

A Study on the Application of Rhetoric of Modern Chinese Color Words

【作者】 金福年

【导师】 宗廷虎;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 现代汉语颜色词的运用属词语修辞的范围。词语修辞,在中国有着悠久的传统,这一传统也体现在现代汉语颜色词的运用当中。颜色词作为现代汉语词汇中一个特定聚合体,具有它自身所独有的特点、表达作用、适用范围等。本文就是对现代汉语颜色词在运用中所表现出来的各种特殊修辞现象、修辞手法及其规律所进行的研究。现代汉语颜色词的运用研究,具有几方面的理论意义和实际意义:第一,从理论上来说,现代汉语颜色词的运用研究有助于词语修辞理论的进一步深化。就是说,如能将颜色词的运用状况全面、系统地勾勒出来,不仅对颜色词研究本身,就是对整个汉语词语修辞理论系统的建立,也具有重大意义。第二,现代汉语的词汇丰富多彩,可以从不同角度区分为很多类型。颜色词运用研究的深入,可以为其他类型词语研究提供借鉴,从而推动其他类型词语运用研究的进展。第三,文学是一种语言的艺术,它以语言为工具形象化地反映客观现实以及作家的情感等。读者在文学鉴赏中首先接触的就是作品中的语言。其中颜色词进行的表达、象征、暗示等起到的作用不可忽视。只有充分了解现代汉语颜色词的意义、其运用规律和修辞手法等,才能理解文学作品中颜色词的真实意义和作家的意图。因此,我们认为这一研究,既有利于读者掌握颜色词的应用规则,提高驾驶颜色词的能力,同时也有助于读者增强文学鉴赏力。在现代汉语词汇中,颜色词无论是在数量上还是功能上都占有比较重要的地位,而且对它的研究具有如上所述的重要意义,因此现代汉语修辞学界对汉语颜色词运用的研究已基本铺开。但是,总的来看,还是比较零散而尚未形成系统,且迄今尚未出现较有分量的全面研究现代汉语颜色词运用的专著。所以,本文在研究中,注重进行多角度、多层次、多学科、全方位和系统性的考察。本文是从修辞的角度研究颜色词的,因此首先立足于修辞学理论,在此基础上与语言学、社会语言学、文学等学科理论结合起来进行交叉研究。其次,从颜色词所涉及的色彩角度考虑,这一研究又与物理学、生理学、心理学、绘画理论、美学、色彩学等相关学科关系密切,因此本文的研究一直贯穿着这些学科的理论。在研究方法上,本文采取宏观和微观相结合的视角,运用静态分析与动态分析相结合的方法及抽样统计方法,结合语言实际对现代汉语颜色词运用的方方面面进行考察,分析、注解力求详细。全文共分为五章:第一章为绪论,主要论述汉语颜色词运用研究的概况、颜色<WP=6>词的名称和定义、现代汉语颜色词的数量与作用、研究现代汉语颜色词运用的意义和方法。第二章,主要探讨现代汉语颜色词的修辞造词特点及功能;第三章阐述现代汉语颜色词“实用”与“虚用”的理论基础、类型及修辞效果,对钱钟书关于颜色词运用的“用字像用兵,虚虚实实”的理论加以充分展开;第四章选取由现代汉语颜色词构成的少数几种修辞手法,探讨了其形成机制、运用特点及效果;第五章主要讨论了内部语境,即上下文和语体,以及外部语境,即表达者的性别、个人因素及特定时代环境,对现代汉语颜色词运用的制约作用。

【Abstract】 The application of rhetoric of modern Chinese color words belongs to the concept of word rhetoric. Word rhetoric, which has a profound history in China, can be well presented in the domain of the rhetoric of modern Chinese color words. As a certain collection in the modern Chinese, color word has its own characteristics on both expression and application. This paper is the very study on the special usage, means as well as rules of the application of rhetoric of modern Chinese color words.The theoretic and practice significances of this study can be seen in several aspects presented below:First, from the theoretic point of view, the study on the application of rhetoric of modern Chinese color words can be very helpful to the further development of the theory of word rhetoric. In another word, if the application of color words can be fully explained, it will contribute a lot not only on the study of color words itself, but on the establishment of the theory of Chinese rhetoric as a whole. Second, there are tens of thousands of words in modern Chinese language. These words can be divided into different types according to different standards. The further study on the application of color words can be used as a reference when the study on some other type is going on, thus can speed up the study of applications of other types of words. Third, literature is an art of language that reflects objective realities and writers’ sentiments by using language as a tool. The first thing a reader encounters in literary appreciation is the language in the works. The roles played by words of hue in representation, symbolization and <WP=8>suggestion cannot be overlooked. It’s only through a full understanding of the meaning of words of hue in contemporary Chinese, its laws for usage and figures of speech that we can the real meaning of words of hue and the writer’ intention. As a result, we think the research will not only make it easier for readers to master the rules of usage and reinforce their capacity to better use the words of hue, but also make it easier for the reader to intensify their power for literary appreciation. Color words weigh a lot in modern Chinese words both in quantity and in function, in addition to the significances stated above, so the study in this field has been basically spread in the area of modern Chinese rhetoric. However, taking one with another, it is still on the way of developing systematically as a whole. And authentic books on this study have not come into being yet until now. Therefore, this paper pays more attention on the study from all directions and levels in full depth and systematic ways. Firstly, the study of color words in this paper begins with and is based on the theory of rhetoric. Then together with linguistics, social linguistics and literature the study is undertaken. Secondly, thinking from the color point of view as the color words concerned, this study also has intimate relationships with physics, physiology, psychology, drawing theory, aesthetics, color art, etc, so these theories are always acting as lines in this paper. In the aspects of ways of study, viewing things from both macro and micro visual angles, this study penetrates, analyzes and explains all the aspects of the applications of modern Chinese color words in the ways of static and dynamic analysis and sample statistics. There are altogether five chapters in this paper: chapter one is introduction mainly discussing the general situation of the research in the usage of Chinese words of hue, their names and definitions, the number and function of the words of hue in contemporary Chinese, the meaning and methods for the research <WP=9>of the use of the words of hue in contemporary Chinese;chapter two mainly deals with rhetoric word-composing characteristics and functions of modern Chinese color words; chapter three expatiates theoretic foundation, type and rhetoric effect on “substantial usage” and “function usage” of modern Chinese color words and elaborates the theory of “using words as commandi

【关键词】 修辞色彩颜色词语境
【Key words】 rhetoriccolor wordslanguage environment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】5085

