

Establishment and Application of Regional Soil Information System Based on the SOTER and COMGIS

【作者】 张海涛

【导师】 周勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土壤学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 人类活动导致的土壤与土地资源变化及其对生态环境和人类生活的影响已经引起人们的广泛关注。随着计算机技术的快速发展,近年来异军突起的“3S”技术、土壤信息系统、决策支持系统和专家系统等为土壤与土地资源的管理提供了强有力的支持。本文以国际上正在快速发展的全球1:100万土壤—地形数字化数据库计划(SOTER)的理论与方法为基础,结合当前流行的COMGIS技术和现代数学模型方法,开发出集SOTER属性数据库管理、空间数据库管理和专业模型应用为一体的区域土壤信息系统(HBSOTER),并应用于湖北省的土壤资源适宜性评价。在HBSOTER的支持下,建立了样区土壤信息系统;在样区土壤信息系统的支持下,开展了土壤肥力和耕地基础地力等的综合评价。取得了一些有意义的成果,主要有: 1 SOTER数据库管理系统的设计开发 首次利用面向对象软件开发方法,经过分析、设计、编码和测试,开发完成湖北省SOTER数据库管理系统。新系统继承和扩充了原有系统的属性数据管理功能,更加强调了SOTER数据库的完整性与安全性。将属性数据管理、空间数据管理和模型库集成在一个系统中,采用Windows的图形用户界面(GUI)与用户交互,使SOTER数据库的建立与维护更加方便,同时促进了土壤信息应用的定量化、标准化、模式化和自动化。 2 湖北省SOTER数据库的建立与应用 2.1 采用地形体—地形体组分—土壤组分的区分步骤,根据主要地形、主要岩性和主要土壤类型对地形体进行辩识,划分出SOTER单元,并获取1:100万湖北省SOTER单元图,建立了HBSOTER空间数据库。 2.2 利用第二次土壤普查资料和其他研究成果,参照SOTER工作手册,对数据进行筛选和转换,获取SOTER数据库需要的属性数据。利用建立的“湖北省SOTER数据库管理系统”工具,录入相关的属性数据,建立HBSOTER属性数据库,并与HBSOTER空间数据库进行连接。 2.3 以建立的HBSOTER数据库为基础,以SOTER单元作为基本评价单元,采用物元分析模型作为基本评价模型,对湖北省的土壤资源进行了农用地与林地的适宜性评价。结果表明,SOTER能够存储三级区分的空间单元,在其属性数据库中,一个SOTER单元拥有所有区分级别的信息,同时具备指明三级区分以内和之间空间关系的能力。通过详细的典型土壤剖面信息和地形组分信息,可以满足宏观与微观分析所需的土壤与土地资源的量化参数,为不同比例尺的应用提供基础数据。采用物元分析法进行评价,无须人工干预,结果比较准确、客观。研究结果表明:属于宜农1等、宜农2等、宜农3等的面积分别为243.7万hm~2、 摘要-~~--一~~~~~口--~~----一-~~~----~一一一-~-一--一-一-~-一--一-一-~----~-~一-一一一-一一—349.5万俪2、125.7万腼2,占全省农用地总面积的33.9%、45.6%、17.5%,没有不宜农地;属于宜林1等、宜林2等、宜林3等的面积分别为570.8万hmZ、295.7万hmZ、212.4万腼2,占全省林地总面积的52.5%、27.6%、19.6%,没有不宜林地。宜农1等地主要分布在江汉平原地区:宜农2等地主要分布在江汉平原周围丘陵岗地区和鄂东南丘陵低山区;宜农3等地主要分布在鄂北岗地、鄂东北低山丘陵区,在鄂西山地区也有分布。宜林1等地主要分布在鄂西南中山高山区;宜林2等地主要分布在鄂北中山区和鄂东南低山丘陵区;宜林三等地主要分布在鄂东北低山丘陵区,鄂西南和鄂西北也有分布。评价结果与实际情况相符。3区域土壤信息系统的设计与开发3.1首次采用面向对象软件开发方法和COMGIS技术,通过需求分析、系统设计、系统实施和系统评价等GIS开发过程建立了区域土壤信息系统。系统的开发完全按照软件工程的要求进行,保证了软件质量。采用自顶而下的设计方案和面向对象的程序设计思想进行了数据库结构设计;通过数据可视化对象(地图集合)的设计,使用户能有效管理图层,并根据需要获得单值专题图、范围专题图、点密度专题图、标签专题图、统计图专题图和等级符号专题图等;通过布局对象的设计,使用户能对数据可视化对象中的专题地图进行排版和输出;通过模型库设计,使用户能提取属性数据和空间数据,并利用空间分析模型、数据标准化模型、权重计算模型、结果评价模型等进行专业应用。3.2首次将50几R数据库结构规范与COMGIS结合进行土壤信息系统建设。501卫R具有国际上统一的土壤数据库结构规范,以此为基础开发的土壤信息系统可以促进土壤信息的共享与交流,并能与其它环境资源信息系统兼容,扩大应用范围;利用COMGIS技术,简化了开发过程,并使系统具有良好的可扩展性,同时系统具有开放的模块接口,可以根据需要添加更多的功能模块,为土壤资源管理决策支持系统和专家系统开发打下良好基础。4样区土壤信息系统的建立与应用4.1按照国际50几R数据库的建库流程与规范,建立了江汉平原后湖农场流塘分场样区的大比例尺SOTER数据库,并在此基础上建立了样区土壤信息系统。样区属于平原地带,成土母质比较均一,其地形体和地形体组分个数较少。在50几R规范中,每个地形体组分包含的土壤组分有数量规定,因此土壤组

【Abstract】 The changes of soil and land resources induced by human being activity, which influence the environment quality and existence space of human being, have been put great attention. With the rapid development of computer technology, integration system of "3S" (GIS, RS, GPS), Soil Information System, Decision Support System and Expert System have been quickly rising. These techniques are the powerful tools to manage the soil and land resources. Anew and international project of 1:100M Soil and Terrain Digital Database (SOTER) have being developed rapidly. First, based on the theory and method of SOTER and combined on the prevalent ComGIS technique and the modem mathematic models, the regional soil information system (HBSOTER) is developed. The HBSOTER incorporates the SOTER attribute database management, spatial database management and professional application models. And the system is applied in suitability assessment of land resources in Hubei province. Then, based on the HBSOTER, the Soil Information System of local scale is established. Furthermore, the soil fertility and natural productivity of cultivated lands are evaluated. In this research, some significative results are obtained and shown as follows:1. Designing and Development of SOTER Database Management SystemFor the first time, a newly SOTER database management system is established based on complete-newly object-oriented software development method and rigorous development process of analyzing, designing, coding and examining. The new one has the following advantages: (1) inheriting and enlarging attribute data management function of original SOTER, and enhancing the integrality and safety of SOTER; (2) integrating the attribute database, spatial database and model storehouse into a uniform system, and using the windows graphic user interface (GUI) as interactive tools which make establishment and maintenance of SOTER database convenient; (3) promoting the digitization, model standardization and automation of soil information.2. Establishment and application of SOTER in Hubei Province (HBSOTER)2.1 After the partition steps of Terrain-Terrain Components-Soil Components, the SOTER units are obtained in terms of main terrains, stone characters and soil types. And the SOTER unit map of 1:100M scale of Hubei Province is mapped. Then the spatial database of HBSOTER is established.2.2 After the information of the national second general soil survey and other results of researches filtrated and transformed, and the SOTER handbook referenced, the necessary attributive data of SOTER is obtained. Using HBSOTER, the attribute data are input into the system, and the attribute database is established. Then it is connected with the spatial database of HBSOTER.2.3 Based on the established HBSOTER and using the SOTER units as the assessment units, the soil resource suitability of Hubei Province about the cropland and the woodland is assessed. In the process of assessment, the Material Element Analysis (MEA) model is used. The results display that the spatial units of 3 levels (terrain, terrain component, soil component) can be stored in SOTER. In the attribute database of SOTER, each SOTER unit includes all the information of different partition levels. And the spatial relations of both in the deferent partition of 3 levels and among them can be indicated. The SOTER can offer the necessary data from the detailed representative soil profile information and the terrain component information for the different level analysis of soil and land resources to apply in deferent scales. Using the MEA as the assessment model eliminates impact of the human preference, so the results are more exact and objective. The results illustrate that the suitable cropland areas in 1, 2 and 3 grades are 2.437Mhm2, 3.495Mhm2 and 1.257Mhm2 respectively. Their percent in the total cropland areas of Hubei Province is 33.9%, 48.6% and 17.5% correspondingly. There are no unsuitable croplands. The suitable woodland areas in 1, 2 and 3 grades are 5.708Mhm2, 2.987Mhm2 and 2.124Mhm2 respecti

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】400

