

Researches on the Realization of Satellite Navigation Coordinate Reference System

【作者】 焦文海

【导师】 朱文耀; 廖新浩;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(上海天文台) , 天体测量与天体力学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 卫星导航系统以其全天候全天时提供高精度的位置、速度和时间信息.在军事和民用上显示出越来越重要的用途。“北斗一号”导航卫星系统的建立解决了我国卫星导航系统的有无问题,结束了在卫星导航方面完全依赖国外的历史,但由于其体制的缺陷,难以满足当今高动态、高精度、多用户的应用要求。我国已把建立二代卫星导航系统作为我国航天科技的近期发展目标。卫星导航系统的建立涉及顶层设计、系统建设、应用开发等诸多方面。本文重点讨论卫星导航系统坐标系的建立问题,主要工作内容归纳如下: 详细介绍了GPS、GLONASS等卫星导航系统坐标系的情况,分析了比较它们的定义、实现与维持方法,在此基础上,提出了我国第二代卫星导航系统坐标系的定义、实现与维持方案,并讨论了星历参考框架的维持方法,利用模拟监测站的实测数据,分析了点位地心坐标可能达到的精度。 利用IGEX BKG数据中心计算的1998年第291天~2003年第011天每天的PZ-90GLONASS与ITRF的转换参数结果,采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)的谱分析方法,计算分析了PZ-90 GLONASS与ITRF的转换参数及其变化特性,发现其三个旋转参数变化的主周期相同,都具有明显的293.7、685.3和1028.0天的周期变化,振幅约9.1~16.3mas。相比较而言,虽然其它四个参数也具有这样的长周期变化,但它们不是主要项。平移参数Tx、Ty和尺度参数周期特性表现不明显,平移参数Tz具有明显的线性变化和周期变化,有与Rz、Ry相同的293.7天的主周期变化。基于我们的研究,给出了一套PZ-90 GLONASS到ITRF的转换参数。 为了提高自主生存与自主管理能力,对各类星座及编队飞行的航天器提出了自主导航与定位要求。对于卫星导航定位系统,自主导航将是一个重要的发展方向,其重点是确定星座中各颗卫星的位置,包括确定卫星间的相对位置以及整个星座相对惯性空间参考系的空间定向。本文讨论了导航卫星的自主编队飞行问题,指出它的核心是卫星星座的自主定轨与自主守时,分析了导航卫星自主定轨与自主守时面临的主要问题,提出采用双向测距和星间方向观测的手段实现导航卫星高精度的自主定轨与自主守时,并进行了可行性分析。通过分析研究,就卫星自主编队飞行得出几点有益的结论。 分析了二次多项式模型在卫星钟差中长期预报中的缺陷,依据灰色系统理论,以较少的观测样本建立了预报卫星钟差的灰色预测模型,并将其与二次多项式预测模型进行比较。计算结果表明,灰色系统模型能有效地提高卫星钟差的预报精度,更适合于实际应用。

【Abstract】 The navigation satellite system, which provides high precision position, velocity and times all weather and all time, plays an important role in military and civil use. The NO.1 Beidou navigation and positioning system have been implemented in China, which declared that we have own satellite navigation system, and ended the history of depending GPS entirely in the field of satellite navigation. But due to the system imperfection, it can’t meet the application needs of high dynamic and high precision positioning. Therefore to establish a new generation navigation satellite system is development goal of our space technology in the near future. It contains the aspects of high-level definition and system development and application exploitation etc. This paper is devoted to the realization of satellite navigation coordinate reference system. The summary is as follows:In the dissertation we discuss the definition, realization and maintenance of navigation satellite reference system of GPS and GLONASS. We give the coordinate reference definition of our new generation navigation satellite system, which named BDSOO, and propose the methods of realization and maintenance of BDSOO.Using the GPS observation data of simulative monitor tracking station, we analysis the precision of stations coordinate.The investigation on determining the transformation parameters from PZ-90 to ITRF (or WGS84) is an important subject for navigation and positioning. The work of this paper is extended of the previous. On the basis of the International GLONASS Experiment (1GEX) BKG analysis center’s more than four years PZ-90 GLONASS to ITRP daily transformation parameter results, we carry out the spectrum analysis of it by using FFT. We found that the three rotation parameters all have primary periods 293.7 days, 685.3 days and 1028.0 days with the amplitude being about 9.1~16.3mas. On the other hand, the remaining parameters also have the same long period fluctuations, but they aren’t the dominant. So we conclude that the fluctuation of transformation parameters is caused by the scheme of GLONASS SCC orbit determination, and the rotations about X and Y axis have validated by reference paper [72]. The scale, translations Tx and Ty show more stable, their constant and bias terms could be neglected compared to the large mis. The fluctuation of translation Tz is similar to the rotations, and the bias term is evident, its first primary period is 293.7days, which the rotations Ry and Rz have. At the last, we recommend a set of transformation parameters based on our investigation.For enhancing the ability of survivability and auto-control, the requirement of autonomous navigation is brought forward to the formation flying spacecraft and satellite constellation. To the satellite navigation system, autonomous navigation will be an important development direction. The goal of autonomous navigation is located the absolute position of formation spacecraft in the Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed frame and get the relative vehicle positions. This paper discuss the question of navigation satellite autonomous flight, bring forward that the key of it is navigation satellite constellation auto-orbit and auto-time determination, and also advance that using the range and angle measure data can implement it. Basing our feasibility analysis result, some useful conclusion was found out.The shortcomings of quadratic polynomial model are analyzed in secular predicting satellite clock error. Based on the gray system theory, the gray predicting model is established by making use of a few observation examples. Its result is compared with quadratic polynomial. Calculating results show that the gray predicting model remarkably improves the predicting precise of satelliteclock error, and the gray predicting model is fitter to be used in predicting the satellite clock error.


