

【作者】 薄井由

【导师】 周振鹤;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史人文地理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要通过东亚同文书院大旅行调查报告的材料,来反映清末民初云南商业地理的某些特征。全文共分成二大部分,每部分各分为四章。 第一部分是对东亚同文书院云南路线调查报告本身所进行的探讨。试图以历次云南路线调查报告及旅行日记为中心,彻底澄清同文书院大旅行的目的、性质、地域特征,以及云南路线调查报告的结构和特点等问题。 民国初期,尤其是唐继尧政权时期云南与日本处于蜜月状态,正好在这一阶段,东亚同文书院学生,在日本领事馆、云南各当地政府、民间机关的积极帮助和支持下,从1910年至1936年,前后十四次举行云南徒步大旅行。同文书院旅行队,足迹遍布云南越南路、云南四川路、贵州北路南路、云南元江路、云南广西路、云南缅甸路等当时的云南几条主要商路,并对各地的商业、金融、交通运输等情况进行了详细的调查。 在本文的第二部分,根据同文书院学生的实地调查记录,尝试阐明自蒙自、思茅、河口、腾越、昆明等五口通商与铁路通车以后,云南各地商业贸易发展的过程,云南商业、贸易的地方差异,及其省内和邻邦交通运输中所存在的地方差别。 笔者首先根据民国初期云南各道来讨论各地的外贸及商业。根据调查报告得知,清末民初云南的商业贸易存在着明显的地方差异:蒙自道,由于是大锡的产地,在铁路通车以后,而成为云南外贸主要输出商品的重心。腾越道,因为没有特殊的出口商品,因此主要作为英国洋货及印度棉纱棉布的市场而取得相对较缓慢的商业发展。普洱道,由于交通的落后及主要产业茶叶在国际市场的败北等原因,其商业贸易与云南其他地方相比,很明显地落后。 其次,对于清末民初云南的交通运输还进行了讨论。在这一探讨中,先介绍了清末民初云南的主要商路及云南各地的运输,然后详细讨论了滇越铁路的开通给铁路沿线地区及云南全省各地的交通运输带来的影响。 再次,还对清末民国时期云南商会的创办与运作进行了研究。根据调查报告与方志等材料的对比,对云南商会的改组及其组织结构、内部构成以及经费来源、商会的地理分布特征、商会兴办的事业、商会的性质和特征等问题进行了讨论。 最后,探讨了清末民初云南境内会馆的兴衰及其地域差异。首先根据海关十年报告和历次同文书院调查报告而统计了清末民初云南主要城市会馆公所的总数,然后对滇越铁路的开通和商业城市的转移及会馆的兴衰等问题进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 My dissertation is mainly discuss some characteristics of the business geography in Yunna Province during the period between late Qing and early Republic China by using the traveling investigation reports of TOA DOBUN SHOIN (东亚同文书院). It is divided into two parts, each of which is with four chapters.The Yunnan traveling investigation reports of TOA DOBUN SHOIN are discussed in the first part. I try to clarify the aim, nature and characteristic of area of the great traveling as well as the structure and the characteristic of the traveling investigation reports.From 1910 to 1936, the fourteen times great traveling of the students at TOA DOBUN SHOIN took place in Yunnan Province under the supporting with the Japanese Consulate, local governments and some non-governmental organizations in this area. The students went to a lot of places and investigated the situations of business, finance and transportation in Yunnan Province.In the second part of my dissertation, I try to explore the process of development of business, the local differences on the business and trade in the places in Yunnan Province, as well as the differences of transportation between inside Yunnan and neighbor countries.The foreign trade and the business in different Dao (道 ) in Yunnan Province are first discussed. There are some great differences among Mengzi, Tengyue and Puer, the main Dao in Yunnan. The reasons of making the differences are explained in my dissertation.Second, the situation of transportation in Yunnan Province during the period between late Qing and early Republic China is also explored. During my research, the business roads and transportation in every place in Yunnan are introduced first. Then, the influence to the areas along the Yunnan-Vietnam railway and transportation in Yunnan Province following the railway was opened to traffic.Third, the establishment and operation of chambers of commerce in Yunan Province are being conducted research. According to the comparing between the investigation reports and local chorography, the reform, the structure of organization, the sources of activity outlay, the characteristic of geography distribution and the enterprises andnatures of the chambers of commerce are discussed.At last, the rising and declining as well as the differences of assembly halls inside Yunan Province during the period between late Qing and early Republic China. I first calculate the total number of assembly halls located main cities in this areas according to the decade report of the Customs and the investigation reports of TOA DOBUN SHOIN. Then, the questions, such as the open of the Yunnan-Vietnam railway and the changes of business cities and assembly halls, are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】F729
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1307

