

【作者】 朱焱炜

【导师】 黄霖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以明清时期苏州状元文学为研究对象,抓住了苏州这一地域与状元这一群体两大特色,从苏州状元这一独特视角,探讨了科举对中国文学发展的影响,官人文学的特色,苏州地域文学和家族文化传承的特点。 明清两代苏州地区的状元们是一个独特的群体,他们一方面精通科举取士的技巧,一代又一代都往往能够在考试中显露峥嵘,可谓仕途顺达;另一方面则学有专长、史能留名,而且多有文集问世、著作流传。 本文首先在充分蒐集原始材料的基础上,对苏州状元的生平事迹进行了汇辑和考证,并列出小传;对他们的文集进行钩沉、整理和统计,并作出提要。 在此基础上,首先对苏州状元作整体性的研究,就苏州状元文学最突出的两点特性——官人文学特性与区域文学特性作深入阐发,并以家族谱系及状元们的作品作详细阐述。 在官人文学方面,八股文、策文和试帖诗,这些应试的文体,造成状元们的作品文体驳杂,文理一致,文风则趋向于典则、醇厚,一归于正。 在区域文学方面,发达的经济,安定的社会环境,丰富的藏书,以及兴盛的出版业与教育业为苏州状元的出现创造了客观的条件;而苏州的灵山秀水、文风士风则养成了他们独特的审美情趣,从而形成恬淡、典则、清丽为主的深具地域特点的文学风格;同时由于状元往往具有政坛和文坛的双重影响力,成为很多人望风影从的对象,因此他们对苏州地区士风、文风的发展方向也同样有着巨大的影响和作用。 此外,明清苏州状元,往往家学渊源深厚,其中不乏出身科甲世家。他们的文风世代传承、前映后照,既继承了前辈的传统,同时又不乏创新,在交流中深受师承和友朋的影响,通过相同或相近的文学思想、艺术风格及表现手法,彼此融为一个创作的集体,乃至于流派。 这些都决定了苏州状元们的文学作品,具备如下特色:作品体裁上,以诗文为主,词曲较少,实用性的文体数量较多;作品的内容上,诗,多咏山水田园,有很多题画和唱和之作;文,多记人论事,兼及诗文评论;作品的风格则比较典雅清丽,语气舒缓和平。 在整体研究的同时,就科举对平民与贵族两个层面上的意义,以明清苏州状元中的申时行与彭启丰为典型,作个体研究,详细论述其生平、家世、文学创作与文学理论,以期从这两个代表人物身上,窥见苏州状元的全豹。虽然,申时行出身于平民,彭启丰出身于贵族,但苏州状元文学的整体性特点在他们的文学创中文摘要作与文学理论上都有所体现。同时他们两人又各有特点:申时行圆融机变,文风闲雅淡定;彭定求谨慎峭直,文风真挚端庄。

【Abstract】 The study object of the paper is the Number One Scholar in Suzhou area during Ming and Qing dynasty. From this special angle of view, the paper discuses the imperial examinations and the main affection it gives to Chinese literature, names a kind of literature: literature for imperial examinations. The paper also analyzes the affection from the area and family to the Number One Scholar’s writing.It is said that Suzhou is the hometown of Number One Scholars. In Ming and Qing dynasty, it gave forth to so many Number One Scholars that they could be called a colony. One of the reason of this special phenomena was been given in this paper by analyzing the economy, the society, the education, the print, the public and private library etc of Suzhou. The special area gives special characteristic to the Number One Scholars’s literatures. The writings written by them looks are all elegance, peaceful, beautiful and clear.The other reason comes from the families of the Number One Scholars. Almost all of them come from a rich or noble family. Some of the families even have a system of books written by the family members. The tradition of the family affects them so much that not only in writing but also in being a man, they follow their ancestors.As a Number One Scholar, they have been trained as a government official since they were children. Most of their writings are about the country and people. No one can write just for himself. This characteristic is also the characteristic of thewhole Chinese literature. This tradition of literature been defended by imperial examinations by ordering the rule of examinations.Hereinbefore, the paper describes the colony of the Number One Scholar in Suzhou in general. At the second part, it gives two special examples: Shen shi-xing and Peng qi-feng. The paper analyzes their experiences in their lives and discusses their writings in detail. From these two persons, the characteristics of the Number One Scholars in Suzhou area are clearer to be seen.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】I209
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】862

