

【作者】 袁茵

【导师】 张宁生;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 阅读是读者从书面材料中获取信息,经过心理加工而表现为心智活动和行为,并多方面影响读者的过程。阅读能力是指辨认和理解书面语言,并将书面语转换为有意义的言语的能力。阅读和阅读能力研究是心理学最早关注,持续已久的热点课题之一,也是听觉障碍中小学生心理与教育研究的重要问题。 本研究对听觉障碍中小学生教育心理研究有重要的启发和应用价值。研究阅读能力和阅读规律对提高聋校各科教学质量,特别是语文教学质量有重要意义;听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力研究对实现聋校语文教学目标,提高听觉障碍儿童汉语阅读能力和生活质量有促进作用;能够为聋校教材编写、教育安置、教育诊断提供实证性依据;能够为聋校改进教学方法、开展亲职教育提供教育建议;还能够为听觉障碍者与健听者的有效沟通开辟途径。 《听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力研究》期望找到影响听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力获得和发展的相关因素,确定听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力的心理结构、寻找发展特点,探讨阅读难度不同的材料中能够切实提高听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读效果的辅助策略。 研究一 听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力相关因素研究 使用问卷法,应用自编《听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力相关因素问卷》(教师用)对303名听觉障碍中小学生的语文老师进行调查获得相关数据,主要使用SPSS10.0统计软件对数据进行探索性因素分析,得到影响听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力的相关因素。 研究二 听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力心理结构及发展特点研究 使用测验法、观察法、访谈法,应用自编《听觉障碍小学生汉语阅读能力测验》和《听觉障碍中学生汉语阅读能力测验》分别对112名听觉障碍小学生和186名听觉障碍中学生进行测验获得相关数据,主要使用数理统计中差异检验的方法,确定听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力的心理结构。 研究三 听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读辅助策略研究 使用测验法、观察法,应用自编《听觉障碍小学生汉语阅读辅助策略测验》、《听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读辅助策略测验》和《听觉障碍中学生汉语阅读辅助策略测验》分别对110名听觉障碍小学生和188名听觉障碍中学生进行测验获得相关数据,主要使用方差分析的方法,探讨在阅读材料难度不同的情况下问题辅助阅读、标记辅助阅读、提纲辅助阅读、图示辅助阅读对阅读效果的影响, 《听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力研究》得到如下结论: 1.听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力发展基本与正常儿童一致,遵循从低到高的发展规律,受到多种内外因素的影响;听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力结构由简单到复杂,有分化的倾向;听觉障碍中小学生在不同难度的汉语材料阅读中问题辅助阅读、提纲辅助阅读、标记辅助阅读、图示辅助阅读策略对阅读效果有一定的影响,但四种阅读辅助策略的影响作用不同。 2.听觉障碍中小学生汉语阅读能力相关因素主要包括:理解能力、阅读习惯、动作技能、阅读背景、阅读技能、基本知觉能力、阅读动机、沟通方式。其中理解能力、阅读技能、基本知觉能力、阅读动机是内部因素;阅读习惯、阅读背景、动作技能、沟通方式是外部因素;其中贡献率最大的是理解能力;理解能力与阅读背景、理解能力与阅读习惯、阅读习惯与基本知觉能力等因素间具有共变性。 3.听觉障碍小学才卜汉语阅读能力的心理结构包括感知能力、理解能力、保持能力、评价能力、阅读速度;听觉障碍中学生汉语阅读能力的心理结构包括感知能力、理解能力、保持能力、应用能力、评价能力、阅读速度。表现为能力水平小断提高、能力因素逐渐分化的特点。 4.听觉障碍中小学生在不同难度材料阅读中,采用问题辅助阅读、图示辅助阅读、标记辅助阅读、提纲辅助阅读对阅读效果有一定影响。即听觉障碍小学生在适宜难度材料阅读中提纲辅助阅读、标记辅助阅读、图示辅助阅读成绩较好;在较难的材料阅读中问题辅助阅读的效果较好。听觉障碍中学生在适宜难度材料阅读中问题辅助阅读、图示辅助阅读成绩较好;在较难的材料阅读中提纲辅助阅读、标记辅助阅读的效果较好。在使用不同的阅读策略时难度、年级、性别因素部分表现出主效应显著和交互作用显著。

【Abstract】 Reading was a process that obtained information from written material and affected reader from many aspects. Reading ability referred to discriminating and understanding written language, and transferring it into a meaningful language. Reading and reading ability were hot topics focused and lasted in psychology field. They were also the key points in mental and educational research of hearing impaired students.This study was of great value and enlightenment to the educational psychology of hearing impaired students. The study on reading ability and reading law could improve teaching quality of school for the deaf, especially for Chinese teaching. The study could promote the achievement of an undertaking of school for the deaf Chinese teaching’s aims, improvement in Chinese reading ability and the quality of life. It could bring out with empirical evidence for compiling textbook, educational placement and educational diagnosis, provide some educational proposals, which helped school for the deaf to improve teaching methods and to develop parental education. It also opened up a new approach to effective communication between hearing impaired individuals and the hearings.The purpose of this study was to reveal the related factors, which affected hearing impaired students to achieve and develop Chinese reading ability. It was to assure the mental structure of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired students and to probe the developmental characteristics. It was to discuss the supporting strategies that can indeed improve Chinese reading effect of hearing impaired students in reading material with different difficulty levels. In detail, the study included:The first study A study on related factors of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired studentsAdopting questionnaire method and The Questionnaire on Related Factors of Chinese Reading Ability of Hearing Impaired Students (developed by researcher) for teachers surveyed Chinese teachers of 303 hearing impaired students in schools for the deaf and gained related data. The result of study was obtained through exploratory factor analysis (SPSS 10.0).The second study A study on mental structure and developmental characteristic of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired studentsAdopting test method, observational method, interview method and the Chinese Reading Ability Test of Hearing Impaired Primary Students and the Chinese Reading Ability Test of Hearing Impaired Secondary Students (developed by researcher) respectively tested 112 hearing impaired primary students and 186 hearing impaired secondary students and obtained related data. With significance test of difference statistic method, mental structure of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired students was revealed in the study.The third study A study on supporting strategies of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired studentsAdopting test method, observational method and the Chinese Reading Supporting strategies Test of Hearing Impaired Primary Students and the Chinese Reading Supporting strategies Test of Hearing Impaired Students and the Chinese ReadingSupporting strategies Test of Hearing Impaired Secondary Students (developed by researcher) respectively tested 110 hearing impaired primary students and 188 hearing impaired secondary students and obtained related data. Though using analysis of variance statistic method, it discussed that the question supporting strategy, signal supporting strategy, outline supporting strategy and picture supporting strategy had influence on Chinese reading effect of hearing impaired students in reading material with different difficulty levels.The major findings in the above three studies were as following:1 .The development law of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired students was coincidence with the hearing students, that was from low-level to high-level.2.The related factors of Chinese reading ability of hearing impaired students included comprehension ability, reading habit, motor skill, reading background, reading skill, basic per

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1205

