麦芽糖酶活性,但显著降低空肠麦芽糖酶、异麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶和乳糖酶活性(P<0.05)。添加外源酶显著提高第2周猪只十二指肠麦芽糖酶、异麦芽糖酶和蔗糖酶活性(P<0.05),显著提高第4周猪只空肠麦芽糖酶、异麦芽糖、海藻糖酶和乳糖酶以及回肠海藻糖酶活性(P<0.05)。新旧糙米、膨化及添加外源酶对血清葡萄糖和尿素氮无显著影响,断奶仔猪对新糙米的利用率显著优于陈糙米(P<0.05),膨化处理陈化早籼糙米显著降低饲料效率(P<0.05)。(4)研究不同贮存期及膨化早籼糙米添加外源酶对仔猪表观养分消化率、食糜酶活性以及还原糖含量的影响。各选用6头健康去势公猪,回肠末端安装T型瘘管,按6×6拉丁方设计分别饲喂单—新鲜或陈化早籼糙米,并在此基础上添加不同外源酶组合(无锡酶、广东酶及不添加)共六种试验日粮(试验四)以及高低糊化度和未处理陈化早籼糙米,并在此基础上添加或不添加外源酶(无锡产α-淀粉酶2500 U/kg+糖化酶20000 U/kg日粮)共计六种试验日粮(试验七),研究不同贮存期及膨化早籼糙米添加外源酶对猪表观养分消化率、食糜碳水化合物消化酶活性和还原糖的影响。结果表明:新糙米日粮猪蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸和缬氨酸的回肠表观消化率优于陈糙米日粮试猪(P<0.05),适度膨化有提高淀粉表观回肠消化率的趋势(P=0.075)。添加外源酶提高蛋氨酸、赖氨酸、苏氨酸及异亮氨酸的表观回肠消化率(P<0.05),不同贮存期及膨化早籼糙米添加外源酶对粪表观氨基酸消化率无显著影响(P>0.05)。陈化糙米降低猪回肠末端食糜中碳水化合物消化酶的活性,但添加外源酶提高回肠食糜淀粉酶(P<0.05)和糖化酶活性(P<0.01)。不同贮存期及膨化早籼糙米添加外源酶对食糜和粪中还原糖含量无显著影响(P>0.05)。

【Abstract】 Seven relative trails were conducted to investigate the mechanism of nutrients availability for storage early, long-grain non-glutinous rice (ELGNR, indica rice) in swine diets. The nutrients of different storage time and extrusion degree brown rice were analyzed firstly, then an in vitro trail was conducted to investigate the effect of exogenous enzyme on starch hydrolization degree for fresh or storage brown rice, the results suggested that the appropriate activity of exogenous enzyme for brown rice was a-amylase 2500 U/Kg diet and glucoamylase 20000 U/Kg diet. A continuative process trail was conducted to investigate the extrusion process parameters on starch gelatinization degree, the results showed that the starch gelatinization degree increased with the increasing of the extrusion temperature, maintaining appropriate ingredient moisture and supplementing with a-amylase. Two growth trails in a 2 x 2 factorial design used 192 weaned pigs (96 pigs per trail) were then conducted to investigate the effects of different storage time and extruded brown rice supplemented with exogenous enzyme on intestinal disaccharidase activity, serum glucose and urea nitrogen concentration and growth performance. The factors included brown rice source (fresh or stored) and enzyme supplementation (with supplementation or without supplementation) (trail 3) and extrusion status (extruded or non-treated) and enzyme supplementation (with supplementation or without supplementation) (trail 6), respectively. The results of trail 3 showed that pigs fed fresh brown rice had higher duodenal and jejunal maltase, isomaltase, sucrase and trehalase activity (P < 0.05), extrusion (P = 0.042) and enzyme (P - 0.003) supplementation resulted in a higher maltase activity for weaned pigs in duodenum at d 14. The results of trail 6 showed that extrusion decreased the activity of maltase (P = 0.016), isomaltase (P = 0.025), sucrase (P = 0.028), and lactase (P = 0.002) for weaned pigs in jejunum at d 28. Enzyme supplementation increased the activity of maltase (P = 0.016), isomaltase (P = 0.025), sucrase (P < 0.05) for weaned pigs at d 14, and enzyme supplementation increased activities of duodenal maltase (P = 0.004), isomaltase (P = 0.039), trehalase (P = 0.039), and lactase (P = 0.009) for the weaned pigs in jejunum at d 28. Weaned pigs fed the extruded or stored CSBR diet had a worse feed/gain (F/G) (P < 0.05). In order to investigate the effects source or extruded brown rice supplemented with exogenous enzyme on apparent ileal and fecal digestibility of nutrients, the carbohydrase activity and deoxidized glucose concentration in digesta, two digestion trails used 12 male pigs fitted with a simple "T" cannula at the terminal ileum were used and conducted in a 6 x 6 Latin Square design. The pigs in trail 4 were fed fresh or stored brown rice with or without two exogenous enzyme combinations (625 or 2500 mg/kg a-amylase and 200 or 1600 mg/kg glucoamylase) and one control (without enzyme supplementation). Pigs in trail 7 were fed non-treated or light or normal temperature extruded SBR without or with 625 mg/kg a-amylase and 200mg/kg glucoamylase supplementation. Chromic oxide was incorporated into the diets as an indigestible marker. The present results suggested that weaned pigs fed fresh brown rice had higher apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of methionine, isoleucine and valine compared topigs fed storage brown rice (P < 0.05), extrusion tended to improve the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of starch (P = 0.075), but the AID of energy, DM, CP and AA for grower pigs were not influenced by extrusion (P > 0.05). Enzyme supplementation increased the AID of lysine, methionine, threonine and isoleucine (P < 0.05). Normal temperature extrusion decreased the activity of carbohydrase in digesta, however, enzyme supplementation increased the activity of α-amylase (P < 0.05) and glucoamylase (P < 0.01) in digesta.


