

Research on the Improvement of Measurement Based Software Process

【作者】 邢大红

【导师】 刘宗田;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,软件的质量和生产效率问题一直困扰着软件产业的发展。近十年里,虽然多种软件开发方法和工具不断出现,但依然不能从根本上解决这些问题。在我国,这些问题尤为突出。ISO9000和CMM的推出,实际上,是借鉴工业界的管理经验,在软件行业的应用。我国软件企业普遍存在规模小,资源少,能力不足的问题,运用这些“重载”方法,既缺乏经验,又缺乏足够的人力和物力。本文分析了我国中小软件企业存在的困难,从围绕建立适合我国软件企业有效过程改进环境出发,根据CMM和ISO9000等标准的实质,研究软件企业过程度量方法、评估框架和CMM的剪裁方法等。本文结合某国有商业银行信息技术管理部门软件开发和管理过程改进实例,提出了一个支持软件过程改进系统SSPIS(supportable software process improvement system)。最后,为便于中小软件企业进行过程改进,本文给出了参与研究的基于ISO9000和CMM的软件企业质量保障平台的总体框架,着重阐述了软件度量在此平台中的设计。本文在上述方面所作的研究工作和创新概述如下: (1)软件过程评估框架:本文深入分析了现在流行的软件过程改进模型和评估方法,系统地阐述了现在流行的CMM模型和ISO9000国际标准的特点。本文分析了我国中小软件企业过程改进存在的困难。为便于这些软件企业诊断软件过程状况,本文提出了软件过程评估框架。最后,以某国有银行信息技术管理部门软件开发和日常维护的过程管理为背景,根据过程改进框架设计了一套适合我国银行金融系统的软件开发和日常维护工作的评估方法。 (2)过程改进支持系统:软件生产是高智能的生产活动,开发技术的发展非常迅速。CMM和ISO9000都属于“重载”模型,需要企业投入相当的资源。对于人力财力不那么雄厚的中小型软件企业进行软件过程改进,如何让他们能少花钱,少花时间,并且有显著效果一直是软件过程改进研究的热点。所以,本文跟踪研究了敏捷软件过程的最新发展,分析了敏捷软件过程的特性。为便于中小软件企业实施CMM,本文阐述了CMM剪裁的技巧和方法。提高软件过程能力,实际上,是提高软件企业的管理能力。本文从过程的定义、制度化、监控等方面出发说明如何建立有效的软件过程改进环境。本文结合实施实例,借鉴国内外软件企业软件过程改进经验,总结了一个支持过程改进系统SSPIS供其他软件企业过程改进借鉴。(3)(4)(5)支持过程改进的软件度量技术:针对CMM过程改进的特点,本文提出了结合GQM一D和GQ(I)M模型,建立基于度量的软件过程方法。为便于企业实施度量,本文提出了适合CMM过程改进的过程度量指标,并阐述了如何在CMM不同等级设计度量指标。这些度量指标可供软件组织剪裁应用。特别地,针对CMMZ级和我国软件企业自身的特点,推导出软件企业的度量目标集。产品度量:工业文明进化到今天成熟地步得益于其有可靠的定量数据分析。软件开发由于是高度智力活动,定量化度量其产品是个困难的事情。本文阐述了我们课题组研究的过程产品度量指标。UML是目前流行的软件建模工具,本文提出了将IFPUG功能点度量应用到UML需求分析模型上的方法。需求工程是整个软件系统开发过程的第一阶段,其质量将直接影响整个系统开发的成败。本文提出了需求分析质量度量方法和策略。软件度量在面向软件企业质量保障平台中的设计与实现:为提高软件开发效率,提高软件产品质量,国内越来越多的软件企业开始引入CMM和1509000系列标准进行过程改进。为减轻企业实施的困难,上海市科委立项研制面向软件企业质量保障平台。本文阐述了此平台的框架,着重介绍了软件度量的设计与实现。关键词:软件过程软件质量软件度量敏捷软件过程 本文得到了国家机械发展基金项目(No.96JA0205)和上海市科技发展基金(No.025115035)的赞助。

【Abstract】 For a long time, software quality and production efficiency have always perplexed the software industry. In recent years, new tools and methods have been introduced, but these problems are far from being resolved. In our country, these problems are particularly outstanding. Although the ISO9000 and CMM are applications in software areas, they are rooted in the industry field experience. Since most software enterprises are small and the resources are limited, they don’t have much relevant experience and therefore feel inadequate to apply ISO9000 and CMM. These issues are widespread. With their difficulties in mind, this doctoral dissertation first discusses the establishment of a valid process improvement environment. And then in the light of ISO9000 and CMM, it takes a close look at software process measurement methods, tailoring methods for CMM and the evaluating framework. Based on the example of a state-owned commercial bank information technology section software development, the supportable software process improvement system (SSPIS) is proposed in this dissertation. In the end, the general framework of the quality Assurance platform for software enterprises (QAPSE) is given and the design for software measurement in the QAPSE is discussed in detail. The main contributions are as follows:1) Software process valuation framework: This dissertation probes the software process improvement model and methods. Meanwhile CMM and ISO9000 are explained systematically. The difficulties in innovation are introduced. To improve the diagnosis of software process condition, this dissertation puts forward the software process valuation framework. Based on the software process valuation framework, an audit method suitable for financial enterprises software process is given.2) A supportable software process improvement system (SSPIS): Software production is a highly intellective and the relevant techniques develop quickly. Since CMM and ISO9000 are both heavy models, much more resources are needed for software enterprises to improve the software process. Here good effect and low investment are our goals. This dissertation follows the latest development that studied the agile software process and induces the characteristic of the agile softwareprocess. The CMM tailoring methods for small enterprises are expatiated. In effect, to improve process ability is to develop enterprises management. To illustrate the establishment of a valid software process improvement environment, this dissertation discusses the identification, systemization, supervision and control of process. Then the example of SSPIS is given and can be used for reference by other enterprises.Software measurement technique supporting process improvement: Based on the characteristics of the CMM process improvement, the software process model supporting process measurement is established in this dissertation, which incorporates the GQM- D model and the GQ(I)M model. The process metrics suite suitable for CMM based process improvement is proposed and the method of how to use the metrics suit is also presented. Specially, the metrics suite for CMM2 is conducted.Measurement of software products: The industry civilization evolves to today’s mature situation because it benefits from the reliable quantitative analysis. This dissertation expatiates upon our research on measurement for software products. UML is a popular modeling tool, so the method for applying IFPUG function point to UML model is presented. Since requirement engineering is the important initial stage, measurement method and strategy for requirement quality are presented.The software measurement design in QAPSE: To improve the efficiency of software development and the quality of software product, more and more domestic software enterprises start to introduce CMM and ISO9000. The quality Assurance platform for software enterprises (QAPSE) is necessary, therefore the last chapter gives the QAPSE system architecture. The design for software measurement in the QAPSE is also recounted.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1057
  • 攻读期成果

