

The Study on Rural Economic-socio Coordination Development of China

【作者】 田向利

【导师】 赵黎明;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文从分析我国农村经济社会发展的现状和回顾农村经济社会发展的历史入手,通过梳理中外农村发展的理论与实践,从可持续发展、经济学、社会学、生态学、系统论的角度,分析了农村经济社会协调发展的理论基础。从协调发展的观点出发提出资源渐强稀缺假设、利益偏好多样性假设、农民和政府Z行为模式假设,并将之作为整个理论的构建前提,从而明确阐述农村经济社会协调发展的概念和内涵;用系统的思维方式将农村经济社会系统划分为经济子系统、社会子系统和生态子系统,指出各子系统的详细组成要素以及农村经济社会协调发展的总量衡量与系统运行的有序度衡量,通过因果关系图描述了农村的经济社会系统;在从战略层面和特征层面对农村经济社会协调发展阶段进行全面阐述的基础上,建立了农村经济社会协调发展原理,包括:子系统功能互补原理,发展的三重性原理,物质文明、生态文明、精神文明和政治文明相统一原理,统筹城乡发展原理、代际兼顾发展原理,指出了促进农村经济社会协调发展的动力和平衡力,从而系统构建了农村经济社会协调发展理论。在较为全面地分析农村经济社会系统的基础上,研究提出了推动农村经济社会协调发展的三个对策:通过系统研究经济GDP、绿色GDP和人文GDP的内在关系及其增长途径,提出把在全社会强化三个GDP协调增长的理念作为方向性和前提性的新措施;抓住农村劳动力转移与分流这一重要制约因素进行深入分析,并对Cournot均衡进行了拓展,研究并开创了农业产业化的Cournot均衡分析方法,提出了通过加快农村劳动力转移与分流,推动农村经济社会协调发展的新途径;依托政策平等化、新型工业化、城镇化、市场化、民主化、文明化和农民现代化,综合规划了构筑农村经济社会协调发展的新平台。本文通过理论分析和对策研究,力求对农村经济社会的协调发展乃至全面建设农村的小康社会具有指导作用。本文的创新点主要包括:1.提出了农村社会经济协调发展的机理与路径,构建了农村社会经济协调发展理论。2.分析了农村劳动力的合理分流、有序转移微观机理。3.对Cournot均衡进行了拓展,研究并开创了农业产业化的Cournot均衡分析方法,并在此基础上分析了农业产业化发展的条件与影响因素。4.制定了包括政策平等化、新型工业化、城镇化、市场化、民主化、文明化和农民现代化的农村社会经济协调发展框架与对策。5.系统分析了有关统筹城乡经济社会协调发展的理论模式,并指出诱导技术变迁<WP=4>模型具有工业化带动模型和改造传统农业模型无可比拟的完整性、综合性、兼容性,因而就具有较强的实践指导性。6.分析了有关农村经济社会发展趋势的理论,研究了农业工业化、城镇化、信息化与现代化之间的关系。7.构建了农村社会经济系统运行图,研究了经济GDP、绿色GDP和人文GDP的内在关系及其增长途径。

【Abstract】 Beginning with the analysis of the present situation and review of the history of the economic and social development in the Chinese rural areas, this article, based on the streamlining of the theory and practice for development of the rural areas both in China and other countries, conducted a analytic study of the basic theories about the coordinated growth in economy and social undertakings in the rural areas. The analysis was made from different angles: sustainable development, economics, sociology, ecology and systemization theory.Three hypotheses were made by taking the view of coordinated development as the point of departure: that of increasing shortage of resources, of variety of interest and preference, and of peasants and government behavior pattern. Based on these hypotheses, an explicit explanation was made on the concept and connotation of the coordinated economic and social development in the rural areas. By way of systematic mode of thinking the rural economic and social system was divided into three sub-systems: economic sub-system, social sub-system and ecological sub-system. Also explained were components of each sub-system in detail and the gross and degree-of-order measurement of the coordinated economic and social development in rural areas. The rural economic and social system was also described in a consequence chart. On the basis of an overall expounding of the stages of the coordinated economic and social growth in the rural areas, from both the strategic and featuring aspects, some principles were established. These include the principle of functional complementation between subs-systems, that of ternary of development, of integration of material, ecological, spiritual and political civilizations, of concerted development of both the urban and rural areas, etc. The theory of coordinated economic and social development in rural areas was hence established, indicating the motive force and balance force that facilitate the coordinated development.Based on a comprehensive analysis of the rural economic and social systems, three measures for promoting the coordinated development had been studied and presented. These include: the coordinated growth of the economic GDP, green GDP and human cultural GDP should be considered as the orientation and premise of the whole society; the Cournot balance analytic method was developed during the research of the industrialization of agriculture, which suggest that the acceleration of the transfer and arrangement of the rural labor should be deemed as a new approach to propel the coordinated economic and social development in rural areas; a new platform for staging the coordinated development was planned in an overall manner depending on the trends of equality of policies, new industrialization, urbanization, general adoption of the market principle, democracy, civilization and rural modernization.Through theoretical analyses and countermeasure study, this thesis serves as a guidance to the realization of the coordinated economic and social development in the rural areas, or even to the construction of well-being rural areas in China.. The innovation point of this dissertation mainly includes: 1 .Have put the forward route and the mechanism of rural socio-economic coordinative development, and then I has founded rural socio-economic coordination to the development of theory. 2 .Have analyzed rural labor force assign redundant civil servants to other jobs reasonably shift microscopic mechanism by order. 3 .For Cournot equilibrium extended, research has started the Cournot equilibrium analysis method of agricultural industrialization , and this is base on the analyzed influencing factor and the condition of agricultural industrialization development on foundation. 4 .Have established to include policy equalization, new industrialization and <WP=6>urbanization , market economy, democratic, civilized and peasant modern rural socio-economic coordination develop frame and countermeasure. 5. Have analyzed systemicaly the theoretical pattern of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 03期

