

The Research on the Contingency Motivation Strategy of Human Capital

【作者】 刘苹

【导师】 陈维政;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 人力资本对于国家和社会的贡献与日俱增。从企业微观层面来看,人力资本已成为企业的重要资源,没有“人”,企业就会停滞不前;从社会的宏观层面来看,人力资本是构成一国综合竞争力的主要要素,没有“人”,国家的发展和社会进步都将成为一纸空谈。在2001年至2020年,中国全面建设小康社会这一历史时期,人力资源的开发、激励和培养将成为国家和社会的要务,尤其迫切需要建立完善的激励机制,以吸引人才、留住人才。本文立足于人力资本理论、激励理论和权变理论三大基石,围绕着寻找适合企业实际需要的激励策略,形成与市场经济相配套的激励约束机制,以提高人力资本对企业经济效益的贡献这一研究目标,对人力资本的权变激励策略、人力资本定价、人力资本约束等内容进行了深入研究。本文对人力资本激励的研究重点在于对人力资本所有者的报酬激励。 首先,本文在大量理论和实证研究的基础上,对人力资本的内涵进行深入剖析。投入到企业中的人力,一方面它是企业的重要资源,因此人力同其它资源一样,具有消耗性,企业需要投入费用对人力进行维护,包括采取卫生保健、职业安全、各类保险等措施;另一方面,投入到企业中的人力与其他生产要素相结合,能够带来价值的增殖,因而它又具备资本的特征,理应享受投资的回报。通过上述两方面的分析,不难看出人力具有资源和资本双重属性。这种人力资源和资本双重属性的分析,不仅澄清了人力资源和人力资本这两个重要概念,并对其内涵进行界定,而且为分析报酬激励的结构和作用提供了理论依据。基于此,可以将人力资本所有者的报酬分为两个重要组成部分,一部分是人力资源的维持费用,而另一部分是人力资本的投资回报。但是对不同类型人力资本所有者而言,这两部分报酬的比重是不同,对企业经济效益影响越大的人力资本所有者,他们报酬中的资本回报部分比重越大,人力资源维持费用比重越四川大学博士学位论文小;对企业经济效益影响越小的人力资本所有者,他们报酬中的资本回报比重越小,人力资源维持费用比重越大。 其次,在文献研究基础上,本文提出了人力资本的四分法。人力资本具有典型的异质性,因此可以按照一定的划分标准对其进行分类。此前的研究中,人力资本分类方法缺少操作性。本文根据职务高低和边际贡献率大小对人力资本进行重新分类,将人力资本分为低职务低贡献、低职务高贡献、高职务低贡献、高职务高贡献四类。不同类型人力资本具有不同的特点,具体表现在个人需求、价值、流动性、产出特性等方面的差异。这种分类方法适用于不同领域和性质的企业,他们可以根据自身的情况对人力资本进行划分,并针对各类人力资本的特点实行分类管理,包括人力资本激励、人力资本评价和人力资本约束。 然后,针对人力资本的重要特性—人力资本所有者需要激励,才能发挥其作用,提出了权变激励策略。由于人力资本与其所有者不可分离,因此人力资本的价值依赖于所有者的主观能动性,企业需要通过激励人力资本所有者,才能保证人力资本对企业有所贡献。然而,激励的效果与企业的内外环境以及激励对象的特点密切相关,企业应当根据一定的权变因素,选择合适的激励方式。根据激励的时效长短,可以将现有的激励方式组合成三种不同的策略:短期、中期和长期策略,不同的激励策略具有不同的激励效果。在此基础上,本文利用大t资料分析和实证数据,找出影响报酬激励方式的主要因素,进而分析这些因素与激励策略的适配关系以及二者对企业绩效的交互影响作用。根据权变因素、激励策略和企业绩效之间的相关性,总结出权变激励策略,主要内容是:(l)单纯地来看,没有一种激励策略优于另一些激励策略。在某种特定的权变因素下,适合采用短期激励策略,而在另外的权变因素下,适合采用中期激励或长期激励。(2)企业能否建立有效的激励机制,以提高企业绩效、最大限度地发挥人力资本的作用,关键在于根据不同的权变因素选择适宜的激励策略。本文通过国外公司数据、我国民营上市公司数据、薪酬调查数据、调查问卷等资料对上述理论进行实证分析,实证分析结果与理论假设有较大的契合。 再次,为了科学地评估人力资本价值,本文探讨了人力资本的权变评价方法。影响激励效果的不仅是激励的方式,而且还包括激励的水平,人力资本评价能够帮助企业合理地确定激励水平,因此人力资本激励与人力资本评价密不四川大学博士学位论文可分。但人力资本不同于财务资本,它的载体是人,因此人力资本的价值是动态变化的,很难通过某种方法精确地计算其价值。本文针对各类人力资本的特性,提出了事前评价与事后评价相结合·的评价方法,以提高评价的动态适应性,其中事前评价分为职务评价和个人评价,事后评价主要是绩效评价。这种动态适应性表现在:(l)在不同阶段和条件下,同一评价对象可以分别评价;(2)在同一阶段和条件下,不同的评价对象可以分别评价。这种评价方法结合了事前评价和事后评价,既能有效避免夸大或者低估人力资本的价值,又能减少人力资本所有者“偷懒”等行为。 最后,为了提高企业在人力

【Abstract】 Human capital has contributed to the nation and society more and more. From a microcosmic aspect of enterprise, human capital has become significant sources of enterprise and enterprise cannot develop without human. From a macroscopically aspect of society, human capital is a important factor of one nation’s comprehensive competitiveness, the development of nations and societies cannot be accomplished without human. From 2001 to 2020,the historical period, China has constructed a well-off society in all-around way, developing, motivating and training human resources will become the main task of our country and society. Especially we must establish consummate motivation system to attract talent and retain talent. Circumfusing seeking the appropriate motivation model which adapts to the reality of enterprise, this paper which is based on three theories (human capital theory, motivation theory and contingency theory) forms motivation and restriction system matching market economy, and researches contingency motivation strategy, human capital pricing and human resource restriction to make human capital contribute more to the economic benefit of enterprise. The research of this paper focuses on compensation motivation for the human capital owners.First, this paper analyses the connotation of human capital carefully, based on a great amount of theories and positive researches. On the one hand, human invested into enterprise is very important and it can be exhausted as well as other resources. So, enterprise must invest money to maintain it, including taking such measures as hygiene, job security, all kinds of insurance. Combination of human investing intoenterprise and other factors of production can increase values. So, capital is still one of its characteristics and it ought to share the return of capital. From the analysis of two sides, it is not difficult to find out that human has double attributes-human resource and human capital. Analysis of the double attributes (human resources and human capital) not only clarifies the two important concepts, but also defines their content and provides theory foundation for the analysis of the structure and function of compensation motivation. Accordingly, the compensations of human capital owners should include two important factors-the maintenance expenditures of human resources and the investing return of human capital. But for different human capital owners, the compensation proportion of the two parts is different. For the human capital owners who influence economic benefit of enterprise more, the proportion of capital compensation is bigger and the proportion of maintenance expenditures is smaller; for the human capital owners who influence the economic benefit of enterprise less, the proportion of capital compensation is smaller and the proportion of maintenance expenditures is bigger.Second, based on reference research, the quartation of human capital is put forward. Typical heterogeneity is a characteristic of Human capital and so we can sort it by one standard. In the former researches, the classifying method is difficult to manufacture. This paper classifies human capital again according different job positions and marginal contribution ratio, and get four models: low duty low contribution, low duty high contribution, high duty low contribution and high duty high contribution. Different kinds of human capital have different characteristics, which incarnate the difference of personal demands, values, fluidity and output characteristics. This classifying method applies to the enterprise of different characteristic in different fields which can classify human capital according to their own conditions and put classified management into practice, including human capital motivation, human capital pricing; and human capital restriction.Then, for the important characteristic-human capital owners need motivation to bring their abilities into play, contingency motivation strategy is brought forward. Because human capital and their owners can’t separate, the values of human capita

【关键词】 人力资本激励评价约束
【Key words】 human capitalmotivationpricingrestriction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2283

