

On the Southward Spread of Taoism and Its Influence

【作者】 王丽英

【导师】 熊铁基;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 “道教南传”是指在岭北(以五岭为界)创立的道教向岭南的传播。本文讨论的道教南传,主要以早期道教,即汉魏六朝时期道教的南传为基础,清理道教南传的简单脉络和基本轮廓,并在此基础上,探求其特点和影响。 汉晋之际,道教开始南传,有其主、客观因素。 从主观因素看,是道教自身发展的需要。道教作为宗教,与其他宗教一样,需要通过传播交往,吸引罗致信徒,扩大势力范围。 从客观因素看,是岭南与道教有着不解之缘,这个缘表现有:一是地缘,岭南有适宜道教生长的地理环境。岭南集天下山川之秀异和物产之瑰奇于一身,这不仅为道教“成仙”教旨提供理想家园,而且还为道教“炼服”道术提供实践场所,岭南成为道教传承的一块乐土和沃土。二是亲缘,岭南有契合道教生长的人文环境。古代岭南政治气候宽松,社会秩序安定,成为道教传承的一块净土。尤其是岭南民俗风情古朴,如崇尚巫觋,崇拜图腾,信仰神仙,崇山乐道,与道教的成仙教旨和斋醮科仪有着相通之处,可谓“同源共感”,“同类相生”,岭南成为道教传承的一块基地。三是人缘,岭南很早就与有道教先声之称的楚、蜀和吴三地有来往。这不仅由于四地位置相邻,交通便利,而且还由于四地族属相同,习俗相近,因而往来不断,其中有政治势力的扩张,有商人的贸易活动,也有民间的你来我往,造成大量人口流动,多种人员以及多种形式的交往,成为道教南传的途径。正是各种因缘际会,促成道教的南传。 随着汉末移民浪潮的到来,开始了早期道教南传的历程。这一历程,大致可以分为两个阶段: 汉晋时期为初传阶段。汉末开始,不少崇尚道教之人,他们有的是普通信徒,有的是“天帝使者”,也有的是入粤仕宦,纷纷南下播道,开启道教南传之门。及至两晋之际,两位道教大师鲍靓和葛洪在岭南不期而遇,共商教理道术,创建岭南道教圣地——广州越冈院和罗浮冲虚观,道教真正传入了岭南。 晋末南朝间为衍播阶段。不少世奉五斗米道的家族如葛氏、孙氏、陶氏在岭南形成一个个道团,积极从事播道活动,道教在岭南得到进一步推广,行道的人员多了,既有本土道徒,也有外来道士,既有州郡长官,也有平民百姓;崇道的地区广了,从广东的腹心地到周边地带,及至广西俚僚聚居地都有道教活动,道教在岭南广为传播。 道教在南传衍播中,与岭南文化结合,呈现出鲜明的岭南地方特色,其特征主要有:一为与儒学和佛教相兼容,既吸纳儒学忠孝伦理思想,又接受佛教因果报应内容,兼收并蓄;二为崇尚自由的仙风,罗浮山以其挺拔的气势赋予了罗浮道士“轻世傲俗”的气质,他们往往以逍遥自在的山水仙示人,表现出一种逃逸于世俗社会之外的自由精神,这种精神潜化到岭南民风馨博士学位论文DOCTORALDISSERT/订ION习俗之中;三为具有地域性,无论是信仰或是道乐都表现出鲜明的地方特征,如与地方神接近,在神谱上突出北帝、南海神的尊神地位,又如使用岭南方言和曲调,咏唱赞颂褐和步虚词,使道教音乐走向地方化和通俗化:四为具有延续性,以鲍靓为代表的符篆派和以葛洪为代表的丹鼎派在岭南都有流播,其中尤以丹鼎派更为流行,葛洪之后,代代相传。南朝有以黄野人为首的葛洪道团,隋朝有苏元朗,唐朝有轩辕集,五代有黄步松,宋元时期有“南宗四祖”陈楠和“南宗五祖”白玉蟾,明清时期盛行正一道,主张内炼丹气和外用符篆相结合,丹鼎派和符篆派走向合流。清初,全真道龙门派第十一代玄裔曾一贯南下,罗浮道教从此有了龙门派,此后道脉不断。 道教在南传发展中,还产生一种“互化”效应,一方面是道教受岭南文化的影响,出现“南化”现象,如道教等级的弱化,岭南巫祝文化甚至为道教斋蘸科仪提供了效法雏形。另一方面是岭南文化也受道教文化的影响,呈现出“道化”品格,如岭南信仰富有道情、岭南民俗蕴涵道味、岭南文学艺术饱含道韵,道教玄妙的义理为岭南文化的丰姿多彩增添了哲理。 总之,道教南传,无论是对道教,或是对岭南而言,意义都是重大的,影响也是深远的。关键词:道教南传互化

【Abstract】 "The Southward spread of Taoism" means the spread of Taoism founded in the area north of Wuling(五岭 ) to Lingnan ( 岭南 ), south of Wuling. This thesis mainly gives the simple venation and the basic outline of the spread of the early Taoism during Han ( 汉) , Wei (魏) and Liuchao ( 六朝 ) dynasties, and discusses some characters and influences of the spreading.During Han and Jin (晋 ) dynasties, Taoism began to spread to the South China, because of a number of some subjective and objective factors.The subjective factor is the needs of Taoism itself. Like other religions, Taoism has the demands and functions to attract and collect adherents in order to enlarge its influence.On the objective side, there was a predestined relationship between Taoism and Lingnan. This expresses as the following: 1 - Geographically speaking, Lingnan has geographical conditions suitable for the development of Taoism. Lingnan has beautiful mountains and rivers and also the speciality of products. This provides not only the ideal homestead for the "becoming immortal" ( 成仙 ) tenet of Taoism, but also the practical place for the Taoist "orange osmanthus making and eating" ( 炼服 ) .This makes Lingnan a suitable and fertile place for the spreads and development of Taoism.2 Lingnan has humanistic conditions that correspond to the growing of Taoism. The console of political climate and stability of social order in ancient Lingnan became a peaceful place that Taoism spreads and develops. Especially the ancient customs of Lingnan, such as witch adore, totem adore, immortal belief, superstitious pursuing have some applicable to both or all common in the "become immortal" ( 成仙 ) tenet and the Taoist manner of Zhaijiao (斋醮) . It may be described as "the same origin, leading to common response", and "the things of similar categories, growing each other". So that Lingnan became a fundamental place that Taoism spreaded and developed. 3 . In the earlier time, Lingnan had begun the popular exchange with Chu (楚) Shu (蜀) and Wu (吴) , which were called "the first signs of Taoism". This is not only because they were near each other, and the traffic convenience, but also because of their same race and the habitude approach. Among them, there was the expansion of political force; the activities of merchant; and the migration of people. All of these provided the channels for the spread of Taoism to the south China.The spread of Taoism to the South China began with the advent of emigration wave in the later of Donghan ( 东汉 ) dynasty. It maybe divided into two phases:The initial stage of the spread was during Han and Jin dynasties. From the last years of Donghan dynasty, many people who believed in Taoism came to the South China. Some were the common believers. Some were the "angels". Some were the official from the North China. They opened theway for Taoism spread to the South China. Up to Liang Jin ,Two Taoist masters, Bao_ Liang and GeJ Hong , came across each other in Lingnan. They advised on Taoist scripturesand manners together, even established Lingnan Taoist Holy Land__Guangzhou Yuegangyuan and LuoFu Chongxuguan Taoism spread to the South China authentically.The developing spread stage were the last years of Jin dynasty to Nanchao , when a lot of families who believed in Wudoumidao, such as Ge family , Sun family and Tao family formed many religious sects in Lingnan. They were engaged in the spreading of Taoism, and Taoism began to popularize in Lingnan. The people who pursued Taoism became more and more. Some were the local Taoist priests. Some were the external Taoist priests. Some were the officials. Some were the common people.The area where people believed in Taoism widened. There were many Taoist activities from the central Guangdong to the borderland, even to the Li ) and Liao regions in Guangxi .Taoism presented some vivid regional characteristics of Lingnan when it spread to the South China, combining with the culture of Lingnan. Its characteristic maybe summarized as follows: 1 Blending the elements of Confucianism an

【关键词】 道教南传互化
【Key words】 Taoismsouthward spreadHuhua
  • 【分类号】B959.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1493

