

A Study of Master Yin-guang

【作者】 周军

【导师】 陈兵;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 宗教学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 清末民初,传统佛教一方面外辱于庙产兴学、反宗教反迷信运动等社会新潮流,另一方面又内迫于理论诠解乏力、脱离现实生活、宗教混滥、修持实践衰落及滥度经忏等教内消极现象。作为近代佛教改革和复兴的灵魂人物,针对传统佛教所面临的困境,印光法师主张以六道轮回、善恶报应及了生脱死等因果事实来适时有效地宣扬佛教的核心义理,以敦伦尽分、闲邪存诚的伦理内省方法来确立佛教的现实生活基础,以诸宗分界、净土为归的判教思想来指导佛教的弘传和发展,以拣择剃度、勤修定慧的制度规范来推动佛教从林之复兴。 印光法师的生平活动,大致可分为三个阶段。少年时代,他主要是跟随其长兄学习儒学,并曾一度仿效理学家辟佛。十四、五岁后,因身婴病苦而开始怀疑理学思想。经过反思和抉择,他不但对佛教关于宇宙人生的理论思考和宗教实践产生了浓厚兴趣,而且还立志出家弘扬佛法。 二十一岁时,遂毅然舍弃世俗生活,由长安(今西安市)到终南南五台莲花洞寺,依道纯长老薙蒅。出家后,印光法师为躲避家人追寻,曾奉师命前往徽州小南海参学,因未受戒行脚不便而留住湖北竹溪莲花寺。早在南五台时,印光法师即已对净土颇感兴趣。后于竹溪莲花寺中,又藉晒经之故而得读《龙舒净土文》残本,由此而确立了修学净土的信心和志向。出家第二年,印光法师又依陕西兴安县双溪寺印海定律师受具足戒。随后即回南五台潜修苦行,兼读契经。二十六岁时,因闻北京红螺山资福寺系专修净土道场,遂于是年中秋,辞师前往参学。在红螺熏修时,印光法师除念佛苦行外,仍研读大乘经典,注重行解相应。三十岁时,印光法师离开资福寺,迁住北京龙泉寺,继续勤修净业。第二年,又迁往阜城门外圆广寺,留住两载,净业颇进。三十三岁时,因圆广寺众推荐,助化闻长老料理请藏检阅事宜。随即应邀,伴同化闻和尚前往普陀山法雨寺.后被聘为法雨首座,主理藏经。遂安单藏经楼,念佛阅藏,精进不己。此后,一直住法雨寺潜修。直到一九一四年,高鹤年居士将其四篇文稿刊登于《佛学丛报》后,印光法师才逐渐开始应世弘法. 自四论发表后,徐蔚如居士于其见解甚为服膺,遂极力搜集印光法师的弘法文字。于一九一七年,先以师与其友信三封,印五千本送人,名曰《印光法师信稿》。一九一八年,又以历年搜得之文稿二十二篇于北京木刻刊行,名曰《印光法师文钞》。一九一九年,继以录存各稿三十八篇在京刻印,名曰《印光法师文钞》续编。因《文钞》文字般若感人至深,南方细素索阅颇众。一九二零年,徐氏即将初续两编合排,按类编次,并增新征文稿三十四篇,由上海商务印书馆铅排流通。随着《文钞》的刊行,印光法师的佛学思想亦广为传播,产生了巨大的社会影响力。至此,他不得不正式出世弘法了。 刻印流通典籍,可以说是印光法师应世弘法的主要手段之一。在徐蔚如排印的商务馆《文钞》基础上,他又木刻了扬州藏经院本。后来,又先后排印了商务馆增订本和中华书局增广本(即现在流通的《文钞》初编)。一九三九年,又排《文钞》续编。印光法师逝后,罗鸿涛居士又编《文钞》三编,直至一九九零方才问世。除《文钞》外,印光法师还修校、排印了许多其它弘法书籍,其中主要有《安士全书》、《观世音菩萨本迹感应颂》、《寿康宝鉴》、《历史感应统纪》、《伤终津梁》、《净土十要》、《净土五经》、《净土圣贤录》及四大山志等数十种。综观来看,因果、伦常及净土是印光法师刻印弘法书籍的核心所在,而这亦恰是近代佛教复兴特别是净土兴盛发展的精要所在。 除刻印流通典籍外,印光法师在弘法方面的另一个重要贡献,就是指导和推动了净土专宗道场的创建。苏州灵岩山寺是其中最典型的代表,此外还有南京三叉河法云寺、杭州弥陀寺、庐山青莲寺等。印光法师着手订定的五条核心规约,不但积极有效地回应了僧制改革的时代呼声,而且还还显著地推动了净土在近代的广泛传播和迅速发展。总而言之,印光法师通过刻印流通典籍和指导净土专宗道场的创建,最终使其弘法理念得到了充分地宣扬和有效地实践.当然,从另一个角度来说,这也正反映了其思想具有强大的理论活力。 若对印光法师一生的弘法活动及其佛学思想进行总的概括,因果可以说是其贯彻始终的纲领。针对当时道德沦丧、僧团腐败的社会现实,出于救世以利民生、护教以续慧命的宗教热诚,印光法师一方面极力驳斥理学家之流对佛教因果思想的不实指责,并极力辨正道教、民间宗教及民间信仰对佛教因果思想的滥讹,另一方面又积极宣扬佛教因果思想以匡正显讹。就对佛教因果思想的正面宣扬来看,与近代其它佛门代表人物相比,印光法师更加侧重因果事实的宣传及理论核心的说明,而非因果理论的系统诊释和推演,其重心主要是在轮回、伦常及净土等三个方面。轮回是他劝世励僧的理论依据,伦常是他化俗立基的修持根本,净土则是他弘法利生的究竟归宿。三者虽深浅历然不同,却又互为依靠、不可分隔。 立足于清末民初儒学衰绝及佛教脱离现实生活的具体情况,印光法师明确提出援儒入佛、以佛济儒的文化互补主张。他从返本归觉、除欲内

【Abstract】 In the last years of Qing Dynasty and the initial stage of the Republic of China ,traditional Buddhism was attacked by people, who wanted to occupy the property of temple investing in national education,or criticized Buddhism was superstitious belief.At the same time,some internal factors that has negative effect also injured the vitality of traditional Buddhism ,such as losing contact with reality and ignoring religious practice.Facing the difficult position,Master Yin-guang advocated propagating transmigration and punitive justice,attaching importance to the introspection of morality and strengthenning the practice of Pure Land,in order to reform and revive traditional Buddhism.The lifetime of Master Yin-guang could be separated into three period.In the juvenile period,he studied Confucianism under the direction of his elder brother.On account of the effect of Confucianist Zhu-xi,he also violently criticized Buddhism.When he was about fifteen years old,Master Yin-guang often failed ill.For this reason,he gradually became interested in the thoughts about life and world of Buddhism.By pondering and choosing,Master Yin-guang accepted the doctrines of Buddhism in the end.Meanwhile,he decided to adopt monastic life.When he was twenty-one years old,Master Yin-guang abadoned worldly life.He came to the famous mountain on the south of Xi-an city,and became a disciple of Master Dao-chun.Master Dao-Chun was a monk of Ch’an school,but Master Yin-guang showed interest in Pure Land as soon as he was a novice.When he readthe book that introduced Pure Land written by Long-shu Wang,Master Yin-guang determined to practice and propagate the doctrines of Pure Land.At the beginning of his monastic life.Master Yin-guang lived with Master Dao-chun in Zhong Nan Mountain. In 1886,he went to Zi Fu Temple.which was a very famous monastery of Pure Land in the outer suburbs of Bei Jing.Three years later,he migrated to Bei Jing city where he continued to practice concentration on Pure Land.In 1893,Master Yin-guang was invited to go to Pu-tuo Mountain by Master Hua-wen, and lived there for thirty-seven years.When he lived in Pu-tuo Mountain,Master Yin-guang still exerted oneself to practice concentration on Pure Land.In 1914,He-nian Gao who was a layman published Master Yin-guang’ articles on a Buddhist magazine.In1918,Wei-ru Xu,who was a layman too,published Master Yin-guang’articles which named The Collected Works of Master Yin-guang.Because his thought was widely spread by publication and many people asked advice of him ,Master Yin-guang had to pay more attention to propagate doctrine.In a general comment,to publish scripture and set up monastery of Pure Land is the major contribution of Master Yin-guang.After Wei-ru Xu published The Collected Works of Master Yin-guang,Master Yin-guang repulished the work,and published The Collected Works of Master Yin-guang II .Besides,he also published many other Buddhist works,such as The Complete Works of An-shi Zhou,The Five Scripture of Pure Land and Pure Land Saints etc.What he published mainly focused on transmigration,morality and Pure Land,but these aspects just were the key of Buddhist revival.Besides publication,Master Yin-guang also conducted and set up many monasteries of Pure Land.Ling-yan Temple is the best example.Certainly,there are some others;for instance, Fa-yun Temple in Nan Jing,Qing-lian Temple in Jiang Xi etc.Five rules formulated for these monateries,not only responded the voice of monastic reformation,but also accelerated the great development of Pure Land in modern times.If we want to find the guiding principle of Master Yin-guang’ thought,karmamust be the only result.In his opinion,karma is not only the kernel of Buddhist doctrines,but the truth of the world.To slow down the turbulence of society and remedy the decay of monastic order,Master Yin-guang insisted on propagating karma.At the same time,he also pointed out the harm to karma that was caused by the censure of Confucianists and the confusion of folk religions.To contrast with others,Master Yin-guang paid more attentio

【关键词】 印光法师净土近代佛教
【Key words】 Master Yin-guangPure LandModem Buddhism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期
  • 【分类号】B94
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】704

