

On Higher Medical Education Development in Southwest Minority Regions of China

【作者】 李培春

【导师】 刘献君;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 发展是当今社会的主题,更是21世纪中国全面建设小康社会的第一要务。西南民族地区(广西、云南、贵州)高等医学教育和卫生人力发展滞后,与全国平均水平相距甚远,面临着必须加快发展、如何发展和怎样发展的问题。本论文以辩证唯物论和科学发展观为指导,以医学、民族教育学、高等教育学等学科理论为依据,从西南民族地区卫生需求为出发,通过对发展观和教育发展的理论探析,通过对中国和西南民族地区医学教育发展历史的回顾与总结,通过对西南民族地区高等医学教育卫生的现状和卫生人力需求的调查,结合西南民族地区高等医学教育发展的特殊性和医学教育的特点进行分析,将历史与现实、民族地区与国内发达地区、国内与国外、理论与实践、宏观与微观相结合来开展研究,着重分析和探索西南民族地区高等医学教育发展的存在问题和影响因素,发展的理论选择、发展的途径以及发展的规模和速度、发展的结构、发展的质量和发展的模式,期望为西南民族地区高等医学教育的发展提供理论依据和实践参考。本论文对发展和教育发展理论进行了探析,认为教育的发展是一种价值选择和整合。西南民族地区人民群众卫生服务需求与国家加快西部开发、以科学的发展观指导发展、缩小地区之间和城乡之间的差别、全面建设小康社会的目标和愿望是一致的,其价值取向也是一致的。教育发展的内涵包括数量的增长,质量的提高,结构的优化和效益的提高。科学发展观是指导高等医学教育发展的先进理论。本论文为了吸取历史经验教训,对中国和西南民族地区医学教育发展历史进行了回顾,认为在医学教育的发展过程中,经济发展和人民群众的卫生需求是影响发展最基本和直接的因素,但政治因素往往发挥极大的促进或制约作用,科学技术的发展和对外交流也是促进高等医学教育发展的重要因素。西南民族地区高等医学教育发展应吸取历史的经验教训,尊重医学教育发展规律,注重人的全面发展。本论文对西南民族地区医学教育卫生的现状和需求进行了考察分析,通过比较分析得知,西南民族地区高等医学教育和卫生服务发展明显低于全国平均水平,与发达地区相比更是有着很大差距,存在着明显的地区差别。同时卫生人力配置呈“倒三角”状态,城市卫生资源相对过剩,占人口近80%的农村地区却缺医少药,形成明显的城乡差别。但经过多年的努力,西南民族地区高等医学教育发展已具有一定<WP=4>的基础和规模。本论文对西南民族地区高等医学教育发展的特殊性和影响因素进行了分析,得出西南民族地区地处边远,远离国家经济文化中心,经济落后,教育基础差,要加快发展、缩小差距,必须得到国家从政策和财政上的支持。同时西南民族地区高等医学教育面临着医学模式转变、生物医学科学和信息技术发展等许多挑战,必须加快发展。本论文在历史和现实的基础上,找出西南民族地区高等医学教育发展的有利因素,结合教育发展理论和科学发展观进行理论探索,构建了适度超前,缩短差距;低重心发展,统筹城乡需要;多样化发展,精英教育与大众化教育并存;满足基本需求的基础上协调发展等西南民族地区高等医学教育的发展理论。并提出了增加高等医学教育数量;内涵式发展与外延式发展并举;普及与提高相结合的发展战略选择。根据西南民族地区人民群众对卫生服务的需求和已有的发展基础、发展的理论,提出了西南民族地区高等医学教育2010年和2020年两阶段的发展目标和任务。根据需求预测出2010年前高等医学教育应以年招生增加10%-15%的速度扩大招生规模,重点发展专科教育和硕士研究生教育,中等医学教育降低到占总量25%以下,使每千人口受高等医学教育的卫生人力拥有量达到目前我国中等水平以上;2010年以后应以年招生增加6%-10%的速度发展高等医学教育,停止中等教育招生,使本专科教育(含高职)占总量70%左右,研究生教育提高到占总量30%左右。使每千人口具有受高等医学教育的卫生人力拥有量达到当时我国中等以上水平。建立起比较完善的,层次和布局比较合理,规范和开放的包括学校教育、毕业后教育、继续教育连续一体的高等医学教育体系。为了实现发展目标,各级政府、各类高等医学院校和各级医疗卫生机构都要承担起自己的责任和义务。同时把扩大规模,多形式发展;优化结构,形成发展优势;增加财政投入,加强人才培养的基本建设;民族医学和中医学、西医学协同发展,形成发展特色;规范质量要求,提高教育质量;按卫生服务要求确定人力配置和准入标准,促进就业;以多元一体发展模式构建西南民族地区高等医学教育体系,作为实现西南民族地区高等医学教育发展目标的主要发展途径和对策。

【Abstract】 Development is not only the major theme in today’s society, but also the first important task to build up a well-off society in the 21st Century in China. In southwest minority regions (such as Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou), higher medical education and human resource development of sanitation are backward and there is a large gap compared with the national average level. The problems they are facing are that they should speed up the development and how to develop. With philosophy dialectical materialism and scientific development viewpoint as the guide, with medicine, minority, higher education and mode theory as the basis and as regards the sanitation requirements in southwest minority regions, this paper discusses the theories about education development and development concepts, reviews and concludes the medical education development history in China and southwest minority regions and analyzes the particularity and characteristics of higher medical education development in southwest minority regions integrating history and actual situation, minority regions and developed regions, home and foreign countries, theory and practice, macro and micro. The author mainly analyzes and probes into the existing problems, influence factors, theories selection for development, development approaches, scale, speed, structure, quality and mode of higher medical education in southwest minority regions so as to provide theory basis and practical references for higher medical education development in southwest minority regions.Through discussion and analysis on development and education development theory, this paper points out education development is a kind of value selection and integration, and the sanitation requirements of southwest minority regions is in accordance with the goal and will of guiding development with scientific development theory, shortening the gaps among different regions and between cities and towns, and building up a well-off society. The value orientations are unanimous. The contents of education development include the increase in quantity, improvement in quality, optimization in structure and improvement in benefits. Scientific development viewpoint is an advanced theory that guide medical education development.In order to absorb the past experiences and lessons, the author reviews the medical education development history in China and southwest minority regions in this paper and believes that during the process of medical education development, economic development and the sanitation requirements from people are absolutely the basic and directly elements <WP=6>of influence on development. But political element often plays a greater promotion and restriction role and scientific and technical development and foreign exchange are also important elements of promoting medical education development. The higher medical education development in southwest minority regions should absorb the past experiences and lessons. We should respect law of medical education development and lay stress on human development in all-round.In this paper, the author surveys and analyzes the medical education situation and requirements. It is found out that the higher medical education and sanitation service level in southwest minority regions are obviously lower than the national average level and there exists an obvious region difference, especially with developed regions. Moreover, the human resource in sanitation is in the status of “Inverse Triangle”. The sanitation resource in cities is relatively superfluous while it is lacking in rural regions which have nearly 80% of population, and thus an obvious difference between cities and towns is formed. However, through years of efforts, the higher medical education development in southwest minority regions has developed into some certain foundation and scale.Meanwhile, the author analyzes in this paper the particularity and influence elements of higher medical education development in southwest minority regions and concludes that the southwest minority regions locate i


