

【作者】 丁欣

【导师】 谢天振;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 “文学史”作为一种新的著述体裁形成于19世纪下半期的欧洲。19世纪西方文学史主流采用的是把文学创作活动及作品的资料与其他历史因素相联系的历史主义的文学史观。中国于20世纪初随着大学设置文学史课程开始编写文学史教材。而外国文学史(西洋文学史)教材的编写从一开始就与西方思想、文学观念的传播有密不可分的关系,从一个特定的角度体现了中国人在新旧知识的冲突中对西方文化思想、教育体制和研究范式的接纳。20世纪中国的外国文学史的研究对象与知识体系的变化,与西方教育制度的引进、文学革命的提倡、国家权力对学术研究的制约与利用都有无法分割的关系,反映了中国学术传统与西方文学理论的互动。本论文考察了中国(暂限大陆)的外国文学史教材的编写史,追溯其编写体制及指导思想的形成及演变,把外国文学史作为文学批评的一种特殊著述形式,探究其中折射的我国文学界思想界对外国文学的接受;并通过对不同时期的外国文学史教材中具体作家、思潮、流派的评介的研究,探究其中反映的我国对外国文学思想的接受。 大体说来,我国的外国文学史教材编写可分为三个时期:第一阶段是1917年—1949年,我国第一本西方文学史是周作人的《欧洲文学史》,原为周作人在北京大学讲授西方文学史课程时的讲义。此阶段的外国文学史教材为数不多,普及性的外国文学史倒不少,主要的编写者有沈雁冰和郑振铎。这一时期的外国文学史编写,还不具备学术意义上的探究的努力,而是被当时具有先进思想的知识分子视为进行思想启蒙的工具。第二阶段是1949年—1976年。这一阶段的代表性成果是杨周翰等主编的《欧洲文学史》。由于国家的政治手段干涉太强,这一时期的文学史编写不可避免地带上很强的意识形态色彩。但从客观上说,作为我国建国后的第一部外国文学史,它的起点较高,代表了当时外国文学研究的最高水平。第三阶段是1977年—2000年。这一阶段以1985年为界,分为两个时期。第一个时期的文学史编写还不能摆脱建国以后形成的固定思维模式,第二个阶段开始,我国的外国文学史编写呈现多元化趋势。

【Abstract】 Literary History as a new critical genre was formed at the end of 19 century in Europe, when the sociological criticism and the historical point of view were the main currents. The first literary history textbooks were produced after the establishment of modern colleges appeared in China and were the results of modern collegia! course. Being bound to the broadcasting of western thoughts and literary concepts, the writing of the history of foreign literature textbook reflected from a special point of view the reception of the western culture, education system and academic paradigm in the conflict between the western knowledge system and Chinese former system at the beginning of 20 century in China. The studying target and system of foreign literary history have been changed with the indraught of western educational system, the Chinese literary revolution and the restraining and imposing from government. The thesis studied the history of the writing of Chinese (mainland) foreign literary history textbook and its forming and evolvement. Regarding it as a special form of literary criticism , my thesis studies thoroughly Chinese foreign literary history to find out the Chinese reception of foreign literature. Another emphasis of my thesis is to study the changing of some writers, literary works, literary trends and literary circles, questing for the reflection of Chinese reception of foreign literature.As a whole, the history of Chinese literary history of 20cenntury can be divided into 3 periods.1.1917-1949. The first foreign literary history is The literary history of Europe, which is written by Zhou Zuoren in 1917. It had been the teaching material when Zhou taught western literary history in Peking University. The literary history were popular during 1930s and 1940s in China, while there were few academic compositions in them. Other writers of foreign literary history included most of the advocators of New Literary Revolution in China, among whom we could find Shen Yanbing and Zheng Zhenduo . The foreign literary history, just as the foreign literature works translated during this period were used as a way to enlighten the popular.2.1949-1977. The magnum opus of this period is The literary history of Europe, edited by Yang Zhouhan, etc .Being imposed by governmentalideology too much, the political feature spoiled the value of the composition.3.1977-2000. this period can be divided into two parts ,with 1985 as the boundary. The writing of foreign literary history before 1985 still could not abandon the rigescent mode of thinking, while after 1985 the upsurge of foreign literary history took on a polydirectional look.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】I109
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1339

