

Studies on Development of Agricultural Science and Technology Park in China: Theory and Practice

【作者】 张晓玲

【导师】 雷海章;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 农业科技园区演绎了科技农业时代一种全新的经济发展模式,造就了科技农业产业这一新的经济形态,并将成为21世纪农业发展的主流。农业科技园区的理论与实践是一个涉及面广且十分复杂的课题,也是一项极富开创性的研究工作。对其深入研究为有效推进我国农业现代化进程具有十分重要的实践意义。本研究共七章,力求全面系统的阐述农业科技园区的内涵、特点和类型,归纳农业科技园区的基本结构、功能和布局,提出农业科技园区建设的指导思想、基本思路、原则和标准。 论文第一章导言详细论述了农业科技园区的相关概念及其发展历程,并对国内外科技园区发展的相关理论进行综述。第二章在进行农业技术推广模式比较的基础上,从技术创新与技术推广的经济学角度对农业科技园区进行了重新诠释。在前两章理论分析的基础上,论文第三章系统研究了农业科技园区发展的基本思路与原则、产业布局与规划及其运行机制。论文第四章是对农业科技园区现实发展绩效的评价,在构筑指标体系进行系统评估的基础上,提出了农业科技园区发展的政策环境选择。第五章在进行高新农业技术产业与风险投资国际比较分析的基础上,着重阐述高新农业技术产业化、农业科技园区与风险投资的相互关系及作用机理。论文第六章是结论部分,主要研究农业科技园区的结构功能、战略定位、国际模式借鉴,最后提出了我国农业科技园区建设发展的道路选择。第七章是论文的延续,在以上理论探讨的基础上,从微观角度深入剖析武汉南湖农业高新技术产业园的管理模式与运行机制,从而为理论研究提供经验实证的支撑。 在研究过程中本论文主要在以下几个方面有所突破: 1.摒弃了按时间划分科技园区发展历程的传统作法,按照园区成长的逻辑路线对其发展历程进行了重新划分,将发展历程分为三个阶段:萌芽阶段,园区内直接引进国内外农业高新技术、先进设备,从事企业化生产,运用高新技术对优质农畜产品进行精、深加工或储藏保鲜,与当地农户基本上没有合作关系;成长阶段,园区带动当地农产生产,不再局限于园区內产业基地的生产,农产与园区之间出现了一种不规范的合作形式;成熟阶段,园区建立农业科技培训中心,对产业基地及周边农产进行专业技术培训,通过辐射扩散、等级扩散、跳跃扩散三种扩散效应,把经济动力和创新成果传导给周围地区,园区进入规范化管理阶段。 2.农业技术推广模式在不同时期有不同的变化,本论文从经济学角度对农业技术推广进行了系统分析,将目前的农业技术推广模式按他们提供农业技术服务的排它性和竞争性,分为公共物品(纯)、私人物品和混合品,并比较分析每一种模式对应的市场均衡及改进策略。在此基础上,针对目前国内外对农业科技园区的定义比较模糊,忽略了农业科技园区在农业技术推广方面发挥的巨大作用的现实,本研究详细阐明了农业科技园区提供农业技术推广服务的可行性及优越性,并采用案例分析的方法阐述农业科技园区的技术推广功能。并明确将农业科技园区界定为一种新型的技术推广模式,着重从经济学视点分析农业科技园区技术推广的作用机制,从而在农业科技园区的概念上实现了突破。 3.本研究阐述了高新农业技术产业发展与风险投资的逻辑关系,指出高新农业技术企业是农业科技园区的运营主体,农业科技园区是高新技术产业发展的重要平台。风险投资不仅能够促进高新技术企业的飞跃发展,而且还是农业科技园区发展的重要支撑。在此基础上,本论文对我国农业科技园区的功能与定位进行了系统分析,比较和借鉴了国外先进国家和地区科技园区发展的成功经验,探索了一条适合我国国情的农业科技园区发展战略与模式。

【Abstract】 The agricultural science and technology park has demonstrated a new pattern of economic development of era of science and technology agriculture, brought up a new economic form of the industry of science and technology agriculture, and become the mainstreams of development in 21 st. The theory and practice of the agricultural science and technology park is an issue that involves a wide range of knowledge and very complicated.lt is an extremely initiative research work too. It is very practical to further study this issue, in order to promote modernization process of agriculture. This study amounts to seven chapters, and strive for elaborating the connotation, character and type of the agricultural technology park completely and systematically, generalizing the fundamental frame, function and layout, then putting forward the guidelines, basic train of thought, principal and standard of construction of agricultural science and technology park.The first chapter-introduction discuss the interrelated concepts of the agricultural science and technology park and phylogeny, and summarize the developmental theories of science and technology both at home and abroad. On the basis of comparing the agricultural technology popularization mode, chapter two have annotated the agricultural science and technology park again in terms of technological innovation and economics of technology popularization. On the basis of the theories that analyzed in the first and second chapter, the chapter three study basic train of thought and principle, industrial distribution and plan as well as operating mechanism systematically. Chapter four develop appraisal of performance to agricultural science and technology park reality, propose the choice of policy environment of the agricultural science and technology park’s development on the basis of constructing the index system and carrying on systematic assessment. Chapter five explain the interrelation and function mechanism of the high-tech agricultural technology industrialization, the agricultural science and technology park and risky investment on the basis of carrying on the comparative analysis of world of the high-tech agricultural technological industry and risky investment emphatically. Chapter six is the conclusion part, it mainly study the agricultural science and technology park’s structural function, strategic orientation, learning from the international mode, put forward the road choice of the construction of agricultural science and technology park of our country finally. Chapter seven is the continuing of the thesis, on the basis of the theories that are discussed above, it analyze the WuHan Nanhu agricultural high-tech industry park’s management mode and operating mechanism, thus offer the support of the experience for theoretical study.The thesis is broken through to some extent in several following respects mainly in the course of studying:I.It abandon the traditional measure that divide the development course of the scientific and technological park according to the time, and redistrict their development courses according to the logic route that the park grew up, then divide development course into three stages: embryonic stage, it introduce domestic and international agricultural new and high technology , advanced equipment directly, engaged in running an enterprise on a commercial way, use the new and high technology to carry on precise, deep processing or storing and keeping fresh to the high-quality agricultural and animal products, do not have cooperation with local peasant basically; the stage of growing up, the park brings along local peasant’s production, does not confine to the production of the industrial base in the park again, a kind of nonstandard cooperative form has appeared between peasant and park; at ripe stage, the park sets up the training center of agricultural science and technology, carry on the professional technical training to the industrial base and peripheral peasant, spread through three kinds of diffusion effects, such as radiation, the grade

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】1842

