

Research on Theory and Methodology of Integrated Management for Construction Projects

【作者】 李红兵

【导师】 张寿荣;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,在建设项目中人们日益强调全生命期集成化管理,它的重点在于项目的一体化,在于以项目全生命期为对象建立项目的目标系统,再分解到各个阶段,进而保证项目全生命期中目标、组织、过程、责任体系的连续性和整体性。这种新型的项目管理模式要求项目组织者对项目的全生命期进行科学管理和优化资源配置,向业主和其他受益者提供价值最大化的项目产品。 本论文运用系统论、信息论、控制论等现代管理理论和方法,诠释建设项目管理的集成本质,分析集成化管理的研究维度,包括:管理要素集成,过程集成和知识集成。集成化的管理活动,以共同的理念、高效的组织、全面准确的信息传递以及各种管理方法手段的综合运用为支撑条件。 项目管理要素集成的目标是保障一个项目各方面的工作能够有机地协调与配合,它的内容包括为达到甚至超过项目相关利益者的期望去协调各方面的目标和要求、计划安排最佳(或满意)的项目行动方案,以及集成控制项目的变更和协调项目各方面工作等内容。项目集成管理从本质上说就是从全局观点出发,以项目整体利益最大化作为目标,以项目时间、成本、质量、范围、采购等各种项目专项管理的协调与整合为主要内容而开展的一种综合性管理活动。论文提出了实现管理要素集成的关键:综合考虑多因素的计划体系;综合反映项目进展的信息系统;多目标的阶段决策方法。 建设过程的集成致力于寻找建设期与运营期的平衡,项目全生命期管理不仅仅从建设项目实施阶段的角度,还应从项目建成后的运营角度,综合地考虑、分析,建立项目全生命期的目标。在满足法律法规的前提下,寻求各个参与者均能满意的实施方案,并注重各个阶段之间的有效衔接,减少界面损失。过程集成思想在并行工程中得到充分体现,它是集成地、并行地进行项目设计及其相关的各种过程(包括施工过程和支持过程)的系统方法。论文提出了实现过程集成的关键环节,包括:全生命期目标系统的建立;统一的项目分解结构;建立项目协调组:设计和施工活动的有效并行;即时供应的供应链管理。 建设项目是一个跨学科、多职能的行为过程,在这个过程中,人们不断地获取和创造知识,并将其运用,从而实现知识的连续循环。因此建设项目过程同时也是知识的运作过程,从时段上,项目的每一个阶段形成阶段知识,阶段与阶段之间存在知识的共享;从组织角度,项目各参与方的知识相互补充、协调集成;从层次上,每一个组织都涉及个体知识、项目组知识、企业知识和外部知识,以及它们之间的相互作用;从知识的内容构成上,涉及项目应用领域知识、通用管理知识和项目管理知识。论文提出了工程项目环境下知识管理的关键环节:形成面向流程的知识管理概念框架;项目阶段知识的提炼和建模;建立有利于知识共享的项目组织;项目知识集成为企业知识。 管理活动离不开绩效的评价。管理模式是否有效、管理模式的改进均以绩效评价为依据。管理绩效即管理效益与管理成本的比较,因此正确地选择管理成本(系统输入)和管理效益(系统输出)是绩效评价是否合理的基础。由于项目的独特性特点,在多个项目间比较管理绩效时,因项目规模不同、复杂程度不同、当时当地的技术水平不同,目前尚未形成统一的管理模式描述指标。因此,本文以集成化管理措施的“力度”作为系统投入。同样由于项目的独特性,管理效益只能与其项目目标相比较。因而将成本节约、工期缩短程度以及质量等级确定为系统产出。 本文所建立的管理绩效评价模型是一个多投入、多产出的模型,在无法确定系统内在运作机理的情况下,只能从投入和产出来判断系统的功能。用DEA方法评价产出投入效率比,检验某一决策单元DMU的相对有效性,从而“横向”上确立项目管理模式标杆,“纵向”上实现项目管理模式的持续改进。关键词:建设项目;集成化管理;模式;绩效评价;DEA

【Abstract】 In recent years, academicians and practitioners are paying more attention to the integrated management approach, which emphasizes the wholeness of construction project management. Life-cycle objectives are dominant, according to which are established phased objectives, so as to ensure the continuity and integrity of objectives, organization and responsibility. This new style of construction management requires scientific and reasonable arrangement of necessary resources in the context of the life cycle of a project, which will provide the client and other stakeholders with project products of maximum value.This thesis, on the basis of modern management approaches, like system theory, information theory and control theory, expounds the integral nature of construction project management, and puts forward various dimensions of integration. There are three dimensions, including management element integration, process integration and knowledge integration, the former two will guarantee the achievement of a project’s life cycle objectives and the latter one will be a critical support and play an important role when considering recycling of projects.The purpose of management element integration is to ensure the collaboration and coordination of project management activities in different areas like scope, time, quality, cost, procurement, communication, human resource and risk, so as to meet or even exceed the stakeholders’ needs and expectations. The thesis puts forward key steps to achieve management element integration, including comprehensive planning system, miscellaneous progress reflecting system and multi-objective phased decision-making system.Process integration, originating from concurrent engineering, strives to find a balance between the objectives of execution and those of operation. Therefore, establishment of life-cycle objectives is of critical importance. Because the achievement of project objectives depends upon contributions from all participants, the interests of various stakeholders should be regarded simultaneously. Due to the existence of large amount of interfaces between organizations, products and processes, attention should be paid to eliminate the losses on them. The author puts forward key factors affecting process integration, including: life-cycle objectives, generalized project breakdown system, multi-disciplinary project team, reasonable sequencing of design and construction, and just-in-time supply chain.Construction projects involve activities from various disciplines, so knowledge from all aspects should be acquired and utilized. In addition, to ensure more effective recycle of projects, knowledge and experience should be accumulated and refined. Insome sense, the project process is also a process of knowledge utilization. From the perspective of process, knowledge is created in each phase and referenced in relevant phases; from organization, all participants possess knowledge in their own domain, so should be encouraged knowledge share; from level, individuals are basic knowledge-holders, it is important to motivate learning atmosphere among them. In the thesis, the author puts forward critical steps of knowledge integration in project context, including: process-oriented knowledge integration framework, analysis and refinement of phased knowledge, development of project organization facilitating knowledge share, and integration of knowledge from project to firm level.Management activities might be meaningless without a complete performance evaluation system. According to contingent viewpoint of management, there does not exist a general model applicable to all situations. However we do have general variables to consider and analyze. Because every project is unique, comparison of management effectiveness and efficiency between different projects, due to different size, complexity and local conditions, is impossible with traditional financial indexes. Therefore, management measures are treated as system inputs and achievement degree of project objectives as system outputs.Integrated manag


