

【作者】 尹爱青

【导师】 柳海民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 教育的本质特点是培养人,教育的价值主体是人。 综观人类思想史和教育实践,任何关涉人类的生存与发展的研究,总是要不同程度地涉及到美育的人生价值,涉及美育的哲学基础。 为探索音乐审美教育的人学主题,本论文运用价值判断与分析的方法,以设定的音乐审美教育的人学承诺理念为理论出发点,对现实的音乐教育进行审察和分析,在现代社会发展的大背景观照下,将音乐审美教育视为生命质量提升的教育;在对音乐审美教育的人学思考层面上,分析音乐教育现实并关注其发展状况,明确音乐审美教育的内在价值;探索音乐审美教育作为一种人类社会的文化现象,它的哲学、历史和文化根源是什么?为什么能促进人自身各种因素的平衡和协调、影响和提升人的生命质量?这种影响和促进作用的实施机制是什么?实施的策略和方式如何?通过对这些问题的价值理性思维,将促进音乐审美教育在理论上、内容上、方法上走出误区,澄清音乐审美教育的人学承诺内核,恢复其独特的感性情感维度和人文内涵与人文价值;从人的生命意义和生命质量提升的角度,探索音乐审美教育,探求音乐审美教育对人的生命质量提升的独特作用和价值依据,以求音乐审美教育人学承诺内涵的合理回归。 本论文欲以如下结构框架及内容表述呈现其论证的内在逻辑和相互关系,以期待清晰表达论证主旨:音乐审美教育的人学解读部分: 通过厘清音乐与音乐审美的人学本质、音乐教育与音乐审美教育、人学与音乐审美教育人学承诺这三组既相互联系又各自具有独立的定义的内涵和外延,分析、解读音乐审美教育人学内核; 通过对中国文化传统的重人观和西方文化的自由精神以及对中西文化发展中关于人学价值的历史追迹和流变思考,解读音乐审美教育的本体价值: 通过分析哲学人类学的“符号论”和生命形式与艺术形式的异质同构论的研究成果,解读了人为什么是音乐艺术创造和享受的主体。音乐审美教育的人学承诺理由部分: 通过对中国古代和古希腊的音乐审美教育的追溯,明确了这样一个观点,即在漫长的中国古代先秦文化和古希腊的哲学精神中,早已历史地为我们今天的关于音乐审美教育的人学问题的认识和实践提供了充足的基础和理由。 音乐审美教育是人的基本生命活动之一,是确证人之为人的特殊方式。音乐美感就是人的自我确证和相互确证的依据,就像一面镜子,光辉灿烂地映照出人的内心世界和本质力量。作为人的自我确证和相互确证,音乐审美教育具有了存在的第一理由。尤其是不受意志控制的人类高峰体验,本身就是一种同一性感受,是人回归自然或与自然合一的一种情绪状态。音乐审美教育活动正是人类高峰体验的内容载体之一,她在给人带来高峰体验的同时,使人得到一种萌发,一种启示,一种觉醒,使人趋向完美人格的典型状态。作为人的专利,高峰体验价值在音乐审美教育中更显生命的本质。 审美活动是生命情感解放的根本途径,审美带有令人解放的性质;创造性不仅是审美表现的形式中介,更是体现情感解放的本质标志;而音乐审美教育正是以音乐审美的形式,从一个更直接的入口来触摸生命和心灵的存在。在展示人类的一种独特的生存样态和把握世界的方式的同时,使人摆脱现实生活中有限意义的实际需求,产生了超脱功利的美的想象和情感体验,从现实的自然态度向特殊的审美态度转化,创造着人的本质的全部丰富性的生成。 最后以人为什么需要音乐的提问为切入点,以对音乐审美教育活动中的媒介因素—音乐的进一步分析为论据,探讨了音乐与人、音乐形式与人的生命形式同构的关系,支持了音乐审美教育所能给予的人学承诺的理论假设。并以此为理论根基,对目前中国音乐教育所面临的无视人在音乐审美活动中的参与和创造、抹煞音乐艺术对人的生命的创造价值、遮蔽了音乐审美教育通过人的审美实践活动所映衬的人的主观意识所体现的人对自身的本质创造的价值内涵的危险之境进行了深刻地剖析。指出时下的音乐教育活动以肢解的阐释对待音乐整体,以技术化、工具化的训练来学习音乐技能,将人对音乐的感知体验退化为音乐知识和规则的机械背诵,已发生了音乐与人相分离的质变,己违背了音乐审美教育的初衷。人通过情感体验与音乐碰撞时产生的那种创造意识和冲动己被人对音乐学习的急功近利的需要和非常现实的供求关系代替,音乐文化的发展正在沦落为一个有利可图的生意,人正在无可奈何地成为人类自己的创造物—音乐的奴隶。音乐审美教育所具有的体现人自身审美要求和提升生命质量的本质内涵己失去了理想的光芒。 作为本论文的阶段性研究成果,首次明确地从音乐与人、音乐形式与人的生命形式同构的维度,在理论上阐述了“音乐审美教育过程是体验生命状态和生命力量展开的过程,是唤醒人对美的感悟、以一种全新的精神状态超脱物质世界的过程,这不仅是人的独有享受,更是人之生命需要”的观点。音乐审美教育人学命题寻根部分: 在论述了关于音乐审美教育的人学本体理论、人学承诺理由之后,这部分内容最后为音乐审美教育的人学命题找到一个具有支持性的理论根

【Abstract】 The nature of education is the training of humans and the subject of education is humans.Throughout human history of ideology and the educational practice, any research related to the existence and development of human being is always, to some degree, concerned with human worth of aesthetic education and concerned with its philosophical foundation.In order to explore the humanistic issue of music aesthetic education, this dissertation uses the methodology of judging and analyzing values to examine and analyze the current music education. The theoretical base of the study will be the humanistic concept in music aesthetic education. Under the background of the development of modern society, in this dissertation, music aesthetic education is considered as the education of improving life quality. With respect to humanistic aspect of music aesthetic education, the dissertation analyzes the reality and development of music education, clarifies the inner value of music aesthetic education, and explores the following questions regarding music aesthetic education as a cultural phenomenon of the human society: What are its philosophical, historical and cultural sources? Why can it promote the balance of various factors within oneself? Why can it influence and improve the quality of life? What are the implementing mechanism, strategies, and methods of this influence? The rational thinking over these questions will help clear the myth regarding music aesthetic education in terms of theory, content and methodology, help explore music aesthetic education from the perspective of the meaning and quality of human life, and help explore the function and value of music aesthetic education in improving human life quality.This dissertation has the following parts:IntroductionIn this part, I raise the question of humanistic in music aesthetic education, and explore its theoretical and practical values, and put forward the original ideas after a complete literature review on the relevant theories and current research.Humanistic Interpretation in Music Aesthetic EducationThis part tries to interpret the humanistic core of music aesthetic education through analyzing the connotation and denotation of three pairs of terms that are interrelated yet independent of each other. The three pairs of terms are music and humanistic nature of music aesthetics, music education and music aesthetic education, humanistic study and the humanistic promises of music aesthetic education.This part also tries to interpret the value of music aesthetic education through reflecting on the history and change of human orientation in traditional Chinese culture, the spirit of freedom in western culture, and the humanistic value in the development of both cultures. Finally, this part interpret why human being becomes the main body of music creation and appreciation through analyzing the "semiology" in philosophy and humanism and the common structure of life form and art form.Reasons for the humanistic promises in music aesthetic educationThrough retrospection on music aesthetic education in ancient China and Greece, this part clearly states the view that the ancient Chinese and Greek cultures provide us with good foundation and reasons for the currentrecognition and practice of humanistic issues in music aesthetic education. Music aesthetic education is one of the basic human activities, and is unique to human being. The beauty of music is the self-assurance and mutual assurance of human beings. It is like a mirror that reflects the inner world and strength of human. Human beings’ self-assurance and mutual assurance is the number one reason for the existence of music aesthetic education. It is human’s highest level of experience and is the feeling of returning to nature or mixing with nature. At the same time, the activities in music aesthetic education bring to people enlightenment and inspiration. It helps people form a perfect character. As something unique to human being, the highest level of experience in music aesthetic education can show better the nature of

  • 【分类号】J60
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】3050

