

Study on Containers Transport Organization between Railway Network Container Freight Stations

【作者】 闫海峰

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 集装箱运输的产生和发展使货物运输产生了新的变革,其优越性已得到全世界的公认。我国铁路集装箱运输与国外相比,仍存在较大差距。面对铁路集装箱运输存在的问题和当前的趋势,逐步改善运输条件,加快铁路集装箱运输系统的发展是十分必要的,而结点站的建设是实现铁路集装箱运输根本转变的关键所在。 结点站间集装箱班列运输组织的研究,对于指导我国铁路集装箱结点站设计、建设和运营具有重要作用。论文以理论研究为主,充分借鉴和参考以往的研究成果,采用系统的观点和类比的方法,运用运输组织、离散数学、最优化理论、系统科学等学科的相关理论,对结点站间集装箱班列组织相关的参数和模型展开了深入的研究。本论文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面: (1) 通过对国内外集装箱运输组织形式的分析,结合我国集装箱结点站的具体功能和作业流程,确定了结点站之间采用集装箱班列的运输组织形式和组织原则。深入分析铁路运输组织系统的结构、功能和特点,提出了铁路集装箱班列运输组织的客运化思想。 (2) 在分析和借鉴已有车流径路选择优化模型的基础上,构建了重箱流径路选择的多目标0-1优化模型,并经过对相关算法的研究和分析,选择DBFS和GP作为模型的求解方法。 (3) 运用随机过程的相关理论对集结过程进行分析,将集装箱的到达过程描述为一个典型的标值计数过程,为集装箱集结消耗与相关统计参数之间函数关系的研究,确立了相应的理论基础,并得出了集结消耗的计算公式。 (4) 通过对班列编成箱数的分析,得出箱流的重、空状态不会对班列的编成产生影响。系统分析了影响集装箱中转停留时间消耗的相关因素,并确定了相应的计算方法。 (5) 在分析和借鉴已有编组计划模型的基础上,系统的描述了模型的抽象数学结构,构建了班列开行方案的优化模型。在着重分析了相关算法的适应性和有效性后,提出用GA来求解模型的思路。将构建的优化模型转化为适宜GA的BLP,针对模型的特点设计了与之相适应的协同多群体GA,同时分析了算法的复杂性。第n页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文 (6)对已有空载运输工具调配模型的不足进行了分析,为了解决重空箱流径路的一致性要求,构建了重箱流径路和空箱调配的协同优化模型,提出采用系统模拟的方法将模型转化为二级祸合反馈系统或二级串联反馈系统进行处理的求解策略。 (7)通过对集装箱办理站的功能和作业流程分析,提出了结点站所在枢纽范围内集装箱运输的三种不同形式,利用数学模型对它们进行比较后,得出了方案选择和运输组织的原则。 论文的研究涵盖了关于结点站间集装箱班列开行方案优化的主要相关内容,以期成为一个相对完整的理论体系,使之能为班列开行方案的优化与制定提供一定的理论支持和参考,以及对结点站的建设起到一定的促进作用。关键词:集装箱结点站;集装箱班列;运输组织;模型:算法

【Abstract】 The superiority of containerized transport has already got generally acknowledging, that leads to a reform occurring in freight transportation field. Yet the greater disparity still exists when comparing the containerized transport mode of our country with abroad ones and other transport ways. Such being the case, it becomes very essential to gradually improve the requirements for transportation and to quicken the development of container transportation network. However, the key point to realize the radical conversion of the railway containerized transport lays in the construction of the railway network container freight stations (RNCFS).The study on containers transport organization between RNCFS counts much for guide of the design, construction, and operation of the RNCFS. The thesis takes theoretical research as the core, references the outcome of the past research and adopts the systematic view and analogy method, with applying such correlative theories as transport organizing, dispersed mathematics, optimization theory and systematic science, etc. to study deeply on the parameters and models relevant to containers transport organization between RNCFS. The contents of the thesis include the following several aspects mainly:(1) Through an analysis of organization forms of domestic and international containerized transport and the combination of concrete function and operation procedure of RNCFS, the transport organization mode and principle the block container train(BCT) being arranged between RNCFS are confirmed. Furthermore, on the basis of the thorough analysis of structure, function and characteristic of the railway organization network, puts forward the meaning of passengerized transport organizing of BCT organizing as well.(2) On the basis of analysis and reference to the optimization model of wagon flow routing, a multi-objective 0-1 programming model is established to deal with the loaded container routing, and at the same time, DBFS and GP as solving method are selected after the researchand analysis of relevant algorithm.(3) Employing relevant theory of stochastic process to analyze the accumulation process and describing arrival course of container as a typical mark value counting process, the thesis establishes the corresponding theoretical foundation for the research on functional relationship of container accumulation loss and relevant statistical parameters, in addition to draw calculation formula of accumulation loss.(4) Through analysis of the number of BCT, it has been concluded that whether container flow is loaded or empty won’t affect the number of BCT. The corresponding calculating method is confirmed through the systematic analysis of the relevant factors influencing the time loss of detention in transit.(5) On the basis of analyzing and utilizing the existent classification planning model, the thesis describes its abstract mathematic structure and builds an optimization model for BCT scheduling. And then, after analyzing the adaptability and validity of relevant algorithms emphatically, brings forward the thinking solving the model with GA. Thus, the optimization model is turned to BLP suitable for GA and the cooperation multi-colony GA is designed to fit in with the peculiarity of the model, and at the same time, the complexity of the algorithm got analyzed.(6) To meet the consistency requirement of the loaded and empty BCT routing, the analysis of the disadvantages of the present empty transportation shunting model is carried and cooperated optimization model that blends empty container with loaded container routes is built. The solving strategy the thesis adopts is to transform the model into the second coupling feedback system or the second series feedback system with the use of systematic simulation means.(7) Through analyzing of the function and operating procedure of the container regional station, lays the three different form of container transport within the range of RNCFS pivot. In the end, the principle


