

Politics of Translation in Contemporary China

【作者】 汤(?)

【导师】 冯庆华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本论文旨在提出理论框架,以便从过程的角度审视翻译现象,在社会文化和社会历史语境中研究译本,借以诠释译本中社会文化或社会历史成分的文本表现。本论文还借鉴博弈论,使用非数学方法,以英汉语言、文化间的不对称权力关系为背景,分析作者、译者及读者等行为主体之间的关系对翻译活动的影响。 本论文运用广义的“政治”(包括计谋、决策及人类社会关系的总和等)概念来探讨“翻译政治”,即翻译过程或翻译活动的政治。由此,“翻译政治”的概念牵涉到译本选择的动机,译者的策略选择和观点立场,译本发行和接受的社会意义。提出“翻译政治”这个概念是为了更好地研究卷入翻译过程的各行为主体间的权力关系,某个翻译活动所牵涉的两种语言和文化间的权力关系,以及上述权力关系与译本生成和翻译策略间的互相作用。 作为理论背景,第一章提供了论文主干部分使用的主要概念术语的定义。这些概念包括:政治、翻译、翻译的政治、主体、博弈和博弈论、翻译伦理、归化与异化。本章并初步阐述了有关“主体”这个概念的分歧、翻译活动的社会历史语境、翻译研究的个人视角,以期使读者大致了解本论文的理论基础。继对相关研究(多元系统论、操纵学派的意识形态研究、翻译语境中的性别研究和后殖民研究、国内的类似研究)进行反思之后,本章还扼要综述了本论文各章的内容。 第二章给出了翻译政治的定义,探讨了微观、宏观两个层面上翻译政治的含义。关于翻译政治的概念界定,本章首先点明社会政治与翻译政治的区别,提出翻译的新定义,并力图避免关于翻译研究中的意识形态视角和政治视角的概念混乱,接着探讨微观、宏观两个层面上翻译政治的含义。微观层次的翻译政治包括待译文本的选本动机(即翻译动机的政治),确定翻译策略、选择翻译技巧的动机(即翻译实践的政治),预测翻译效果的动机(即翻译接受的政治)。宏观层次的翻译政治指的是构成翻译研究的宏观外部视角,影响翻译行为的伦理价值观念与产生翻译活动的社会历史环境、政治文化背景等外部因素之间的种种逻辑联系。 鉴于翻译过程牵涉的各主体间的权力关系构成翻译政治的主要研究内容,第三章的重点就是关于翻译伦理的讨论。本章首先探讨由“翻译行为主体”这个概念引出的一系列问题—译者的主观能动性,翻译中的主体性问题和译者的自我意识。由此导入关于翻译伦理的一般性讨论。在此基础上,本章进一步借鉴经济学和社会学领域里广为运用的博弈论,深入研究翻译活动各主体间的互动关系,并据此得出翻译实践的主体间伦理。为了证实该理论对实际问题的淦释能力,本章的最后一节专门举例论证翻译中的主体间性问题和翻译实践的主体间伦理存在的合法性。 第四章讨论的是翻译的实践政治,即社会文化价值观念和主流意识形态强加给译者的限制或赋予译者的权力,连同译者对上述限制或自由的反应。为了便于论述,本章把可行的翻译策略划归两类:有社会文化意义的策略和有社会历史意义的策略。可以说,有社会文化意义的策略可以同时在语言层面和文化层面上一显身手,有社会历史意义的策略则主要在语言层面上发挥效用。由于译文往往同时采用上述两种策略,所以译文总是同时具有社会文化和社会历史意义。 围绕当今中国的社会历史语境,第五章开展的是关于本论文主题理论推导的语境化研究。本章讨论了全球化对当今中国翻译活动的挑战和全球化时代中翻译活动的社会文化意义,并指出:在当前的社会历史语境中,中国的翻译政治在微观层次上(翻译动机的政治、翻译实践的政治、译本接受的政治)面临的核心问题的集中体现,就是把归化和异化作为两种对立的翻译策略;而中国的翻译政治在宏观层次上最关注的则是以英译汉和汉译英文本间的巨大数量差距为体现的文化交流或沟通的国民心态问题。本章的第二节对两个文本及其译文进行了全面的比较分析,力图更好地论证当今中国翻译活动的现实情况,以期明示中国文化与英美文化之间文化交锋的动态关系。 最后一章简要说明了本论文的研究与中国传统翻译研究的差别,对三对两分观点提出质疑,总结了本论文研究的五点长处,预测了后续研究的拓展可能。关键词:翻译政治:主体间;语境化

【Abstract】 The present dissertation proposes a theoretical frame for viewing translational phenomena from a process-oriented perspective and examines translations within its socio-cultural and socio-historical contexts. This study also tries to account for the textual reflections of the socio-cultural or socio-historical elements presented in the target text. Additionally, the impact of the interrelationship between the author, the translator, and the readers on the translation activity has been examined against the asymmetrical power partnership between the English and Chinese languages or cultures by a de-mathematical method borrowed from game theory.In this dissertation, politics is employed in its broad sense to mean maneuvering and intriguing as well as the whole of the interrelations between people in a society while the politics of translation refers to the politics of the process of translating or the politics in translation activities, which must be considered in relevance to the motivations in the selection of certain texts to be translated, the choices and positions that are made and held by a translator, and the social implications of the distribution and reception of a translation. The concept of the politics of translation is brought out to throw more light on the power relations between the subjects involved in the process of translation, the power relations between the two languages and cultures of a translation activity, and the interactions between these power relations and translation production and strategies.The first chapter offers the theoretical background for major notions or concepts which are to be used in the main body of the dissertation. These notionsare: politics, translation, the politics of translation, subject, game and game theory, ethics of translation, domesticating vs. foreignizing approaches. This chapter then goes on to deal with divided opinion on the notion of the subject, the socio-historical context for a translation activity, the personal perspective of translation study so as to prepare its readers for later theoretical discussions. After reflections on similar studies, this chapter closes on an overview of the study proposed by this dissertation.The second chapter provides the definition for the politics of translation and probes its two aspects on both the micro-level and the macro-level. The first section of this chapter begins with a distinction between social politics and the politics of translation as well as a new concept of translation, and ends in clarification of confusion about the ideological and political perceptions of translation studies. The second section of this chapter makes it clear that micro-leveled politics of translation indicates the motivation for selecting a particular text to be translated, the motivations for selecting certain translational strategies and techniques, and the expectation of certain translation effects. Macro-leveled politics of translation indicates the relations between the ethical ideas and value judgments that affect translation actions and the external factors such as the socio-historical environment and the political or cultural background of translation activities, which constitute the external or macro-leveled perspective for translation studies.Since the power relations between the subjects involved in the process of translation form a major part of the concerns of the politics of translation, focus has been put on the discussion of the ethics of translation in the third chapter. Firstly, the third chapter discusses a variety of issues surrounding the concept of the translating subject: the subjective agency of the translator, the subjectivity intranslation and the translator’s self-awareness. The academic concern leads towards a general discussion of the ethics of translation. Drawing on game theory that is prevailing in economics and social sciences, this chapter goes on to explore the interrelations between the subjects involved in the translation process, and naturally arrives at a practical intersubjective ethics of trans

【关键词】 翻译政治主体间语境化
【Key words】 politics of translationintersubjectivecontextualization
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1925

