

The Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Semi-active Vehicle Suspension Employing Magneto-rheological Technology

【作者】 杨礼康

【导师】 潘双夏; 冯培恩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 车辆在人们日常生活中的地位和对国民经济发展所起的作用越来越突出,当前国际汽车工业的发展形势,以及国内铁路提速的现实,都说明进一步提高车辆舒适性和安全性势在必行。 本文结合“基于复合结构的半主动减振关键技术研究”国家自然基金项目(50275132)和“开发研制准高速列车油压减振器”横向项目的研究,在综合分析国内外车辆悬挂系统的发展、现状及其存在问题的基础上,重点针对基于磁流变技术的车辆半主动悬挂系统,从悬挂系统的减振器性能到车辆系统的运行品质进行理论和试验研究。具体内容如下: (1) 考虑被动悬挂系统仍是现有普通车辆的主要悬挂方式,结合国内列车提速的大背景,研究了准高速列车一系垂向油压减振器的主参数优化方法。为克服单个部件优化以及单纯将油压减振器阻尼系统作为定值的优化方法的缺陷,本文提出以整车平稳性为目标,将阻尼可调油压减振器阻尼特性进行等效线性化后,在整车系统中优化主参数。分析结果表明,采用部件优化方法所得值在整车系统中并非最优,验证了该方法的有效性和实用性。 (2) 针对被动悬挂系统的高可靠性和半主动悬挂系统的可控性,提出一种复合结构半主动悬挂系统,该悬挂系统中的磁流变减振器在控制系统断电后,可以自动切换成阻尼可调的被动悬挂系统,以避免车辆高速行驶时悬挂系统功能完全崩溃,起到一定的安全保护作用。 进而分析在设计阶段对复合结构半主动悬挂系统中磁流变减振器数学模型简化所产生的误差,并提出具体的误差消除方法,在此基础上建立优化模型,并以实例说明简化误差不可忽略以及本文所提出的误差消除方法的实用性。 (3) 在对随机过程功率谱吋域再现仿真方法进行研究的基础上,综合考虑道路激励以及车辆系统参数的不确定性,进一步研究实现车辆舒适性和安全性的鲁棒控制策略,并结合阻尼无级变化半主动悬挂的阻尼调节方式,提出基于H∞控制的状态判断归一法和加速度滤波法策略。比较分析得出,这两种方法优于已有的参考模型法。 (4) 基于磁流变技术的车辆半主动悬挂系统试验研究,不仅需要识別分析关键部件——磁流变减振器的可控性能及动态特性,而且需分析说明其对整体车辆系统的减振控制效果。针对此要求提出将拟动力试验技术用于半主动悬挂系统综合性能试验的具体思路和方法。针对此方法,在总结现有一准高速列车用悬挂系统性能、并考虑部分路面车辆悬挂系统性能范围的基础上,兼顾垂向和横向悬挂系统研制出试验系统样机系统,并以实测数据验证试验系统的功能及其精确性和可靠性。 (5)在从控制应用的角度,综合分析磁流变减振器动态模型滞环特性的基础上,提出一种较简洁且适宜于控制应用的S型滞环模型,并通过实际试验数据对所提模型的参数进行识别及分析,进而不仅以试验数据验证了所提出模型的动态滞环特性与实际测试值的一致性,而且以试验验证了用于控制器的有效性。 (6)应用S型滞环模型,对基于状态判断归一法、加速度法和参考模型法的H。控制策略进行了试验验证和对比分析,结果表明状态归一法应用于车辆半主动悬挂系统效果佳,能耗低。关键词:被动悬挂系统,变阻尼油压减振器,优化设计,半主动悬挂系统,复合结构,磁流变减振器,状态判断归一法,Hoo控制拟动力试验,S型滞环模型

【Abstract】 The ride comfort and safety of vehicle is more important than before. It can be concluded from the trend of international automobile industry and the reality of improving speed in domestic railway. All above is because of the vehicles’ distinguished effect in maintaining people living and boosting national economy.This dissertation combine some content which have finished for the national science foundation Research on the Key Technology of Semi-active Vibration Control Based on Composite Structure(Granted No.50275132) and enterprise project Development and Research of oil damper for high speed railway with semi-active suspension researching. The theory and test is investigated on vehicle semi-active suspensions employing the magnetorheological fluid to solve some limitations of suspension.Because the passive suspension is still the main mode of common vehicles now, the oil damper used for high-speed railway is optimized only focused on its key structure. On the purpose to obtain high ride comfort, the modeling strategy which coupling the damper into the whole vehicle system is presented by equivalent linearization the oil damper model. The optimized data indicates that this idea is more suitable than the method by separated damper alone.Based on the reliability of passive suspension and controllable of semi-active suspension, a kind of compounded structure of magnetorheological damper(CMRD) is concluded. The modifying skill is acquired after analyze the error of its design mathematical model. And the next work, which using the optimized CMRD dimension, prove this skill is necessary.Influenced by road irregularities exciting by stochastic process simulation in time domain and the parameter variable of vehicle system, the Robust control which improving the ride comfort and safety is analyzed, considering the semi-active damping adjustable continuously. Then, the novel judging state and filtering acceleration H control strategy is discovered. The conclusion that these two methods is better than Reference model stems from analysis.The difference of semi-active with MRD from the others needs a multi-functional test system which resorts to the pseudodynamic tests. This test system which can be used for vertical or lateral damper alone and semi-active pseudodynamic tests is verified by experiment.In view of controlling the vibration, A sigmoid hysteretic loop model orienting to using for controller is presented by studying the hysteretic characteristic of MRD dynamic model. This model inosculates the experiment data well in precision after the parameter is identified according to the experiment data.In the end of this thesis, the matching property of sigmoid hysteretic loop model and judging state, filtering acceleration, reference model H control strategy is contrasted each other, judging state Hoo control strategy capture the essential contribution of all the work for its efficient and less energy needs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期

