

【作者】 姚登权

【导师】 吴晓明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 全球化不仅是一个经济现象,更是一个文化现象,不能离开资本空谈文化全球化。这不仅是因为资本本身植根于以科技为主体的西方理性形而上学文化之中,而且它推动了西方文化的全球殖民。在资本时代,无论文化的生产消费,还是传播移植,都服从并服务于资本逻辑。可以肯定地说,全球化理论早已相当完备地包含于马克思所创立的历史唯物主义之中。实际上,马克思关于“世界历史”的理论已经指证了全球化的存在。他认为:经济全球化具有二重性:一方面它是生产社会化在全球范围内的发展过程;另一方面它是资本主义生产关系在全球的扩张过程。 尽管贸易是早期全球化的重要因素,但它的主动力仍然是战争。战争不仅建立了区域性的世界帝国,而且促进了全球文化交流。今天的世界历史,在很大程度上就是长期冲突与融合的结果。但在近代,全球化过程却是西方资本扩张的过程,资本扩张必然推动西方文化的全球化,并改变人与人之间的社会关系,推动以个人为本位的西方文化的世界殖民。这个过程,把世界联结为一个休戚与共的整体,使人类历史第一次超出了国别和区域范围,成为统一的世界历史。面对西方文化的扩张,各个民族会从自己的文化基线出发,作出不同反应,因此,我们除了历史的眼光外,还必须具有这种洲际的文化展望,才能把中国文化在现代转型中的阻滞力看清楚。 经济全球化必然包含着或者本身就是某种意义上的文化全球化。全球化时代的文化不是一种单一的、一元的文化专制,而是多元文化互动所形成的关切到人类生存和人类社会发展的共同的价值取向和价值追求。在这种文化景观中,主体不再极端个体化,而是与类发展相统一,并使民族的个体开始向真正的世界公民生成。当代全球化的一个文化后果是消费文化的兴起,它同样根源于资本规律,即资本生产过剩。当代,消费是整个社会生产、包括文化生产的重要推动力,不仅物质产品的生产受制于消费主义原则,而且文化产品的生产和传播也受制于消费法则,技术理性消解着审美原则。 在全球化过程中,我国民族文化的转型迟滞,主要根源于中国伦理类型文化具有的超稳定结构,它很难从内部产生超越自身的新文化要素,必须经过外在批判性重建的途径才可能实现转型。这种文化转型不可能拒斥西方现代文化的影响,但最终只能通过基于传统根基之上的文化转型才会解决。以多元文化为前提的同一性才是真正的同一性,真正的“普世和谐”并非指不同文明体系的完全融合或所谓的“全球整合”,而是多元文明体系遵循共同契约规则,通过内部文化认同和外部文化宽容,尽可能把文化冲突限制在最低程度。

【Abstract】 Globalization is not only a problem of economy, but also a problem of culture, furthermore, it can not be mentioned without regarding capital. The reason is not only because of capital itself rooted in the western rational metaphysical culture, the principal part of which is science and technology, but because it has promoted the global colonization of western culture. In the era of capitalization, both the production and consumption of culture and promulgation and naturalization are submitted to served for the principle of capital. Definitely, the theory of globalization is rather perfectly included in Marxism historical materialism. In fact, the theory of "World History" of Marxism has indicated the existence of globalization. According to him, economy globalization has twoness: one is the process of socialization of production over the world, the other is the expanding process of productivity relation of capitalism over the world.Although commerce is an important factor of early globalization, its initiative is still warfare, which not only establish the territorial world empire, but also accelerate global culture communication. Nowadays, our history in a great extent is the result of lasting conflicting and syncretizing. While in modern times, the process of globalization is the process of capital expanding, which inevitably impel the globalization of western culture, and influence the relationship of human beings, and boost the world colonization of western culture, which emphasizes on individualism. During this process, the world is linked into one tight combination, which makes human beings overstep the confines of nation and district, and becomes one uniform global history. In the face of expanding of western culture, each nation will give different response from it own culture baseline. Thus, despite historical foresight, only have we intercontinental culture prospect, can we discern the hindrance and retardarce of Chinese culture in the turn of modernization.In a certain sense, economy globalization itself is or means culture globalization. Culture in globalization era is not a single or unitaryculture hegemony, but muti-cultural interactive formation which concerns the common value orientation and value pursuit. In such view of culture, the subject is not extreme individuation, but start to become truly world citizen developing with the whole human species. One important cultural result of contemporary globalization is the rise of consumption culture, which is also originated from the principle capital, that is overproduction. Nowadays, consumption is one of the most important impulse of the whole social production, including cultural production. Not only the production of matter product but also cultural product and its promulgation are all enslaved to the principle of consumptionism. Technology logos clears up the principle of taste.In the process of globalization, our national culture shows slow-moving transferring, mainly because of the super-steady structure of Chinese ethics. It is difficult to produce new cultural elements from interior, unless resorting to exterior critical reconstruction can realize such transferring, which cannot resist the influence of western culture, whereas only through culture based on traditional base can be solved. Oneness only based on muti-cultural is the true oneness, and the real "universal harmony" does not refer to the completely melting of different system of civilization, but means abiding by common contracting rules, muti-civilization identify from inside and tolerate from outside, and try one’ s best to restrict the cultural conflict to the bottom line.

【关键词】 全球化全球文化民族文化
【Key words】 globalizationglobal culturenational culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】G03
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2924

