

The Research of the Key Technologies of SAN Based Secure Single Image Cluster File System

【作者】 徐虎

【导师】 王志英;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 随着Internet应用的蓬勃发展和宽带的普及,以及多媒体、视频图像处理技术的大量应用,传统的UNIX文件系统已无法满足大规模或超大规模文件安全存储、高速传输的需要,无法适应大规模实时并发访问的要求,并且在安全性、可扩展性和可用性等方面部存在问题。高性能、高可扩展性、高可用性、安全文件系统日益成为网络时代最重要的关键技术之一。 针对上述问题,本课题研究并实现了基于SAN(Storage Area Network)的高性能、单映象、安全Cluster文件系统——CFS。 本文对比SAN存储架构同传统存储架构DAS(Direct Attached Storage)、NAS(Network Aaached Storage)的不同,分析了不同存储架构的优缺点;同时介绍单映像Cluster文件系统的基本概念,及其研究设计所涉及的关键技术。 本文对系统可用性进行了分析,给出了可用性的度量定义和数学分析;在此基础上,分析、设计了系统NIC(Network Interface Card)级的高可用性,实现了Linux操作系统中提供NIC级高可用性的软件;最后提出了RAIN(Redundant Array of Inexpensive NIC)的概念,详细讨论了其技术实现方案,并给出了Linux下的参考实现。 本文详细讨论了Cluster系统中成员(membership)的管理问题,在分析集中式管理方法和分布式管理方法特点的基础上,提出了基于SAN的成员管理算法,并对其特点和性能进行了分析。 本文深入研究了单映像文件系统中锁的结构,提出并设计了分布式环境下动态锁结构,同时提出了可变粒度锁的概念,提出并设计、实现了可变粒度锁的分裂、融合算法。 本文对分布式环境下锁的管理方法展开研究,分析了集中式锁管理算法,提出并实现了可迁移的共用锁服务器算法,并对其特点进行了讨论。提出了基于SAN的分布式锁管理算法.该算法协议简洁,可扩展性好。 本文设计了32位安全处理器,针对Cluster文件系统应用特点提出了相应的体系结构。在确定安全处理器体系结构的基础上,设计并实现3DES加密协处理器和高性能的真随机数发生器:同时针对新的指令集结构完成了Linux环境下编译开发环境的设计与实现,将GNU的GCC编译环境成功移植到32位安全处理器上。 本文最后讨论、总结CFS各个层面的实现方法、特点,并对该文件系统的性能进行了多方面的测试,对测试结果进行分析。 CFS文件系统已经通过权威测试机构的测试,测试结果表明CFS文件系统性能优异,目前CFS文件系统已经在一些行业和领域取得了实际应用,具有很好的市场价值和前景。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Internet has taken a more and more important role in our life, and with the boost of the wide-band, multi-media application and VOD, the traditional UNIX File system can not meet the need of the secure storage and high speed transmission for millions files, and they don’t support large-scale, real-time and parallel accesses to the files. At the same time, traditional UNIX File system has a lot of problem in security, extensibility and availability. File System with high performance, high extensibility, high availability and high security has been one of the most important technologies of the Internet.In this project, we take account of the problem above, research and realize a SAN based high performance, high extensibility, high availability and high security Cluster File System-CFS.This paper discusses the difference of the storage architectures-DAS, NASand SAN, and analyzes the advantage of the SAN architecture. This paper also gives the concepts and key technology of the single image Cluster file system.This paper analyzes system’s availability, presents the definition of the availability and quantitative analysis of system’s availability. According this, we have designed and realized the system’s high availability at NIC level, and released the software in Linux. At last we presents the theory of the RAIN (Redundant Array of Inexpensive NIC), and gives the reference implementation in Linux.This paper discusses the membership management in cluster system, based the analysis of central method and distributed method, we presents a new membership management algorithm based SAN, and analyzes the algorithm’s feature and performance.This paper presents the dynamic lock structure in distributed system and the concept of the dynamic granularity lock, esigns and realizes the algorithm of the shrink and expands of the granularity.This paper researches the lock management in distributed system, analyzes the central management algorithm, presents and realizes moveable shared lock server. We also presents a new distributed lock management algorithm based SAN, the protocol of the algorithm is simple, and the extensibility is strong.This paper designs a new 32-bit security processor, we presents the architecture according the features of the cluster file system, and presents a new instruction set for the processor. Based on the architecture, we designs a 3DES encrypt co-processor and a TRNG (True Random Number Generator); Based on the instruction set, we import the GCC for our processor.At last, this paper discusses the CFS’s realization and the test result.Now, CFS has been tested by the famous test company-TESCOM, the resultshow the CFS is high performance. CFS has been used in some field and company, it has good market value and bright foreground.


