

【作者】 陈益元

【导师】 姜义华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 民国时期,醴陵国民党的政权建设面临两大难题:一是要解决长期军阀战争所带来的财政压力;二是要应付20年代兴起的中共苏维埃运动。为此,国民党企图通过两条渠道来达到国家权力的下移。在制度层面上,它构建了区的组织、乡的建制。同时,为加强对农村基层的层层控制,又建立了形式多样的防匪组织。清乡队、团防队、保安团、守望队、常备队等组织,都是想在区、乡建制基础上进一步使基层政权军事化。保甲制度的推行,更是显露出国民党强化农村社会基层控制的野心。困扰国民党的是,它无法解决保甲制与乡民自治两者之间的紧张。“寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。可是,这种政权下移的实践,却由于实际运行中基层政权人员仍由旧有乡村势力(表现为土豪、劣绅)把持而出现了杜赞奇所言的“内卷化”命运。因此,严格说来,国民党农村基层政权建设并不成功。 醴陵和平解放后,中国共产党作为一个外来的陌生者,为了对农民进行充分的社会动员,就需要进行乡村社会的动员和重建工作。开始,通过征粮支前、双减反霸、减租退押等运动,打破了旧有乡村中的传统势力,保甲制衰亡了。之后,中国共产党进行了民主建政和划乡建政。这样,处在社会最底层的贫雇农份子发动起来了,乡村社会旧有的宗族、家族社会文化网络被瓦解了,国家权力下移到了乡村。在此基础上,为彻底打破原有社会结构和社会关系,中共发动了土地改革和镇压反革命运动。运动中,中国共产党以农民协会作为联系、发动农民的组织载体。实际上,它已经成为醴陵农村中推行各项社会改革的领导机关。与此配套的是,土改工作队为加强同农民的直接联系,实行了同农民同吃、同住、同劳动的“三同”发动路径。在社会动员上,推行扎根串连、以点带面、波浪推进、重点突破、四面开花的做法。这样,农村中发生了极为深刻的变动。体现在:诉苦会、斗争会,建构了农民的阶级意识,强化了他们的权力观念。阶级的划分重建了农村社会新的权力网络和社会关系。从此,在社会地位上,阶级出身、经济地位取代了原来乡村权威基于知识、才能、财产、声望而获得认同的标准。农村中涌现了一大批出身低微、能积极响应政权号召的贫雇农积极分子和骨干。他们经过同政权系统干部的交心和土改运动的锻炼逐渐上升为农村社会中新的力量。因此,土改运动不仅经由动员农民而完成了国家权力的下移,而且在极大的程度上完成了乡村社会的重组和乡村经济的逐步恢复。 过渡时期理论提出后,农村政权建设的方向发生了转向,原来作为政权依靠和动员的农民这时变成了要改造的对象。为实现对农民的社会主义改造,根除农村中“资本主义”产生的土壤,党号召农民走“组织起来”的道路。从此,社会主义话语逐渐成为了农村中的主流和强势话语,政权建设路径选择上也由原来新民主主义社会时期强调的几个阶级联合专政,转向了要实现无产阶级专政。 “组织起来”,是要通过互助合作的方式来引导、组织农民走社会主义道路。在互助运动发展进程中,国家实际己面临着上级政策如何同基层相结合的问题。醋陵县互助运动较为清晰具体的呈现了地方基层干部和农民对国家力量下移的不同思量和操略。从它的实际发展看,国家通过党员规模的扩大、党支部的监控、基层干部工作队等渠道,逐渐在宣传的话语优势、互助组长人选的择定、互助组织的功能定位、互助运动的发展方向等方面,取得了控制权。而且,运动中基层政权在策略上又把互助作为一个考量农民是否具有社会主义积极性的指标。这样,随着互助运动的发展,它在很大的程度上演变成为了一个准行政组织。对它本身要求的互利、调剂原则反而弱化了。以这种方针和策略来实行对农民的改造,必然在实践中出现许多脱离农民实际政治状况,以及过重依靠政权力量来推动的现象。这样,互助也就演化成了“强助”并最终同合作化同流并进。 由于主观上过分强调农村中“资本主义”产生的危险,导致了政权建设上要依靠贯彻党在农村中的阶级政策;构建统购统销网络;促使初级社向高级社过渡;依托农业社管理委员会规划、引导乃至领导农业生产等方法,来最终实现对农民的社会主义改造。这种改造,一方面使得国家的权力纵向上在原有的基础上下移到了社、队、组,横向上它的影响力深入到了农业生产、流通、消费和分配诸领域。醋陵县合作化运动中干部队伍的扩大;支部组织权力的掌控;党员、积极分子、骨干任务指标的量化;购销网络的组建等做法,就是这种权力加强的鲜明图像。因此,从国家与社会的角度上说,它摆脱了晚清民国以来基层政权建设上国家权力下移失败的命运,重构了当代中国农村社会的权力结构、社会结构和社会关系。但是,这种依托政权力量对农民的改造运动,也造成了社会主义的困顿发展和基层干部、群众对社会主义话语的符号化行为取向。这种互动,在醋陵所呈现的,不是一种良哇的发展态势,而是一种表面上认同而实际上紧张的生存性策略。因此,这种以铲除“资本主义”为旗帜,以防止农民滑向资本主义道路为目的的政权建设之路,只会在形式上形

【Abstract】 The periods of the Republic of China, there were two difficult problems of power construct of Kuomintang in Liling. One was the financial press aroused by a long time war among warlords, the other was soviet movement of CCP imperil in the twenties. Therefore, KMT attempted to transfer state power through two channels. In the system level, it established the District’s and village organization. At the same time, in order to strengthen controlling strongly in the grass-roots level of country society, it established various anti-bandit organizations. The organizations, such as clearing up-country band, keeping-public order groups, keep-watching groups, standing-groups etc, were made to militarize the power of grass-roots level. KMT carried out Bao-Jia system to strengthen controlling country society at the grass-roots level. KMT was puzzled to settle tension which existed between Bao-Jia organize and peasant autonomy. The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consolidate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf. However, the practice of transferring power appeared involution as Prasenjit Duara said, whose reason was personnel at the grass-roots level still coming from the former country force. Thus, in general, the country power construction of KMT didn’t succeed.After the peaceful liberation of Li Ling County, CCP needed mobilize and rebuild in country society as a normative and stranger. At the beginning, it smashed traditional force in old country by the imposing grains levies to support the front, dual decreasing and oppose local despots, reduction of rents for land and return deposits etc, the Bao-Jia system became feeble and died. Then, CCP accomplished founding political construction by democracy and delimiting countryside. In the process, poor peasant and farm laborers, who located at the bottom of country society, were launched. Social culture network belong to the former clan and family was broken. Thus, country power transferred to countryside. On the base, to break inhere social structure and relations deeply, CCP launched the Land Reform and the Suppressing Anti-revolution Movement. In the process, CCP regarded peasant association as an organizational carrier to affiliate and launch peasants. It actually became a leading body during the country’s social innovation. At the same time, Work team of land reform practiced launching ’san-tong’ route including eat, reside, work together, to strengthen contact with peasant straightly. In the social mobilization, they adopted various methods. So, there were the most profound changes in county’s society. As follows, It was to build class-consciousness and strengthen concepts of power for peasant by public accusation meeting and meeting for pouring out grievances. Itrebuilt new power network and social relations of country society by class division. Thus, class origin and economic status took place of former standard of country’s authority which based on episteme, aptness, belongings, credit. As a result, there were a lot of active and backbone of poor peasants and farm labors who enthusiastically answered to the Party and government’s calling. They ascended new force in country’s society gradually through communion with cadre and exercise in the Land Reform movement. Therefore, Land Reform movement not only transferred country power by mobilizing peasant, but also recombined country society to a great degree and resumed country economy graduallyAfter CCP put forward interim period theory, the direction of country power construction changed. Party determined to change peasant who was depended and mobilized. In order to accomplish socialist transform for peasant and deracinate capitalist soil in country, Party called up peasant "to organize up". Hence, socialist discourse gradually became artery and strong in country, and power construction route transferred to realize dicatatorship of proletariate from emphasizing several class unite in new democracy creed."To organize up" was to induct and organize peasant to go

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1191

