

【作者】 程洁

【导师】 张骏德;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文中的新数字媒介是指在互联网之后发展起来的,建立在网络数字技术基础上的渐成体系的新兴媒介。它们的共同特点是融汇了多种传播技术,使传播可以在更多元的方式下实现。新数字媒介不仅是意义的传送者,本身也具有意义。它们的一些功能使媒介的传播与创造意义的能力逐渐合一,使新数字媒介不仅是社会文化的载体,也成为社会文化的发生对象,它们渐渐成为一种社会文化意识综合物的象征,成为一种文化形态,它们的发展促进了文化内容的增值。新数字媒介所带来巨大经济价值刺激了内容供应机构的快速发展,其运营模式也将对传统媒介产业运营模式产生影响。如何充分利用新数字媒介的正面影响,对其负面影响进行有效控制是一个重要和亟待解决的问题,相关的研究能为将来对新数字媒介传播进行控制,确定更完善的管理方案提供有价值的资料和垫定研究基础。本文共分七章。第一章首先从数据广播与短信之间的“第五媒体”之争引入,阐述了新数字媒介的特征,分析探讨了科技、市场与新数字媒介发展之间的关系,指出科技可以引导人们的需求,而市场对新数字媒介的普及和产业发展起决定性作用。第二章评述了以数字电视为代表的固定终端的发展现状。除对这些媒介和技术的相关概念、分类、标准及优势进行了阐释,还对国外数字电视的发展历程进行了梳理,并重点对美国数字电视发展缓慢的原因进行了分析。第三章评述了广电与电信的竞争、相关标准制定的滞后等对数字电视发展的影响,详细分析了数字电视的产业价值及可带动的相关产业,对其产业链的各个环节进行了分析,对它们发展过程中产生的问题、走入的误区进行了探讨。第四章梳理了以短信息为代表的移动终端的发展历程、特殊功能及传播特点,介绍了彩信和无线互联的业务特点与发展趋势。第五章评述了短信息的发展现状,对其产业价值和价值链结构进行了分析,对其市场前景进行了预测。本章着重分析了短信联盟的特殊结构,指出它虽然作为一种赢利模式是一种巨大的进步和成功,但是所带来的负面效应也不容忽视,从中引发了对相关产业价值链应如何管理的思考。第六章提出和分析了新数字媒介所带来的国家和个人信息安全问题、知识产权问题、电子病毒问题及新数字媒介的一些功能已产生和可能产生的社会危害和由此产生的道德伦理问题,提供了一些管理和解决的思路。第七章评析了新数字媒介对人们的思维方式、生活方式和交际方式的影响,及它所带来了一定范围内的超前消费现象。新数字媒介的发展促进了媒介进一步融合,强化了后喻文化现象,从而对未来的教育也产生了重要的影响。 2<WP=4>在新数字媒介的发展过程中,其双刃性几乎是不可避免的。人们在享受着科技进步带来的便捷的同时,也承担着被这些媒介物异化的风险。对此,需要辩证地加以认识。不管我们研究哪种新数字媒介对社会产生的影响,都会引导人们对一些现象进行重视或反思。对一些文化冲突的呈现和分析能够帮助人们认识由于新数字媒介的产生和发展所带来的问题,从而为调整行为和社会规范提供相应的依据。

【Abstract】 The new digital media in this dissertation refer to the new media found on the Internettechnology after the foundation of the later. The common character of these new digital media isthat all of them combine more than one technology and can make communication realized inmulti-ways. New digital media have their own meaning while behaving as the broadcaster of meanings.Some of their functions help to combine the media’s ability of communication and creatingmeaning. This makes them become not only the carrier of social culture, but also the object ofsocial development. They are becoming the symbols of social culture consciousness and the formof culture. The development of themenhances the development ofculture content. The tremendouseconomic value of them stimulates content providing organizations develop rapidly. The managingpattern of these new digital mediaalso has a certain impact on the traditional media industry. So it isimportant and urgent to get to know how to use the positive impact and avoid the negative impactof these new digital media. Study on these fields can help control these new digital mediaeffectively and provide valuable information for better management and groundwork for furtherstudy. Thedissertationisdividedinto7chapters. Chapter1isstartedbythecontentionof“the fifth medium”betweenDigitalBroadcastingandSMS (Short Message Service). The characters of the new digital media are illustrated and therelationship among technology, market and the new digital media are analyzed. By those, theauthor points out that while technology can guide people’s needs, markets play the vital role inpopularizinganddevelopingthenewdigitalmedia. In chapter 2, the current condition of immobile terminals like DTV ( Digital Television ) isintroduced. Except explaining the relevant concepts, classifications, standards and advantages, theauthor also traces the development of DTV in other countries. Among them, USAis given specialconcernforthereasonwhyDTVisdevelopingsoslowlyinthecountry. Chapter 3 explains the impact of the contention between broadcasting department andtelecom department on the development of DTV as well as the lagging establishment of therelevant standards. The author analyzes the economic value of DTV and the relevant businesses itcan bring along, the status of each sector in its industry chain and some problems happened duringitsdevelopment. Chapter 4 traces the course of the development of mobile terminals like mobilephone. Thespecial function and transmitting characters of SMS are illustrated. The author also introduced the 4<WP=6>charactersanddevelopingtrendofMMS(Multi-mediaMessageService)andwirelessInternet. Chapter 5 comments on the current development of SMS in China, giving a scientificprediction on its market prospect. The author concentrates much attention on the specialconstruction of SMS Union, pointing out that though itis successful in makingprofits, it brings a lotof negative effect that should not be ignored. In order to solve these problems, all sectors of theindustrychainshouldpayeffortsandresponsibilitiesonit. Chapter 6 brings forward and analyzes the problems which the new digital media bring alonglike the state and personal security, intelligence property, electronic virus and ethic problems whichhave happened or might happen because of some functions of the new digital media. With those,somemethodswhichmighthelptosolvetheseproblemsareputforward. Chapter 7 gives an explicit analysis on the new digital media’s impact on people’s thinkingpattern, living style, and intercommunicating ways. The new digital media make many people inChina buy these new electronic things even though they are not so affordable. The development ofthe new digital media also hastens the amalgamation of media and intensifies the post-symbolphenomenon.Byallthese,theyalsobringgreatimpactonfutu

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2525

