

A Numerical and Experimental Study of Liquid Jet Hammer with Energy-saving Mechanism

【作者】 彭枧明

【导师】 殷琨;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 <WP=120>构建合理的数学模型,开发模拟仿真软件,对射流式液动锤进行数值分析,可以大大缩短优良性能产品的研制开发周期,降低试制成本和风险,是射流式液动锤理论研究的重要方面。前人已 有 数 学 模 型 预 测 的 射 流 式 液 动 锤 前 后 腔 压 力 变 化 曲 线 无 论 在形状还是在数值上与实测曲线有较大的差距,对驱使活塞冲锤运动的作用力——前后腔液体压力的数学描述不尽合理,忽略了射流式液动锤的心脏和灵魂——射流元件的存在。依据前人已有模型和软件预言,随着活塞冲锤质量的增加,冲击功和冲击频率都增加,而多次重复试验明确证明,冲击功增加,冲击频率降低。另外,前人已有模型没有涉及储能装置。因此,为推进无储能装置和有储能装置的射流式液动锤内部动力过程的理论研究,有必要进一步深入研究改进射流式液动锤内部动力过程的数学模型。 射流式液动锤单次冲击功和工作稳定性的显著提高,将大幅度地提高冲击破碎岩石的效率,明显改善坚硬岩石钻进效果,促进它在油气钻井、地热钻井、大陆和大洋科学钻探、非开挖导向钻进、基岩水井钻凿等领域的推广应用。前人为此做了大量卓有成效的工作,积累了宝贵的经验,获得了大量珍贵的数据。但是射 流 式 液 动 锤 的 活 塞 冲 锤 冲 击 末 速 度 与 气 动 和 油 压 冲 击 器 普 遍达到的 8~10m/s 冲击末速度相比还相距甚远,冲击节奏的稳定性也有待显著提高。深入分析研究表明,气动和油压冲击器冲击末速度之所以可以达到材料许可的冲击速度的极限值,关键在于二者都存在储能机制。储能机构的存在是油压冲击器在小流量、高泵压条件下得以节奏稳定地输出高冲击功的最关键因素之一。因此,有必要借鉴气动和油压冲击器的储能机制,对射流式液动锤上增设储能装置进行理论研究和试验研究。 本文针对上述问题进行了研究,内容包括:(1)无储能装置的射流式液动锤内部动力过程新模型。(2)有储能装置(包括前腔单独接蓄能器、后腔单独接蓄能器、前后腔均接蓄能器、后端设蓄能器缓冲储能和后端设弹簧储能。)的射流式液动锤内部动力过程数学模型。(3)基于新构建的系列模型开发数值分析软件。(4)运用基于新系列新模型的新仿真软件分析 16 个参数的变化对射流式液动锤性能的影响,寻找有利于大幅度提高活塞冲锤冲击末速度的结构形式和参数组合。(5)研制开发冲击末速度非接触测定系统,提高测试的精度和可靠性;引进新的冲击频率精确测定工具。(6)开展射流式液动锤前后腔增设蓄能器的试验研究。 基 于 新 构 建 的 无 蓄 能 装 置 的 射 流 式 液 动 锤 “ 类 冲 击 式 水 轮 1<WP=121>机”模型,预言的各参数对射流式液动锤性能影响规律与前人经反复确认的试验结果在变化趋势上完全一致。受冲击式水轮机的原理及其力学模型启发,作者在国内外首次构建了将射流元件包含在内的射流式液动锤模型,推导得到了物理含义清晰的射流式液动锤前后腔液体压力的明确数学表达式,依据大量计算数据描绘 的 前 后 腔 液 体 压 力 随 时 间 变 化 的 曲 线 与 实 测 曲 线 在 形 状 上 很相似,清楚地反映了行程终了时水击压力及每个活塞冲锤运动周期内前后腔压力的变化过程。依据数值分析结果描绘的前后腔压力变化曲线各点的数值与实测数据有一定差距,原因在于:一是测试系统有误差;更重要的是随机干扰因素(如活塞冲锤加工装置精度不高导致活塞冲锤受到附加的摩擦力。)实际上普遍存在,但难以描述和预测,模型中为简化起见未加考虑。 基于无储能装置的射流式液动锤“类冲击式水轮机”模型,结合理想气体绝热过程方程等,扩展建立了有储能装置的系列数学模型,可以用来分析预测前后腔液体压力、蓄能器内气体体积和压力随时间的变化过程。 在 Visual Basic 6.0 开发平台上开发的仿真分析软件包含了作者建立的系列数学模型,功能较强、界面简单清晰、交互性好。该 数 值 分 析 软 件 可 以 计 算 分 析 给 定 参 数 条 件 下 的 无 储 能 装 置 和有储能装置射流式液动锤的性能参数,每隔 10 个时间步长自动将过程数据输出到 Excel 文件,以绘出前后腔压力、活塞冲锤运动的加速度、速度和位移、蓄能器容积和压力等随时间变化曲线;计算分析 15 个参数对射流式夜动锤性能影响的规律。 数值分析结果表明,前后腔连接蓄能器对活塞冲锤冲击末速度和单次冲击功、冲击频率等影响很小;弹簧缓冲储能对活塞冲锤冲击末速度和单次冲击功、冲击频率等影响也很小;后端设蓄能器缓冲储能对单次冲击功、冲击频率等影响显著。后端缓冲蓄能器的充气压力、初始容积的变化并不引起射流式液动锤性能的显著变化,但与无储能装置时相比,活塞冲击末速度可提高 46%~62%,频率可提高 10%~ 15%。活塞杆缓冲段直径和缓冲行程的变化可以引起冲击功和冲击频率的很显著变化。在其它条件一定的情况下,活塞杆缓冲段直径从Φ42mm 减小到Φ10mm,冲击末速度从 4.23m/s 增加到 8.22m/s,与无储能装置时相比,冲击末速度和 冲 击 ?

【Abstract】 Elaborately designed mathematical model of liquid jethammer and simulation software upon the model are importantto the optimization of its performance. In the model developedby other researchers the fluidic amplifier— the core componentof the hammer was ignored, which resulted in great differencebetween the simulated P— T curves and the observed. The oldmodel predicts that the increase of mass of the piston-blockunit will result in the increase of impact energy and blowfrequency, while the results of repeated experiments show thatimpact energy increases and blow frequency decreases.Besides, the impact of the energy-saving mechanism isn’tconsidered in the old model. In this work new mathematical models were elaboratelybuilt and discussed in detail. These models include the modelwithout energy-saving mechanism and models withenergy-saving mechanism. Based upon the new models, anew simulation software was developed. With the help of thesoftware the impacts of 15 parameters on the performance ofliquid jet hammer were numerically analyzed. The new model of the liquid jet hammer withoutenergy-saving mechanism was similar to that of an impulsewater turbine. In the new model, the fluidic amplifier isconsidered, and the pressures of liquid in the fore and rearworking chamber were expressed clearly in mathematicalforms. The figures of P— T curves predicted by the model arebasically similar to the observed. The magnitudes of pressurepulses produced at the end of each stroke can be predictedrelatively precisely according to the new model and simulationsoftware. The predicted impacts of parameters upon theperformance of the liquid jet hammer are consistent with the 4<WP=124>results of previous repeated experiments. But there existerrors caused by some random factors such as additionalfriction forces between the piston-block unit and the outer tube.Such factors are not taken into account because of theircomplexity but their impacts are usually great. On the basis of the model of liquid jet hammer withoutenergy-saving mechanism, models of liquid jet hammer withenergy-saving mechanism were set up. According to themodels, the performance of liquid jet hammer withenergy-saving mechanism, the pressures of the liquid in thefore and rear chamber and the volumes and pressures of theaccumulators can be predicted. The results of numerical analysis show that: (1) theimpacts of accumulators connected to the fore and rearchamber on impact energy and blow frequency are very little.(2) the impacts of energy-saving mechanism of spring on theperformance of liquid jet hammer are also little. (3) the impactsof energy-saving mechanism of buffering accumulator fixed atthe rear end of the inner cylinder are great. According to the results of numerical analysis, theperformance of liquid jet hammer is not sensible to change ofinitial volume and charge pressure of the buffering accumulator,but the impact velocity of the piston-block unit and blowfrequency will increase by 46% ~ 62% and 10% ~ 15%respectively when buffering accumulator is connected. Changeof the diameter of the buffering section of the piston couldcause great changes of impact velocity and blow frequency.Under a definite condition, when the diameter of the bufferingsection of the piston varies from Φ 42mm to Φ 10mm, theimpact velocity will increase from 4.23m/s to 8.22m/s.Compared with the liquid jet hammer without energy-savingmechanism, impact velocities and impact energy increase by77% ~ 244% and 213% ~ 1083% respectively, and blowfrequency increase by 28.4% ~ 46.6%. Under definiteconditions change of the buffering stroke (defined as thedistance between the rear end and the inlet of the buffering 5<WP=125>cavity in the inner cylinder when the piston-block unit at thelowest positio

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期

