

Study on Tectonic Evolution and Sequence Stratigraphy and Hidden Traps for Petroleum in Dongtumo District of the Songliao Basin

【作者】 聂逢君

【导师】 马宗晋;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局地质研究所 , 地质学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 松辽盆地位于东经120°-128°,北纬42°20′-49°20′,总面积26万km2,西为大兴安岭,东北为小兴安岭,东南为张广才岭,南为康平-法库丘陵。它是我国东部大型中、新生代沉积盆地,与东部其它所有盆地一样,具断-坳双层结构。松辽盆地内部的地温梯度略高于世界其他许多盆地,具有较高的大地热流值,42. 8-93. 6mW/m2。盆地之下的地壳厚度薄,最薄为29km,33km等厚线封闭的范围正好是松辽盆地。层析切片反映了软流圈的上隆,地震剖面和波速特征证实了低角度断层和拆离带的存在,这些表明松辽盆地形成和演化是在太平洋板块向欧亚大陆板块俯冲下引起软流圈上涌产生地壳伸展下完成的。松辽盆地可以划分为6个一级构造单元,即中央坳陷区、北部倾没区、东北隆起区、东南隆起区、西南隆起区、西部斜坡区。东吐莫地区位于西部斜坡区的泰康隆起南部,北以滨州铁路线为界,南至泰来-太和西一线,西界为嫩江,东至小林克,面积约4500km2。泰康地区为一平缓的东倾大单斜上的一个大型鼻状构造,其上叠加次一级的背斜和鼻状构造。研究区内形成了一些小幅度的构造圈闭,如东-10构造和东-6构造。在沉积上,不同时期变化较大,泉头组(K1q)三段,四段主要为河流沉积,形成一套棕红、暗紫红色的泥岩与紫灰、灰绿、灰白色的粗粒的碎屑岩组合,局部夹绿色、灰黑色泥岩及凝灰岩薄层,为区内次要储层;青山口组(K1qn)一段为深湖-半深湖沉积,是区内主要烃源岩;青山口组(K1qn)二、三段为湖湾及河流三角洲沉积,区内主要储层之一;姚家组(K1y)一段主要为河流相沉积,二、三段为河流-三角洲-湖泊沉积,是区内主要储层之一,嫩江组(K1n)一段底部为滨浅湖砂坝及砂泥,上部为半深湖泥岩;二、三段以深湖-半深湖沉积为主,构成了区域性盖层和局部的烃源岩。深湖-半深湖沉积可构成良好的烃源岩和盖层,河流、三角洲砂体是良好的储层,该区具有良好的生、储、盖组合。研究区靠近齐家-古龙生烃凹陷,油源充足的,上覆的嫩一、二段泥岩厚度普遍在150m以上,具有良好的封盖能力。决定该区油气藏形成与分布的关键因素是连通砂体上倾方向的侧向封闭性和圈闭条件。层序地层学虽然兴起于北美的被动大陆边缘,在Vail,van Wagoner,Posamentier等Exxon生产研究组的研究者们的建立与推动下,在北美和非洲南部的海相盆地中取得了惊人的成功,但是中国的地质工作者在众多的陆相盆地,如渤海湾、珠江口、鄂尔多斯等中进行了大量的层序地层工作,也取得了娇人的成就。松辽盆地的层序地层学工作也在不断地开展。位于盆地西部斜坡上的东吐莫地区是大庆油田久攻不下的勘探区,由于区内构造少而低幅,寻找隐蔽的岩性油气藏成为当务之急。本研究充分利用99-00年的最新地震资料和多年来钻井资料,通过层序界面的识别,层序的划分,层序地层格架和体系域的建立,配合沉积体系和沉积相的研究,得到了砂体的沉积类型、厚度、平面展布形式及在层序中的位置,从而预测其含油气性,达到寻找隐蔽或岩性油气藏的目的。由于东吐莫研究区沉积时处于宽缓的斜坡,以砂泥岩薄互层为主,因此以二维地震资料常规剖面的分辨率,很难有效的识别出砂体的分布。为了更好的描述砂体的展布和提高层序界面的识别标志,本项研究选取了5条主测线和3条联络测线进行了基于模型的宽带约束波阻抗反演、道积分、瞬时频率、瞬时相位、视极性、反射强度的地震特殊处理。结果表明,基于模型的宽带约束波阻抗反演的效果最好,垂向分层明显,砂、泥岩的界线非常清楚。在‘辽盆增匆着脚党与乐万真地区套序姻雳姿原尉圈脚研穷 西部料坡上烃源岩一青山口一段的TOC平均值为1.4584,氛仿沥青“A”为。.5257,镜质体发射率(R。)为0.47.而古龙凹陷的值分别为1.58936,0.17816,1.355632.很明显料坡上青一段未熟,油源来自凹陷.综合分析表明,圈闭有以下几种类型:1)走清造成的地层育曲而产生的小型背抖,如塔2 23一塔8井一线上的;2)地层上倾尖灭带和不整合带,如测线1 55.5线上的T:和TZ之间的Tl一,附近;3)层序sqs低位域和高位域在研究区中部尖灭部位;4)层序sq4、、sqlo中低位域砂体;5)层序sq6低位域和高位城在研究区内西北方向尖灭的部分.

【Abstract】 Songliao Basin ranges from the eastern longitude of 120° to 128°, from northern latitude of 42°20’ to 49°20’ , 26 × 104km2 in total area, bounded west by Daxing’aniing, northeast by xiaoxing’anling, southeast by Zhangguangcailing, south by hills of Kangping-Faku.Like the other basins in eastern China, Songliao is a two-layered basin, i.e., faulted and depressed. The current geothermal gradient (GG) is a little higher than others basins in the world, and very high in heat flow value (HFV), 42. 8-93. 6mW/m2. The thinnest crust is only 29km; the isoline of 33km accordingly shows the range of the Songliao. The tomographical profiles of Shaoji’an (2000) and Fukao reflect the upwelling of the asthenosphere beneath Songliao. And seismic exploration verifies the existence of listic faults and a deep detachment zone. All these data demonstrate that the extension of the Songliao is caused by the upwelling of the asthenosphere.Tectonically, Songliao is generally divided into 6 1st order tectonic units: the central depression, northern dip-down, northeast uplift, southeast uplift, southwest uplift and west slope. The main study area, Dongtumo is located in the west slope, bounded north by Binzhou railway, west by Nenjiang river, south by Tailai-Taihe and east by Xiaolinke. The total area of Dongtumo is about 4500Km2. In this study area, there are a few low-aptitude structures, such as Dong-10 and Dong-6.In deposition, Quantou Fms III and IV consist of brown red and dark violet red fluvial mudstones intercalated with grey, green and grey white coarse-grained clastics, partly with green, dark grey mudstones and tuffs. They are the minor reservoirs in Dongtumo. Qingshankou Fm I is deep or semi-deep lacustrine deposition and one of the major source rock for Dongtumo. Qingshankou Fm II and III , one of the major reservoirs, were deposited in lake bay and delta environment. The Yaojia Fm, one of the major reservoirs, were deposited in fluvial environment. The Nenjiang Fm I , with a lake shoreline sand bank at its bottom, mainly consists of semi-deep mud. The The Nenjiang Fms II and III, composed of dark and dark grey mudstones, are the regional seal for oil and gas.Since the study area is adjacent to the oil and gas-generating Gulong sag, it is highly possible that the oil and gas migrate within a short distance into the reservoirs sealed by the Nenjiang Fm. The exploration has showed that there are no obvious structures in Dongtumo. The effective way for oil and gas may be sequence stratigraphy.Although sequence stratigraphy was established and applied in the positive continental margin basins, the contribution of Chinese geologists to continental basins has been achieved in sequence stratigraphy, for example, Bohaiway basin, Pearl River Mouth basin, Ordos basin and so on. The application of sequence stratigraphy in Songliao is significant for petroleum exploration.In 1999-2000, the high-resolution seismic exploration and a number of borehole drilling were carried out. This study tries to identify the sequence boundaries, divide sequences and establish the sequence framework.. Combining with analysis of depositional systems and facies, we can obtain the genesis, thickness, position in a sequence and space of sand bodies, and predict the hidden/ lithological petroleum traps.Because the study area is on a gentle slope, and a sequence is a very thin mudstones-interbedded-with-sandstone body, the 2D seismic exploration is hard to differentiate mud beds from sand beds. Hence, special processing of seismic data, such as impedance inversion, seismic trace, instantaneous frequency, instantaneous phase, apparent polarity and reflectance intensity are carried out and the results show that all these methods are effective in differentiating mud and sand, especially the impedance inversion.Some source rock analysis shows that TOC, chloroform "A" and reflectance (R0,) of Qingshankou Fm I are 1.4584, 0.5257, and 0.47, much less than their counterpoints in Gulong sag, the source rock on slope is immature. Therefore, it is assumed that oil and

  • 【分类号】P539.2;P542
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】648

