

Long Term Care Insurance

【作者】 荆涛

【导师】 陈欣;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 2000年中国老年人口比例达到6.96%,根据联合国的统计标准,说明我国已正式步入老龄化国家的行列。一方面,人口老龄化给中国社会带来快速增多的未富先老的老年人口,另一方面,医疗科学技术不断提高,使得我国人口平均寿命不断延长;同时,70年代的独生子女政策也已“初显成效”——生育率下降,使得我国家庭结构小型化,导致我国目前“四二一”、“四二二”结构甚至“八四二一”结构的家庭及“空巢家庭”大量出现。如今的中年人被夹在既要照顾老年人,又要照顾子女的夹缝中,同时,他们又可能承担着各自工作单位主力的职责。因而,这一切使得中年人对照顾老人感到力不从心。加之老年长期护理费用不断攀升以及社会医疗保险对老年人保障不足等问题,使得急需一种为子女分担压力的老年长期护理服务以及为此服务提供经济保障的老年健康保险产品——长期护理保险。本文通过对国际上比较流行的长期护理保险产品特色的介绍以及对长期护理保险发展较有特色的国外发达国家——美国、日本的长期护理保险的成功经验的比较分析,阐明了在我国建立长期护理保险的必要性,并创新性地提出建立具有中国特色的长期护理保险分三步走的模式设想,即第一步,采取商业长期护理保险的模式;第二步,由国家、企业、个人共同参与的社会基本长期护理保险和商业长期护理保险相结合,商业长期护理保险作为补充保险的模式;第三步,实行政府强制的全民长期护理保险模式,以及采用该模式需采取的八项对策:建立长期护理保险市场的风险防范机制;加大宣传力度;增强民众及保险公司的意识;大力发展企业团体长期护理保险;完善护理机构及护理人员队伍;大力发展家庭健康护理和社区健康护理;规范法律政策;加快专业人才的培养和完善保单条款的设计。

【Abstract】 According to statistics given by the United Nation, the ratio of the elderly population in China reached an all time high of 6.96% in 2000, which means that our nation is amongst the ageing societies. On the one hand, the ageing population will increase the number of un-wealthy elderly in this nation, on the other hand, with advancements in medical technology, the average age of our county men will increase continuously, and population demographic and illness chart are being changed. At the same time, the “one child policy” established in the 1970’s is showing results with a decrease in the birth rate, resulting in smaller families. This results in the present “four two one”, “four two two”, even the “eight four two one” family structure as well as the “empty family.” So the average middle age in China today—“the sandwich generation” who is stuck between caring for the child and the elderly as a key person or a common employee in their companies feel high pressures and tired. In addition, the remarkably increasing costs of the long term care (LTC) for the elderly and inefficiency in the elderly social medical insurance generate the need for the long term care insurance (LTCI).Through comparisons with popular international long-term care insurance in developed countries such as America and Japan, this article establishes the fact that a long term care insurance in China is essential. This article also introduces a three-step long term care insurance model that is created especially for the Chinese population. Step one: using commercial long term care insurance; step two: having the government, employers, and employees involved in a combination of social basic long term care insurance and supplementary commercial long term care insurance that strengthens one another; and step three: using compulsory social long term care insurance by government all over the China. For this purpose, eight methods must be carried out: establish the system of risk control in the LTCI market; enhance a good deal of propaganda about LTCI; increase public knowledge of LTCI in general; devote major efforts to developing the group LTCI; improve and perfect nursing facilities and increase the number of caregivers; give energetic support to care at home and care at community; improve the legal systems about LTC and LTCI; enhance specialist training and perfect LTCI policy.

  • 【分类号】F840.6
  • 【被引频次】50
  • 【下载频次】3322

